View Full Version : Cutting Door parts

03-16-2010, 11:14 PM
I am planning on trying to cut door parts on my Bot using my router tables bits. As you know (or do not) the trouble with the profile of the bits is that they are not for plunge cuts. I am thinking of two methods:
1) Making the toolpath so it plunges before the material.
2) Modifing the file to allow for plunging before the material, and after the cut.
Normally I mill these pieces on my shaper . But like all good ShopBot owners, I look at my shaper, look at my Bot and go Hmmmmm, I can see a better way! I have and order for 19 Arched Doors (entry & Interior, not cabinet) and want to increase my production and quality. I cut out my parts on the Bot, so the natural progression is to do the mill work also on the Bot. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any and all comments.

03-17-2010, 10:24 AM
Just put big enough leads on the cuts and you should be fine I have done this with no problems


03-17-2010, 11:13 AM

I'm with John, set enough lead for the bit to enter without plunging and don't have any plunge amount before lead in. This should work great.

Gary Campbell
03-17-2010, 12:13 PM

I see no advantage cutting 5 pc door parts on a ShopBot. They are easier and better done on a router table than on a CNC. They are easier and better to machine on a shaper than a router table. There is absolutely no way that I would consider milling those pieces on my ShopBot, even if I didnt own 2 shapers. Holdown for hardwood parts is the worst, but not only reason. So all but 1 would go.... hmmm

I would use the bot to make the templates for the arched panels and rails and maybe even cut the arched pieces with a skin or tabs from board stock. But not edge machining

03-17-2010, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the input. I see we are divided on do or do not. I am mainly interested in milling the top rail, the arch (inside and outside arch) Top. I am mainly trying to get more productive, I cut out the arches on my bot, so it seemed that as long as it is on the table, I might as well. Thanks for the input. Anybody see any troubles or more suggestions, please post or email me. Thank You folks for your input. This Forum keeps me on my toes!

03-17-2010, 01:41 PM
I'm with Gary on this one.
The hardest part to cutting arch top doors has been the template.
The Shopbot eliminates this problem altogether.

Cut your template on the Bot and the parts on the shaper.

03-26-2010, 11:07 PM
Update to making entry door parts. I used the Bot to cut the arches, and did half the milling on the Bot and half on the shaper. All straight parts were milled on the shaper. The Bot worked great, the shaper worked great also. No quality difference. For me, no time difference. Others may be faster with a shaper, but I have only one hand. That makes it a little difficult doing the arches on my shaper. The lead in and lead out for my Bot toolpath's worked great. (I did stand and stare with hand over the E-stop, while it cut, no issues!). Bottom line, no noticable difference between Bot and shaper. Anyone without a shaper or router table might want to look into this method.

03-27-2010, 01:03 AM
how bout some pictures? I kind of think like Gary in that some things aren't necessarily done better on the bot. It would seem the toolpathing and jig making would offset any time you saved.