View Full Version : ShopBot Control Software opening wrong file

03-13-2010, 07:42 PM
I recently had to reformat my hard drive and installed Windows 7.
That all went well but today I tried to get my ShopBot going and got some really confusing results.

I have a PRSalpha with a 4hp HSD Spindle and a Yaskawa V74X VFD.
I am using ShopBot Control Software version 3.6.14.
The test file I tried to run was created using Aspire 2.54
I also reinstalled the firmware for the Bot.

Here's what happened:
The test file was simply to make 1 hole in a board.
I created the toolpath in Aspire and saved it.
The only Post Processor that was close to my machine was :
I don't have a Toll Changer or a Speed Controller but all the other ShopBot Posts were either Air Drill or Drill Head or metric so I picked the one I mentioned above.
When I ran the toolpath it indicated that it was running the file that I asked it to but it was running a different file altogether (Paco's Surfacing Routine actually).
The 2 files are stored in completely different folders so I didn't click on the wrong file by mistake.

One thing I haven't done is installed any drivers for the Yaskawa.
If they are required they certainly haven't done anything to make that process easy. At least not for this old dog.
I put the Yaskawa disc in but for the life of me I can't figure out what, if anything, I should install.
That could be the whole problem but I really don't know how to solve it.
The decal on the front of my VFD tells me that it is Model CIMR-V7CU25P5 and the Spec is 25P54. I couldn't find anything on the disc that jumped out at me as the obvious thing to install. Some were close but nothing I found was exactly the same.

Any wisdom on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


03-13-2010, 08:29 PM
Take a GOOD LOOK AGAIN at the post processor window...


03-13-2010, 09:59 PM
I looked it over very well before I picked the one I did.
I've included a screen shot of the list.
I still can't see the one I should choose.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to point it out to me.


Gary Campbell
03-13-2010, 10:15 PM
The new versions of VCPro & Aspire (upgrades) have included some different postp's to take advantage of some new (dual safeZ) features. Look in your C:\Program Files\ Aspire\post folder and see if you can find a folder named ShopBot. The original posts may be in there. IF not you can find them on the SB website. Copy and paste them into the post folder.

03-14-2010, 04:49 AM
Thanks Gary.
It looks like that has done it.
I'll try it out in the shop tomorrow to make sure but it looked good in preview mode.

Thanks again.


03-15-2010, 02:13 AM
Gary and Gene,
Thanks for your help.
The Post Processor was indeed the problem.
I found the one I needed where you said it would be Gary.
As a result I got to spend the afternoon out in the Man Shed making sawdust!

Thanks again guys.
