View Full Version : Z plunge speed

06-18-2007, 08:38 AM
hi this may seem like a nubee question but here goes.
i would like to set the z plunge speed once and for all i didnt see were to set it in my manual
at this time i have to set every time i cut something by pausing and restarting cutting process it sems to me i should be able to set once and for all

06-18-2007, 09:17 AM

you can set a Z move speed with 'MS' command fill-in sheet and the latest SB3 control software will remember it.

What I think you're looking for is to pre-set plunge speed (Z move speed) of tools in your CAM package(s) tool data base. Look for tool data base in you favorite(s) CAM then configure the tool(s)s' plunge speed you used the most.

That should be it.