View Full Version : Tip for Tools Database...

05-03-2010, 02:51 PM
I have not seen this mentioned before. It works for Vista and W7. I have not checked XP.

On your design PC, when you run the new SB3 code the preview features has a tools database. You can remember to copy over the working DB each time you make changes OR... you can create a link from the SB3 tools database directory to the working tool database directory.

Vista or W7.
In your design software folder, create a copy of your ToolDatabase directory. (not the file but the whole directory) just extra insurance.
My path address is C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspire\ToolDatabase
Yours should be something similar depending on your program.
Now go to your Shopbot folder into the preview folder, mine is here...
C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Previewer
Rename or otherwise eliminate the ToolDatabase directory located there.
In the folder hold down the shift key and Right click then select "Open Command Prompt Here". Once that is done make sure you are in that folder by looking at the path or typing pwd enter.
at the prompt type...
mklink /j ToolDatabase "your working tool database path"
In my case it looks like this...
mklink /j ToolDatabase "C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspire\ToolDatabase"
When you are done type dir and you should see a new junction entry. In the GUI view you'll see the little shortcut arrow on the folder.
Now when you run your SB3 software it will use that DB to pull your tools from.

If you get this message then you need to do the following.
Go to your start button and browse to Accessories, hold down the shift key and right click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator"
Now go to the shopbot directory, in my case...
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Previewer"
Now the command should work.

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP! I have not performed and upgrade of the shopbot software while this link is in place. I would strongly suggest you backup your tooldb before doing so. I would hope the SB3 software would play nice but don't rely on that, ever, for any software.

Use at your own risk, if you have no idea what you just read you are probably better off not doing it. I make no guarantee this will not cause problems or cause your truck to break down in the rain with a flat in 6" of mud. It works for me. I DO NOT advise trying to edit the tools DB in both programs at one time... in fact I ONLY edit my tooldb in my working software and never in the SB3 software.


05-03-2010, 03:11 PM
One caveat to be aware of is that the tool databases are not always compatible between the different Vectric products.

05-03-2010, 03:57 PM
True, I use Aspire and the SB3 software doesn't appear to have a problem with it.

And worth repeating, I do not edit the tool DB in the SB3 software, only in Aspire.

When it doubt, back up.


05-03-2010, 05:16 PM
Windows XP does not have mklink. It can do the same thing with 3rd party programs. The one I found is Junction Link Magic. Its Freeware. It Can be found at.
I've tried it and it will work in Windows XP.
By the way GREAT TIP R Ball. :):):)