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  1. ? Change move speeds during a 3D carve??
  2. Anyone using Form-Z for 3D terrain
  3. Extra emergency stop switch
  4. PB's New HDU
  5. Space under a 4x8 standard table?
  6. Pencil box cutting strategy?
  7. MDF colorcore
  8. Stroke sander belt
  9. Play in motor shaft
  10. Powerstick
  11. Buddy x y orientation
  12. Shopbot code questions??
  13. Looking for vector file
  14. Crispy Bot
  15. ????Where to start??
  16. Using MDF for headboard?
  17. Minimum spindle RPM?
  18. Glue for pocket letters
  19. Need A Product
  20. Need a stair stringer program
  21. Good Reading
  22. Running a probe file
  23. Er 25 nuts are nto all of the same.
  24. Adding Centurion colorcore bit
  25. New computer for PRS buddy32 standard
  26. ATTN: Joe Crumley
  27. Fookin' Probe
  28. Cutting tropical hardwoods and what I have found out.
  29. Dinosaur help
  30. Delta VFD 460V 3PH
  31. Does Partworks/Partworks3D Offer Basic CAD Drawing?
  32. Using raised panel cutter in spindle
  33. Z Zero Plate
  34. Need to Make Full size 3D Creature - HELP PLEASE
  35. Crown molding
  36. Central Home Vacuum? 246cfm 257"H2O?
  37. Alpha feedback
  38. Colonial Sign
  39. Www.cnczone.com gone?
  40. Help Cad is kicking my butt !!!
  41. Ignorance Ain't Bliss
  42. Help with Probe on Indexer
  43. Bt32/48 vacuum fixtures
  44. 230 degrees a problem?
  45. V Carve question
  46. ETemplate photo
  47. C#? Please inform me (Dana Swift)
  48. Http://www.american-carbide.com/
  49. Wood grain 3D
  50. Hammered paint finish
  51. Help with V-Carve Plaque
  52. 1/4" Spiral O bit, cheaper source??
  53. Thinking of a BT48
  54. Why can't I post my files?
  55. Serial Cable question....
  56. Another use for my alignment laser.
  57. OT: The laser engraver equivalent of a shopbot.
  58. 7 Years Without a Vacuum Table. (I'm throwing in the towel!)
