- ? Change move speeds during a 3D carve??
- Anyone using Form-Z for 3D terrain
- Extra emergency stop switch
- PB's New HDU
- Space under a 4x8 standard table?
- Pencil box cutting strategy?
- MDF colorcore
- Stroke sander belt
- Play in motor shaft
- Powerstick
- Buddy x y orientation
- Shopbot code questions??
- Looking for vector file
- Crispy Bot
- ????Where to start??
- Using MDF for headboard?
- Minimum spindle RPM?
- Glue for pocket letters
- Need A Product
- Need a stair stringer program
- Good Reading
- Running a probe file
- Er 25 nuts are nto all of the same.
- Adding Centurion colorcore bit
- New computer for PRS buddy32 standard
- ATTN: Joe Crumley
- Fookin' Probe
- Cutting tropical hardwoods and what I have found out.
- Dinosaur help
- Delta VFD 460V 3PH
- Does Partworks/Partworks3D Offer Basic CAD Drawing?
- Using raised panel cutter in spindle
- Z Zero Plate
- Need to Make Full size 3D Creature - HELP PLEASE
- Crown molding
- Central Home Vacuum? 246cfm 257"H2O?
- Alpha feedback
- Colonial Sign
- Www.cnczone.com gone?
- Help Cad is kicking my butt !!!
- Ignorance Ain't Bliss
- Help with Probe on Indexer
- Bt32/48 vacuum fixtures
- 230 degrees a problem?
- V Carve question
- ETemplate photo
- C#? Please inform me (Dana Swift)
- Http://www.american-carbide.com/
- Wood grain 3D
- Hammered paint finish
- Help with V-Carve Plaque
- 1/4" Spiral O bit, cheaper source??
- Thinking of a BT48
- Why can't I post my files?
- Serial Cable question....
- Another use for my alignment laser.
- OT: The laser engraver equivalent of a shopbot.
- 7 Years Without a Vacuum Table. (I'm throwing in the towel!)
- Noobie question
- ShopBot poster in the news
- Probe ?????
- CNC Adhesive Application ??
- Milwaukee 5625
- Router adapter specs?
- Woodgrain texture bit
- V- carving
- Laser Scanning
- Anyone using RouterCad?
- Cardholder design
- Looking for 3D onlay files
- V-carve Cedar
- Replacement Parts?
- Any recomendations for a spring loaded diamond drag?
- USB Communication Speed
- Paint room exhaust fan
- 3dmodel club pics
- Cutting cabinet parts-Help!
- Cutting OSB...
- Cutting V carved letters with conform tape attached...
- Photo v carve
- How to hold this down?
- New Festool toy
- Vacuum pump
- Single Cut vs. Double Cut Carbide Burrs
- Design Software
- Bot moves half distance of what screen says
- Doing Inlays
- Re: Considering a router
- ShopBot and Cutting Pywood
- Moving my shopbot?
- Cabinet Pro
- Vacuum Table
- Mirror images
- Cutting cardboard?
- Water Jet
- Stl model
- Shopbot deck.
- Million Dollar Question!
- Bit advice for cutting UHMW.
- Dust foot hose fitting.
- Buddy help...
- Add yourself to google local
- Extruding advice?
- Automatic toolchanger or custom machine
- Mounting control box and vfd's
- Would you do this?
- Z zero plate?
- Hey y'all Would THIS work? (Modified Imperial Vacuum Table Plans)
- Help with new pinions
- Bonding Aluminum sheets to plywood
- New Buddy: Missing star head track screw
- Collet adapter bushings?
- Spring loaded diamond drag tip in use.
- Looking for U.S. Army 3D emblem
- BT32 operational
- Zeroing the X, Y Axis?
- Small paint sprayer
- Error message
- Probe instructions
- Delta VFD & Columo Spindle
- Decision on Size and Vacuum hold down
- Real time display
- Restart file
- Indexer help , converting Y to B
- Using a HVLP spray gun
- Help with Partworks?
