View Full Version : Question about Project Wizard Files for scarf joints

05-13-2006, 12:27 AM
Folks -

I've posted this also over in the PW forum, as I wasn't sure which would be the best location, and I *really* do need an answer. If admin (or the NSA) take exception, please delete one of them... Too late, the black sedans have just pulled up out front...

Okay, I feel like a dummy again - just like when we got the 'bot all assembled and I couldn't figure out how to turn on the spindle....

I downloaded Project Wizard, and want to set up some cuts for scarf joints... I am using the program, but I can only save the files as PWF. How the heck am I supposed to get them into PW, AC or SB?

Here's your chance to shine and point out that big green button that I am somehow overlooking.


John Moorhead

05-13-2006, 03:31 AM

Set up all the parameters that you want then hit the PURCHASE button at the bottom of the screen. This will ask for your login and then it will download the file to where you specify as a .zip file. You then extract the .sbp file out of the zip file. This is a free file so you don't get charged even though it says to purchase.

I would say that the PURCHASE button is the big GREEN button that you are looking for.

Dave Rodda

05-13-2006, 07:14 AM
d -

thats the problem, there's no purchase button like on the other pages & plans!

the last thing on the bottom of the page is one of the joinery paramaters.

hmnnn.... reinstall p'ject wizard???


05-13-2006, 07:21 AM
Hey Guys.

Dave is absolutely right...the Purchase button is the one you're looking for (even though everything is free in the Project Wizard at the moment).

The Save option lets you save the program settings for the project that you're working on, so that you can open it up later on. With the relatively straightforward Projects that we've started with it's probably not all that important, but we can envision some Projects that might need to use values from another Project, or that you might need to stop working on a more complicated project and return to it later on...the Save function lets you do that.

We'll work on making the Purchase button "bigger and greener"


05-13-2006, 07:31 AM
Hey John,

I was typing as you were posting!

The purchase button for the scarfer should be at the bottom left corner, right under the settings for the scarf position.


If it's not there how about sending an email to beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com (mailto:beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com) and we'll see what we can figure out.


05-13-2006, 11:38 PM
Bill -

No purchase button... weird.... So I downloaded the program again and reinstalled it - that did it....

Ah, Windoze....
