View Full Version : ShopBot mosaics

03-13-2008, 03:47 AM
I've been using a ShopBot at the Sawdust Shop (http://www.sawdustshop.com) for a while now. I'm building a wood airplane (http://www.lonesomebuzzards.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?m-1185574047/) and this incredible machine comes in very handy. As a little side project, I started cutting mosaics on the SB. Here are a couple cut with 1/8" straight bit.

Here are some other mosaics I made before--not SB-related: http://www.lib.aero/~ari/mosaics/





03-13-2008, 09:23 AM
We'll be looking forward to some of your Show and Tell samples at the San Mateo User group in May !

Brady Watson
03-13-2008, 09:55 AM
Fun stuff, Ari! Thanks for sharing.


03-13-2008, 01:31 PM

Nice work.

Kinda looks like dithering to me!


PS: If you are quoting Sir Fred, then the programming is half of the fun. Been there, done that, and still do. CK

03-13-2008, 11:26 PM
Thank you for your kind words guys.

Here's my latest--Flatiron building in NYC, 97"x23". Finished it today. Took 13.5 hours to cut, plus time to reposition and realign the piece half way through--the machine I use is only 48"x48".

Note how this piece uses a hexagonal grid as opposed to the more traditional rectangular. It takes a bit more work to generate in software, but allows me to pack more pixels into a given space. The gaps between pixels are smaller, which both improves the effective resolution and makes a for more pleasing view up close.

I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in San Mateo.



03-15-2008, 04:33 PM
Ari thats is some cool stuff. What software did you use to get a pixelated picture?

03-15-2008, 05:52 PM
I also have the airplane bug, Built several and two Mini-Max, KR-1, PDQ-2, Pitts, Hang Gliders, Looking for another to cut on the SB. I would like to cut a few mosaics, hoping you will share the process you used.

03-15-2008, 05:54 PM
I also have the airplane bug, Built several and two Mini-Max, KR-1, PDQ-2, Pitts, Hang Gliders, Looking for another to cut on the SB. I would like to cut a few mosaics, hoping you will share the process you used.

03-16-2008, 01:07 AM
Were the planes and the hang glider full size? I keep telling the guy working with me we can build a plane but i cant get him to test fly it. (since we neither one know squat about flying). I got a 12 hp mower motor and if i build the wings large enough i think it might fly ? Maybe? Please post pics

03-16-2008, 01:08 AM

I wrote my own software to generate ShopBot part files from images. Email me a photograph and I'll send you a preview image. If you like the preview, I'll send you the .sbp file to cut it. Specify bit diameter and desired piece size. Better yet, post your file here! Portraits generally work best in small sizes, followed by easily recognizable shapes like airplanes, cars and skylines. Logos and landscapes generally don't come out well.

My program is not very polished, and although I'd be happy to share the source code, it's probably not quite ready to be distributed to end users. If you can run Python code from the command line, drop me a note and I'll send the source to you. Otherwise, send me an image file.


03-16-2008, 01:18 AM

Now I know who to go to when the time comes to put a prop on my MiniMAX! I'm quite impressed with your operation. Seems like the business is good, which is great! Let me know if you need any help with programming :=)

I cut a lot of parts for my MiniMAX on the ShopBot and on an Epilog laser. The thought of cutting 24 almost-but-not-quite-identical nose ribs out of 1/4 aircraft-grade ply by hand sends shivers though my spine, and that's just one example. The odd thing is that no one else I know of has taken this approach, and there must be about five hundred Maxes flying. I had to design my own DXFs. I'm fairly active in the 'max community, and as impressed as some of the other builders were with my process, only a couple wanted copies of the files. Not even the kit manufacturer expressed interest. I guess some people are just /too/ traditional.


03-16-2008, 09:54 PM
The airplanes were full size but I am a model nut also or for anything that fly's. I also cut my part on the SB for my Max and you are correct about some manufactures being in the dark about making a kit/product at lower cost, less time, and better quality. How about dropping me a e-mail off the forum to talk airplane without boring others.

03-16-2008, 10:16 PM
Lonnie's props are first class. I had one on a Sonerai IIL. It was a work of art as are all of Lonnie's products. Great work Ari, I like it.


03-17-2008, 09:34 AM
Marvin, Thanks for the great comments, hope your still flying, its been quite a few years since we made that propeller then converted it in 1999 to a composite. What type of work are you doing with the Bot?

03-17-2008, 11:11 PM
I like Marvin's "work airplane" on his site!


03-18-2008, 06:59 AM

I'm still flying. Instructing in an OV-10 on a government contract. Sorry to say the Sonerai is gone. I sold it about 10 years ago and the guy wrecked it on his first take off. He was ok but the airplane was in pieces.


Yea, it's a really fun airplane to fly. I need to update my web site though. I have a new 4x4 EZ-Router now (very similar to a Shopbot). Just got it after Christmas and it is great. I'm doing some personal signs and some work for a sign company. The MDF router on my site has been disassembled and used for something else. The other one is for sale if anyone is interested.


04-04-2008, 07:54 PM

Very nice!

I am all over the command line Python stuff and would love to see your source code. My email address is jharmon00 (at) dslextreme (dot) com

I'll be looking forward to meeting you and seeing more in San Mateo as well.


04-10-2008, 03:12 AM
Email sent.


09-15-2008, 02:37 AM
I must say I{m impressed with your work my friend, I just bought a shopbot, it will be delivered next week, and I cant wait to start making some tests.
is there any commercial software that can make something like this?

I am a newbie, and I really dont understand about all the command line phyton, I hope some day I have the knowledge to make something like this.

congratulations! nice work!!!

Best regards


09-15-2008, 08:56 AM
Another way to do this is by using a v bit and using the size of the dot to get contrast. In a 1x1 square unit (base area of 1), the darkness of the dot is (pi) r^2. the darkest dot poossible would be when the dot fills the whole square (r=.5). Its a relatively simple matter to scale the grayscale to depth based on the angle of the v-bit. Someone did some of these a long time ago on the list in anodized aluminum. Very pretty.

09-15-2008, 11:17 AM

I went into excel and figured out the equation necessary to calculate vbit cut depth given:

Unitlength=size of square that the vbit will drill into the center of.

halfangle=half of the included angle of the bit.

pixvalue = 0-255 (8 bit gray) where 0=white (no depth) and 255=max depth (circle cut fills whole unit square)

the pi()/180 on the angle calculations converts from degrees to radians necessary to get the tan function to work right with degree measurements.

09-16-2008, 10:46 AM

I am interested in your python program, in particular, the one that uses a rectangular grid. I'd like to try to modify it to do dots of different sizes for improved contrast using the vbit depth method. If that's ok, can you send it to digitalcarvings@gmail.com (mailto:digitalcarvings@gmail.com)?


09-28-2008, 04:22 AM
email sent

09-29-2008, 12:09 AM
For all the mac users, there is a program that does this type of thing, "Vectoraster". http://www.lostminds.com/content/show_product.php?id=a4569403100cb61398598fa1799ae3 59&title=Vectoraster
It has many variables for shape and size, even fonts and will output an eps. I haven't machined anything with it yet, but its on my list...