- Inlays
- Trouble with internal threads
- Problelm Engraving Romark Plastics
- Help with 3D lines
- Clamp Edge Guide
- Split X Y Raster ?
- Bits keep slipping
- fresh wood...
- V-bit for Sintra
- 2" pink foam
- Cutting ACM Board
- Dedacated Fixtures/ Vacuum hold down
- Vacuum Fixtures
- 1/8" Ply
- If not Renfoam then what?
- Cutting Parts longer than the table.
- Miter Box Clamp
- Adding a rounded edge
- Wood vs Plywood
- Tips on tooling and cutting thin plastic sheets
- Machining plywood that has pockets filled with epoxy resin?
- 50 Joints for free download
- Pause in program and prompt for C2..Possible?
- Building a Vacuum Hold Down
- Countersink
- Rookie question about accuracy, starting
- Dado Depth
- Cutting renShape
- Wood cupping
- Cutting Core Cell
- 1.675" thick douglas fir
- Compression Bits for Newbies?
- Drill and Profile cut aluminum
- Shocking Technique
- Novanite - Has anyone worked with this material?
- Cutting edge profile
- Dual Spindle 5 Axis Machining
- Is it okay to cut deeper than the flute length of the bit?
- need help cutting intricate shapes in 5/8" maple
- Can I use a Tapmatic on the Shopbot Desktop?
- Poor cut quality on solid birch wood
- Need pass depth & feed rate advise for MDF
- Estop adjustment or alternative
- 1/16" bit feeds and speeds
- Young Aspiring Noobie Shopbotter's Wood Questions
- Vacuum hold down help
- Aluminum sheet edge burr
- High Density Paper Composite
- Cutting acrylic tubes
- inlay allowance setting?
- Cutting 24 Gauge (G90) Galvanized Steel
- Need help with clean bottom pocket cuts
- Blowout on laminated ply
- Need Help
- Routing wood and brass at the same time?
- Anyone happen to have cut stone veneer?
- Needing some carving help!
- Interesting article on CNC Cut Wood Joinery
- Drag Knife Tearing up Laminated Vinyl
- A VERY expensive lesson learned!
- V-Inlay Bit and Toolpath Help Needed
- Drum sander clogging
- Ultra Board - Plastic Dust and Static
- Compression bit on 1/2 inch Birch Finish Ply
- Aluminum V-Inlay - 2 questions
- Extruder Runtime error
- I need an expert! i am struggling with finishes on HDPE and MAPLE!!settings or motor?
- Cutting Plywood
- Moving starting point
- Tool marks with round nose bit
- Need Carving Help.
- Scarf board Issues
- Getting a smooth finish on Baltic Birch Plywood [help wanted]
- Carbon Fiber
- Rubber and plastic for tabletop
- Can someone recommend a planing bit for hardwoods?
- cutting bamboo
- cheap alternates to Formica?
- Toolpathing
- Need help cutting Aluminum
- Cabriole Legs
- some odd behavior
- help with cutting hdpe plastic
- Cove crown molding
- Multi Function Slab
- 1+1 Compression VS 2+2 Compression
- Climb and Conventional cut needed. How to do it?
- Paint Tackiness / Blocking
- Machining Spalted Maple
- Cutting Mirrors
- Facing Operation Feeds/Speeds
- Cutting .472 Foamed PVC
- Sanding options
- Quad Chamfering with Amana RCK-432 Bit
- Pocket Holes came out the Wrong Size
- Dual Z
- help for chip load calculator
- back rails for stickley style chair
- Bit Slipping
- what bit for cutting aluminum sheet metal?
- Ball nose VS two-flute
- Cutting Masonite Faced Foam Board
- Milling GFRP Feed and Speed
- 3D Machining Gone Wrong - Odd Striations in Vectric3D Model carving
- hardwood plywood warpage
- Anybody try cutting with a 1/64" dia End mill or Ball end mill bit
- V-Carving chipping issues
- Move Speed - Help me understand what is going on
- Roughing and finishing programing question
- Onsrud heavy duty bit for wood
- Draft Machining in 3D
- Toolpathing Strategy
- Machining 5"material
- Bit recommendations
- Decorative Architectural Column, Pilaster, and Corner
- Help machining aluminum training knife
- 3D scanner
- Uneven surface with 3D model cutting
- feeds and speeds for foamular 250
- Hold It Down Over There!
- downforce on z
- Profile Cut Hardwood: Tips/Tricks?
- Collet Questions
- Profile cut small holes
- What would you do?
- 1" Fluted aluminum panels
- Aluminum contour strategy?
- V-bit for cast acrylic?