  59. Noobie question
  60. ShopBot poster in the news
  61. Probe ?????
  62. CNC Adhesive Application ??
  63. Milwaukee 5625
  64. Router adapter specs?
  65. Woodgrain texture bit
  67. V- carving
  68. Laser Scanning
  69. Anyone using RouterCad?
  70. Cardholder design
  71. Looking for 3D onlay files
  72. V-carve Cedar
  73. Replacement Parts?
  74. Any recomendations for a spring loaded diamond drag?
  75. USB Communication Speed
  76. Paint room exhaust fan
  77. 3dmodel club pics
  78. Cutting cabinet parts-Help!
  79. Cutting OSB...
  80. Cutting V carved letters with conform tape attached...
  81. Photo v carve
  82. How to hold this down?
  83. New Festool toy
  84. Vacuum pump
  85. Single Cut vs. Double Cut Carbide Burrs
  86. Design Software
  87. Bot moves half distance of what screen says
  88. Doing Inlays
  89. Re: Considering a router
  90. ShopBot and Cutting Pywood
  91. Moving my shopbot?
  92. Cabinet Pro
  93. Vacuum Table
  94. Mirror images
  95. Cutting cardboard?
  96. Water Jet
  97. Stl model
  98. Shopbot deck.
  99. Million Dollar Question!
  100. Bit advice for cutting UHMW.
  101. Dust foot hose fitting.
  102. Buddy help...
  103. Add yourself to google local
  104. Extruding advice?
  105. Automatic toolchanger or custom machine
  106. Mounting control box and vfd's
  107. Would you do this?
  108. Z zero plate?
  109. Hey y'all Would THIS work? (Modified Imperial Vacuum Table Plans)
  110. Help with new pinions
  111. Bonding Aluminum sheets to plywood
  112. New Buddy: Missing star head track screw
  113. Collet adapter bushings?
  114. Spring loaded diamond drag tip in use.
  115. Looking for U.S. Army 3D emblem
  116. BT32 operational
  117. Zeroing the X, Y Axis?
  118. Small paint sprayer
  119. Error message
  120. Probe instructions
  121. Delta VFD & Columo Spindle
  122. Decision on Size and Vacuum hold down
  123. Real time display
  124. Restart file
  125. Indexer help , converting Y to B
  126. Using a HVLP spray gun
  127. Help with Partworks?
  128. Trying out V-Carve Pro "trial version"...
  129. PRS and PRT
  130. Loosing Zero
  131. Putting together an Indexer...Coupling?
  132. Router bits
  134. Shopbot of various materials
  135. Pilot Holes
  136. Accuracy Problem
  137. Mdf finishing
  138. Trebuchet or Onager
  139. Some 2008 PRS Alpha Highlights
  140. Adobe Illustrator File to PartWorks
  141. Dust Foot question
  142. SB 3.6 Beta w/Preview powered by Vectric
  143. How to Post Large Clear Photos on the Fourm
  144. Modeling software
  145. Supplier for Pre-glued Pre-stained banding
  146. 3d to 2d
  147. Art Cam Pro Post Processor
  148. New plenum concept
  149. Lubrification
  150. Question About Vacuum Valves
  151. Reset 00 in preview mode?
  152. Laser cross hair
  153. BobCAD
  154. Need Legs Cut
  155. 3D panel in Maple
  156. Were to start
  157. Anyone using a Dell Laptop?
  158. Router Deflectors
  159. Republic Rengerative pump Question
  160. System Requirements for ShopBot Control software
  161. Windows Vista???
  162. Speed and Distance Problems when Swapping B and Y axis'
  163. Router noise?
  164. Limit Switches
  165. Part Wizard v3 and vista
  166. G code question
  167. Anyone have a swing arm design for ther monitor/keyboard?
  168. V-Carve Toolpath?
  169. HEY HARRY!
  170. Software for rotary axis
  171. Re Z 'ing in small area?
  172. Com Ports
  173. Strange depth issue
  174. Impressions of my new machine.
  175. How do U change the dia. of multiple holes at 1 time?
  176. Pics of vacuum setups for the Buddy?
  177. Shop scheduling software
  178. 3D Cutting in PVC
  179. Sucess now failure.
  180. Will trade $$ for 3d rudder carving file
  181. Need Seal Sand Blasted
  182. Cross Hair Lasers.
  183. How to reduce tearout on Pine
  184. Spoil board
  185. Camp Shopbot or Jamboree
  186. Difference in Alpha and Standard machine
  187. Would Descartes own a shopbot?
  188. Source for Trupan in northern Indiana
  189. Help Need 20x20" ex-cel orange PVC 3mm
  190. Adhesive for door plaques
  191. Aproach and depart vectors
  192. VCarvePro
  193. Mat board cutting for picture frames
  194. Toolpathing/cutting problem
  195. Falling Z ?
  196. And you thought Shopbots were cool?
  197. Extira Pricing
  198. Salute to all the sign pro's
  199. Very interesting foam sculpting cnc videos
  200. My clamping method for smaller parts with lots of one off's
  201. Spindle speed control board
  202. How to take my z apart?
  203. Part Works & Windows 98
  204. Machine rental pricing?? Charging comeone else to use your machine.
  205. Shopbot 3 on an IMAC
  206. RPM and Feed rate for Aluminum
  207. Another use for your bot
  208. Bodoni 72 itc font
  209. Corbels
  210. Lube question
  211. Guide Line Snap
  212. 3 Button pendant
  213. "The Ideal Workshop"
  214. Painting Last Supper
  215. PartWorks question
  216. Table deflexion
  217. Anyone have pictures of a crated PRT Alpha (8x4)?
  218. Which Router/Spindle?
  219. FREE STL's
  220. Recognize this font?
  221. Dust Skirt for PRT Alpha System
  222. Looking for V Bit
  223. Help with font
  224. Shopbot race car
  226. 110v recepticle wall plate
  227. 3D files & SB3
  228. Having trouble communicating with with control panel.
  229. Plywood and osb upholstery frames
  230. My bot was off time for a pinion change.
  231. Don't we get anything for a referall anymore?
  232. Recognize this font?
  233. Indexer problem?
  234. Scanning with a probe
  235. Rob Bell speaks at Google
  236. Saving a Z height?
  237. First cut
  238. Dimensions on Tapered bit that comes with Starter Bit kit
  239. Can you Zzero to the top of material on indexer?
  240. Enough Power
  241. Wire and couplings
  242. Shopbot logo
  243. Air divverter for PC router What am I missing?
  244. Indexer info for Jack
  245. What the heck is going on??
  246. Chinese lattice
  247. V carve passes and stepdowns
  248. Broke my darn Onsrud 1/8 ball nose
  249. Help with drawing a cone
  250. Y shift while running finishing pass on large 3D files