- Trying out V-Carve Pro "trial version"...
- PRS and PRT
- Loosing Zero
- Putting together an Indexer...Coupling?
- Router bits
- Shopbot of various materials
- Pilot Holes
- Accuracy Problem
- Mdf finishing
- Trebuchet or Onager
- Some 2008 PRS Alpha Highlights
- Adobe Illustrator File to PartWorks
- Dust Foot question
- SB 3.6 Beta w/Preview powered by Vectric
- How to Post Large Clear Photos on the Fourm
- Modeling software
- Supplier for Pre-glued Pre-stained banding
- 3d to 2d
- Art Cam Pro Post Processor
- New plenum concept
- Lubrification
- Question About Vacuum Valves
- Reset 00 in preview mode?
- Laser cross hair
- BobCAD
- Need Legs Cut
- 3D panel in Maple
- Were to start
- Anyone using a Dell Laptop?
- Router Deflectors
- Republic Rengerative pump Question
- System Requirements for ShopBot Control software
- Windows Vista???
- Speed and Distance Problems when Swapping B and Y axis'
- Router noise?
- Limit Switches
- Part Wizard v3 and vista
- G code question
- Anyone have a swing arm design for ther monitor/keyboard?
- V-Carve Toolpath?
- Software for rotary axis
- Re Z 'ing in small area?
- Com Ports
- Strange depth issue
- Impressions of my new machine.
- How do U change the dia. of multiple holes at 1 time?
- Pics of vacuum setups for the Buddy?
- Shop scheduling software
- 3D Cutting in PVC
- Sucess now failure.
- Will trade $$ for 3d rudder carving file
- Need Seal Sand Blasted
- Cross Hair Lasers.
- How to reduce tearout on Pine
- Spoil board
- Camp Shopbot or Jamboree
- Difference in Alpha and Standard machine
- Would Descartes own a shopbot?
- Source for Trupan in northern Indiana
- Help Need 20x20" ex-cel orange PVC 3mm
- Adhesive for door plaques
- Aproach and depart vectors
- VCarvePro
- Mat board cutting for picture frames
- Toolpathing/cutting problem
- Falling Z ?
- And you thought Shopbots were cool?
- Extira Pricing
- Salute to all the sign pro's
- Very interesting foam sculpting cnc videos
- My clamping method for smaller parts with lots of one off's
- Spindle speed control board
- How to take my z apart?
- Part Works & Windows 98
- Machine rental pricing?? Charging comeone else to use your machine.
- Shopbot 3 on an IMAC
- RPM and Feed rate for Aluminum
- Another use for your bot
- Bodoni 72 itc font
- Corbels
- Lube question
- Guide Line Snap
- 3 Button pendant
- "The Ideal Workshop"
- Painting Last Supper
- PartWorks question
- Table deflexion
- Anyone have pictures of a crated PRT Alpha (8x4)?
- Which Router/Spindle?
- Recognize this font?
- Dust Skirt for PRT Alpha System
- Looking for V Bit
- Help with font
- Shopbot race car
- 110v recepticle wall plate
- 3D files & SB3
- Having trouble communicating with with control panel.
- Plywood and osb upholstery frames
- My bot was off time for a pinion change.
- Don't we get anything for a referall anymore?
- Recognize this font?
- Indexer problem?
- Scanning with a probe
- Rob Bell speaks at Google
- Saving a Z height?
- First cut
- Dimensions on Tapered bit that comes with Starter Bit kit
- Can you Zzero to the top of material on indexer?
- Enough Power
- Wire and couplings
- Shopbot logo
- Air divverter for PC router What am I missing?
- Indexer info for Jack
- What the heck is going on??
- Chinese lattice
- V carve passes and stepdowns
- Broke my darn Onsrud 1/8 ball nose
- Help with drawing a cone
- Y shift while running finishing pass on large 3D files