- Type 1 PVC
- Repeat cuts
- 3D carving foam vs foamcore
- Cabinet parts pro
- part mounting jig
- Cutting black MDF issues
- New materials...(new to me)
- Vcarve Perimeter of stl object
- Exact placement of random "Butterfly" wedges easily.
- Max dept of cut for a 120 deg V-Bit
- Trouble chamfering parts
- Edge profile bits
- help a pneumatic newbie what do I need for this jig?
- Cutting vs Tearing Plywood
- 3d Carving help
- Engraving Aluminum
- No-waste two-sided bowl machining. Warning, this post contains vacuum pod information
- 2 sided technique
- What bit would you recommend for 1 to 1 1/2 inch hardwoods for small pieces?
- 1/8" Compression Bit
- V Carve Inlay surface smoothing
- Square leg
- Router vs. spindle wind
- Cutting a donut
- Materials for machining fine detail for model making
- Vacuum Table _Works Great...
- Grinding Sound in Y-Axis and Circles/Arcs Not Cutting Perfectly Smooth
- Flip Milling Process
- Vac table cut program
- Poor Chip Clearance in Slots
- Zeroing my bit on a peice of stock
- Jerky Shopbot from Aspire Resulting in Unwanted Sanding and Potential Machine Damage
- Aluminum Clad PVC sheeting: Anyone cutting this?
- Angled Slots
- Has anyone tried Mastercam Dynamic Milling
- PVC Pipe Jig
- 1/2" Ball nose feed and speed
- Cutting strategy
- Vaccuum Jig
- Carving part numbers
- Warble At The End Of Rectangles - Ramping Issue?
- Bit selection, Feeds & Speeds for 30lb Architectural Foam
- adjust accuracy
- 1st metal tubing job
- Rapid Plunge to Start Z
- Limit Switches for Laser Machines?
- Touch off for x and y
- Random Tool Paths
- Cast Acrylic v. Extruded Acrylic
- best bit(s) and technique for pockets in hardwood?
- Drilling in end of acrylic tube
- Vcarve small objects / distorted
- New toy, could not resist
- Two-Sided Job, Bleeder and Spoil Board
- New Line in MSGBOX
- Corian
- Need suggestions on carving blue foam
- How do you cut out 3/4" stock with small diameter cutters? Or don't you :)
- Two sided machining hold down
- Miter Fold bit selection/recommendations
- hardwood profile cutout advice -- my first paying commission!
- Tool Marking
- v-inlay technique problems
- Need suggestions for pocketing aluminium
- Rubber cutting advice
- HDPE bit help 1/8 or 1/2?
- Poor Surface at LOW Chipload as well as Perhaps Deflection?
- Baltic Birch Blowout- suggestions?
- Laser Cutting
- 3D MOLD - Advice on Cutting
- Plunge Burns?
- Sea Dek
- Favorite insert spoilboard / slab surfacer?
- Cutting Micarta and G10
- V Carving Cedar Help
- moulding toolpath help
- Interesting article on cutting "gummy" metals...
- How deep with a 3/8" compression?
- Cutting 22 guage zinc?
- Hold down techniques and jigs - please share!
- Amana 2250 Tool Drawing
- Strongest Bits you want to purchase for 3D carving
- Feed, Speed and Depth Data
- Trying again... Help with Depth and Feedrates by Wood Species
- Restart cut on G-code line 13590
- CNC jointer jig
- Surfacing Resin?
- "nicks" in female inlay machining
- Aspire VS PhotoVCarve
- Bit for large 3d bowl
- Filling Aluminum
- alternative dust collection in high static environment
- Dedicated CNC joinery machine?
- Simple but recommendation?
- Am I over-complicating 2-sided machining?
- Maximum Cut Depth for Tapered upspiral Ball Bit in Birch Plywood.
- How to connect/control laser add-on
- drilling operation questions...
- Change G-code in SB Edit, and starting part files on specific lines.
- Slow pocket on small holes with ramps
- Adding a 3.5watts Laser to my Shopbot Desktop
- 2 lb EPS Foam Carving- Bits, Feeds, Speeds?
- Aluminum Feeds & Speeds
- Cutting Acrylic Mirror - preparing for paint
- 30° V-bit woes
- question on deep cutting
- Elementary School teacher needing shopbot advice
- Liquid Urethane Foam
- Precise cutting of heavy brass tube
- Using PVA as a mask
- Bit choice for a project
- Part Larger then VCarve file
- Cut Parameter Recommendations
- V-carve - ridges left after cut
- ShopBot Circles cuts out of alignment
- Shopbot pauses before drilling hole
- Longer bit suggestions.
- Speeding Up 2.5D Carving on 60 lb. Foam
- Multi-sided machining Tips
- Machining wax
- Polymer clay to make a negative
- Hold down for planing slabs