View Full Version : 2nd Z documetation
09-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Can anyone steer me to documentation on writing code for a 2nd Z. I have done it using the VA commend but ever so often the A Axis get crazy. I have bent 6 $15 drill bits in the last couple of days. Must be a better way. Techs at shopbot could not give much help. I was told to look at how parts wizard did it. It gives a C9 command but I don't have a C9 programed. Getting frustrated.
09-16-2007, 05:20 PM
Bob, what exactly are you looking for?
I have a second Z on my machine and to use it just post it properly with the part wizard 2nd head. Anything you draw can be cut using the second Z.
09-16-2007, 05:49 PM
I forgot. You need to have SB software setup for the second Z with the correct offsets.
09-16-2007, 09:52 PM
Found some old posts that give me a little better picture.
I am writing software to generate shopbot code. What I need it a set of commands to switch X and Y coordinates to the offsets for the 2nd head and back without messing up the Z and A axis. I don't need to use MZ commands I can use MA.
It's surprising to find so little documentation.
09-16-2007, 10:44 PM
Bob, does this help at all?
FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc
&Xoffset = &my_Xinhead2offset
&yoffset = &my_Yinhead2offset
This is the beginning of a file for drilling with
FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc
09-17-2007, 08:48 AM
Thanks Roger,
That's the way I have now rewritten my software. Only the offsets are done in my software not using variables.
I was under the impression there was a some way to just tell it to use A and it would know the offsets and just go. I guess its not so. I should finish rewriting this morning and test later today.
I think my bits will be safer this way!
This is what I get for writing a major software package before getting much time on the machine.
09-17-2007, 10:16 AM
There is another way to deal with the second Z. If you look in the my_variables.sbc file, there are variables provided to store the X and Y offsets for a second head. You insert your offsets here, then they will be used when you create a toolpath that you want run on the second Z axis. To do this, you select the second Z postprocessor from the list that you can access when you name and save the file (WITH PART WIZARD OR OTHER DELCAM SOFTWARE). See the figure below where the second Z POST file is chosen. (Look in the box next to the little milling machine icon at the lower right).
Try this for a really simple example first and look at the resulting .sbp file to see what's going on.
I don't use this method because I developed my own method before the second Z postprocessor became available, but you may find it useful.
I don't know when this feature was added, I don't think it was not there when I bought my second Z axis. It is surprising how many software changes ShopBot releases with no announcement or documentation.
09-17-2007, 04:49 PM
Wow Harold: It is interesting to see how other's name their toolpaths. I usually use super shorthand like:
1: shelf drill
2: Hinge drill
3. dado
4. cutout
or for 3-d:
1. rough
2. final
09-18-2007, 08:12 AM
Dave, I have a poor memory and don't enjoy walking back upstairs to my design computer to find out what bit a file needs. So I use the information shown to create the .sbp file names.
09-18-2007, 01:40 PM
Can anyone walk me through this? Let's say for example your X offset is 3" and your Y offset is 1".
FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc
&Xoffset = &my_Xinhead2offset
&yoffset = &my_Yinhead2offset
09-18-2007, 04:56 PM
Walk Through:
1. Find the file called my_variables.sbc on your computer and open it with your editor.
2. Find the following lines (near the bottom of the file):
&my_XinHead2offset = 6 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and router 2 in the X direction here.
&my_YinHead2offset = 0 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and router 2 in the Y direction here.
Note that there are also values for millimeter units, you don't have to change these lines if you are not going to use millimeters.
3. Change the numbers 6 and 0 to your desired values of 3 and 1.
4. When you create your toolpath files with Part Wizard or other Delcam Product, the procedure will be different depending on whether you want to create a part file to be run on your primary (head1) or secondary(head2) z axis. If you want to create the .sbp file for the secondary(head2) Z axis, then you need to use the postprocessor for ShopBot head2 which is what is shown in blue at the lower right in the figure I posted yesterday.
If you want to create a part file for the primary (head1) z axis, then you need to select the postprocessor in the list called Shopbot(arcs)(inch)(*.sbp)
(This is the one you probably have been using all along)
Finally as you have noted, I think that you will need to call up My_variables.sbc before you run the part file so that these offsets are defined, but that should be all you need to do.
09-18-2007, 11:41 PM
Like I said above. The following is the beginning of a file posted to "head2".
FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc
As Harold said the first line calls the file with the variable stored in it.
The line starting "J4" is as follows-
Jogs X to 2.047 - the offset of the second Z on the X axis.
Jogs Y to 1.7 - the offset of the second Z on the Y axis.
The ,, skips moving Z.
The last number (0.2362200) jogs A to that location.
Like Harold said these offset numbers are stored. You set them up in a setup screen in the SB control software. The Y can be a negative number. This is also where you tell the software that you do have an "A" axis. Think otherwise a "J4" or "M4" will give an error message.
Is this what you are looking for?
09-19-2007, 01:03 PM
Thanks Rodger!
Since I am writing software to generate my own code I needed the info provided here.
A quick rewrite and no more crazy Z stuff.
I kinda wish this was somewhere in the shopbot documentation. Don't know what I would do without this forum!
(probably be breaking more drill bits)
09-19-2007, 02:19 PM
Thanks guys. I'm pre-Partwizard, using Vector to generate SB code. I'm assuming I'd copy and paste "FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc " into my partfile for a head change. I'm also assuming I'd have to manually insert a JZ and JZ command to synchronize the head heights then insert a VI,,,,4,3 command to switch the heads before calling up the variables file.
09-19-2007, 04:09 PM
Oops, one other question comes to mind. How do you switch back in the same file?
09-19-2007, 08:41 PM
The "FP, c:\SbParts\Custom\My_variables.sbc " must be added to the file, but this only makes the variables available to use (the offsets for the second Z which the system calls "A") These are used to tell the system where x and y zero is for the "A" axis.
You don't have to "VI" just use M4 or J4. This addresses all 4 axis. If you use a blank space in the third location, Z will not move. The forth space will move the "A" axis. Of course the first space is "X" and the second space is "Y". So you don't need to switch anything back.
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