- loose sensor
- Demo in Houston area?
- Second Desktop in new home:)
- ShopBot on GFCI circuit?
- Desktop zeroing problem?
- Desktop control card not found by laptop
- Dust Shoe hits Mini Enclosure/Vibration effects on PC
- Desktop Max indexer set up
- Desktop Max question-anyone mount stock vertically in it yet?
- Setting up Desktop and VFD is showing EF on the frequency
- After 10 minutes my Y axis wont move
- Mounts for the Desktop
- Total Newbie Desktop Purchase Pending Question
- New Desktop - Spindle or Router?
- Was this your jigging set up?
- New DesktopMax, trying to set up
- Milling Vise options
- Windows XP - Anyone Using?
- Shopbot will not respond: Input 4 is on
- Drifting Skipping Axis?
- Tool Files for the ONSRUD tool bits
- Actual cutting envelope with 1/4" bit
- anyone around southern Indiana?
- Hello Everyone
- Setting speeds on new Desktop Max
- Index of ALL commands?
- Feed and speed for Onsrud 60-113 Compression Bit in Baltic Birch
- Maintenance Video?
- Universal vac hold down kit
- Machine Lost X, Y and Z settings Overnight
- Jog speed: Adjusting: How To?
- During the cutting process, NO MOUSE
- Source/s for Metric ER20 collets? I know one that does NOT fit!
- What is this Port for?
- Machine or Software Issue? Major Problem
- New SpoilBoard
- Cutting Veneer
- Shopbot moving to wrong position
- J Tech laser
- Shopbot errors
- Offset Pocketing Tool Path Direction
- Y axis misalignment
- Comm Error!!! STOPPED [Error 57]
- Feed & Speed
- Help!!
- Z Zero from Spoilboard for Profile Cut Question
- New Stupid Question
- C5 Spindle Warmup Shutting Down Early
- Weird noise with 1/2 inch straight "O" flute bit
- EF error message
- Rusty Rails on Used Desktop
- 3D Model of Desktop?
- Raised pin for jig
- Please Critique Yet Another Universal Vac Hold Down Design
- How to adjust Desktop Z axis?
- Vectric Project Zen Box
- Tiling a project vs setting up on diagonal
- Vectric Model
- cut rectangle command has a bug??
- Dimensional accuracy when cutting plywood
- Bit for 1.5” length of cut in 2x8
- Shopbot Desktop Remediation
- Dust Collector system for shopbot max
- New setup
- Yellow Input 3 AND Red Input 4?!
- Maximum Speed for Desktops?
- Any progress on Fabmo?
- cutting ribbons instead of chips
- Nesting
- Does This SOUND Right?
- Spindle speed controlled by software
- V Carve file - router not turning on, moving to wrong coords, no Z travel, errors
- Looking for Desktop accessory testers
- Aircut/Jog Home
- New Project
- How Good?
- Slipping bit
- Very Happy with Shopbot...
- Vectric Post Procesor
- New Shop Bot Desktop Max
- ShopBot Training & Staff
- Shopbot desktop and cold conditions.
- Requesting Vectric assistance
- Desktop Dimensions
- Desktops at the C.F. Martin guitar factory
- Christmas in July
- I should know better
- Vacuum Nozzle
- Z-Axis Upgrade
- Linear Rail Straightness
- Errant profile cut
- Errant cut part two
- Don’t ya just hate it when.......
- I've been using VCarve Pro for many years on a generic 24 X 24 machine I bought off
- Need help with limit switch placement
- Restart file
- Can I cut 3 1/2" stock with my DesktopMax?
- Tramming my spindle
- super deal on a desktop
- Help with error message.
- Speeds and feeds Desktop w/spindle
- Total runtime
- Help on Speeds and Feeds 1/2 Ball nose
- Which machine would be right?
- First time tiling on Desktop
- Indexer Question
- Driver Install Help Needed
- Lost negative Y movement
- Power
- Questions About Placement
- Picking up new to me 2018 Desktop MAX on Saturday
- My ShopBot Max came with a ShopBot blue vacuum. I turned it on and it spooled up
- Help
- On my Desktop, the zero plate connection was in the front left corner of the frame.
- Desktop + 1kw spindle and hardwood through cutting
- Anyone here hooked up a game controller to their desktop & willing to share info?
- How to zero a diamond drag bit
- Wall Switch Plate
- Squaring Desktop sbp File
- Squaring a 2014 desktop gantry
- Need help on desktop linear rail block lubrication
- Drivers for Windows 12 machine?
- Preview file not matching original file
- Another Dragon Lady on a Wlnut branch
- Flatten while tiling
- Desktop Wago connector
- Add a new bit
- Z settings