View Full Version : Wierd issues is it my computer?

11-08-2007, 06:15 PM
I have had things happen with the bot that I think are caused by my controlling computer. I have a prt alpha and software version 3.4.26
sometimes when I cut another part I find the machine did not zero accurately. this could be x or y or z. one time I got 4 sheets out and on the last one the z was up about 1/16" too high to the display showed 0.0 after cutting a file putting a piece piece down zzeroing it and cutting another I found the y was off 1" or so. I don't remember if the display showed right or not.
ran a toolpath and put a new piece in ran it again and the machine jumped 2' or so in the y and started cutting on the other side of the table. the displayed seemed to be accurate.
other strange little glitches such as that.
my computer has had a usb problem where if you used two or more usb devices random lockups could happen. I am only running the bot but I wonder if thereare some glitches going on?

11-08-2007, 06:48 PM
I would recommend to update SB3 to the latest release.

Can you duplicate the problem over again?

11-08-2007, 06:53 PM
I could not get the settings right with the newest version. had some random lockups if I remember right.
no the things happen are random and just happen once in awhile.

11-08-2007, 08:02 PM
Update to the latest SB3, I've been running it a while and it has worked correctly.

Run the performance check that comes with the controller software, it will tell you if you have a communications problem.

Eject/Remove anything from your system that can cause an interrupt while the system is cutting. I use a notebook and have a PCMCIA network card in it, I always eject it before I start cutting. If I cut above 8 ips and it polls the network HICKUP and I loose my place.

Make sure everything is grounded. Grounding problems can cause glitches.

Make sure your pinions are tight, even if they seem tight go ahead and pull the drive down and check it by trying to twist it with good plyers (careful with the teeth). I was caught on my Z axis with this issue, only when I pulled it out and applied pressure did the pinion pop free. This assumes you have not done the PRS 7.2 upgrade on your PRT Alpha, those pinions are keyed.

How long has it been since you replaced the pinions? Might be a good time.


11-08-2007, 11:46 PM
Something that causes hick-ups is when the computer does an automatic update search for software. I also noticed that if the z zero plate slides back out of the holder and touches the nut on the y carrage it makes the light light up as if you did the z zero routine, i put some rubber bumpers on the top side so it doesent viberate out and make contact with this bolt.. Hope his might help.

11-09-2007, 09:14 AM
If I remember correctly, in 4.26 (might have been 4.25) if a part is "cut" in preview mode the start of preview X, Y and Z position become 0,0,0. Could this be part of the problem?

Interesting comment about the pinions Robert. I don't remember my upgrade pinions being keyed.

11-09-2007, 12:52 PM
hmmm... my 7.2:1 upgrade had 30 tooth keyed pinions and a keyed shaft. I was sort of surprised when I saw it but it makes perfect sense to me. Your upgrade wasn't keyed?


11-10-2007, 12:53 AM
I wonder if it is the zzero plate? well thats fixable. but I don't think there is anything to hit that it can.
have not done a prieview in months. I have had the machine since may and not any real heavy use.

11-14-2007, 07:09 PM
OK I have an update. I have been cutting out these hollow boxes and once in awhile I get a depth drop. usually it is about 1/16" of an inch. but today it dropped about 1/4" then in a fatal time atleast 1/2" on all of the others the z was reading 0 when it was cutting too deep. I did not notice on the last one because the box was destroyed and the clamp was getting chewed up.
before the worst happed I thought well maybe it was the bluetooth connector I forgot I had not removed (usb) so I removed it and uninstalled the drivers for it. then I rebooted and ran the file again.
now this is a file that waits for a input (zero plate) before it will run again. so the problem is happening while the loop is running.
this seems to have been happing only with this cut. I am using a long 1/2" bit to hog the bulk of the wood.
I have used the same commands to drill holes and engrave the boxes and those files seem to not have the drop while they loop.
this last one destroyed the bit and the box it was cutting.
so my question is is it this compute with a usb issue or is it the bot or something else?

11-14-2007, 08:16 PM
ok a update on this last problem I went to change the bit and I see the bit had slipped about 1" out. I have had this happen on long bits if I don't really tighten them down. I always tighten them as much as possible. i think the collet may be worn out. I have had problems with long bits slipping (this is a 2" cl 1/2" bit)
but how do you tell a collet has worn out?

ok I put a shorter bit it ran the file and after one cut the bit had dropped and I found the nut lose. I cleaned the nut and tried again. I found the nut lose again. so I will try the other nut tomorrow. anyone have a bad nut before?

11-14-2007, 10:41 PM
Just for the hell of it, also measure your bits to be sure they are the diameter you think they are. Many bits (even from well known companies) are not what they claim to be, and that, combined with a collet issue could be a real problem..

11-14-2007, 10:45 PM
I will do that. but collets do have some room for that. I mean I have bought collets that that cover a range of sizes. these were all amana bits. two new long ones for this project and one older one I have used for awhile with no problems.
but I did try another collet and the nut still came lose. I will also check the spindle tomorrow.

11-15-2007, 05:30 AM
Hey Steve,

I can't remember if you're using a router or a spindle, but if it's a spindle make sure that you're snapping the collet into the collet nut BEFORE you use them, rather than putting the collet and bit in the spindle and then screwing the nut on.


11-15-2007, 10:50 AM
Don't know if it will help any, but I had a problem about two month ago with my machine losing the y-axis zero. It was diving me nuts. I would reset the y-axis, run the file. and everything would be great for awhile and then out of the blue it would be off by 1/2 an inch! Only after losing the y-axis completely did I figure out that the set-screw on the pinion gear had fallen out! I fixed the problem and it runs great now.

11-15-2007, 11:06 AM
it's a spindle and the collet is always snapped in. but can there be a problem with the nut? since it loosened two times after I made sure it was all clean and very tight. it loosened faster then before too. used another collet too and two different bits.
how to get to the z pinion gear to check it? but I think most of the problem has been the bit slipping.

11-15-2007, 04:17 PM
I checked thew bit shafts and they are .499 or .5 checked all my bits and a few of the onsrud were .480 and .495 so I guess thats good. I am getting a new collet today but I hate to risk another bit if that was not the issue.