View Full Version : This thing REALLY sucks!

10-02-2006, 10:46 PM
I ran the pvc pipes for my vacumn table, cut my plenum, skinned my spoilboard and started the vacumn up, it didn't hold down very well, I was disappointed. I talked to my friend Ed with a bot and he suggested i take silicone caulk and coat all outside edges of the plywood and spoilboard and that at least doubled my suction, now stuff sticks to the table and REALLY SUCKS!
I have 2 feins hooked up on a 4 zone system. Heres a question I have. If i have a part to cut that will fit in one zone does it make a difference in holding power if i were to shut off those unused zones or just lay something over the unused zones to block the suction? I have some masonite 1/4" pieces that i just lay on table now.
But since these are independent zones it seems logical if i shut them down i would get more suction concentrated on the one zone?

10-03-2006, 01:14 AM
That is exactly the reason for having smaller "zones" instead of just one big table.

10-09-2006, 12:45 PM
Shut off the unused zones and still lay something over them if you want max vac.

MDF will allow your vac to move from zone to zone. There is not brick wall between them. You could seal up each zone but I think that is going overboard.

You can even use plastic trash bags to cover up the other zones.

So what all are you cutting with the thing?

10-09-2006, 01:16 PM
Cutting NOTHING yet! MY "buddy" has been too busy lately to help me! But if he doesn't get his butt over here soon, i'm going to go to his shop and grab him by the collar and drag him over here! lol