View Full Version : Wiring questions on PRSstandard

05-04-2010, 07:20 PM
I finally received my ShopBot and in the process of assembling it, but I have a few questions hopefully someone could answer.
1. The diagram in the manual shows the x-1 motor located on the rear side of the unit farthest away from the control box. However the x-1 motor cable is shorter than the X-2 cable which is closer to the control box. Is this correct or are the cables probably mislabeled?
2. The manual shows all the control cables going through the hole in the center of the gantry beam. But it doesn't actually say if the power cable for the router should be fed through there as well. I would think it shouldn't, so as not to create electrical interference. But if doesn't feed through there, how have people been routing the power cable after it leaves the e-chain over to the control box.
3. The e-chain I received seems to be short as I can not mount it as per distance and location as specified in the manual and still get full travel of the motor mount across the the y-axis. Anyone know what the actually length of this e-chain should be.
4. I have a package of black plastic rectangles approximately 2"x4" in size with plastic prongs on the back. I can't find any reference in the manual to what these are and what they are for.
5. There was no wiring diagram of the control box, though I thought this was usually included, or is not anymore.

05-04-2010, 07:46 PM
I can help you with the plastic pieces - they go into the ends of the x rails (extrusions) so you don't injure yourself quite so bad when you run into them.

05-04-2010, 08:21 PM
Al -

I just assembled my PRS Standard a couple of weeks ago.

The X2 motor cable is the only cable that should go thru the center of the gantry beam to the "rear" of the table. And, there are square metal pieces that mount on the rear x rail for wire tying the cable to for the full length of the table (3 loops for mine which is a 48x48). Then, the cables (wire-tied every foot or so) should be routed under the table to the control box. But, the manual says you should not route the router power cable with the motor cables to prevent interference. So, I routed the router power cable under the table at the other end to the control box.

Clear as mud???

I can take some pictures if it would help...


05-04-2010, 08:26 PM
One more thing...

The e-chain is barely long enough. I attached it an inch or so closer to the rear of the table than the instructions (table in the manual) specified. Move the router slowly back and forth the full length of the gantry to find that sweet spot where the e-chain should be attached.


05-05-2010, 11:03 AM
Thanks for the reply's.
1. For the e-chain I had to move the mounting bracket from the left side (instruction said attach to left side) to the right side of the YZ car before I could get enough travel.
2. If you have pictures of the cable routing once it leaves the e-chain and then off the gantry, I would appreciate seeing them. I'm finding the instructions on page 49 of the assembly manual just not that clear as to how the cables route back to the control box.
3. Should there also be a wiring diagram for the control box or not.

05-05-2010, 12:57 PM
When I get home tonight, I'll try to take several pictures for you. And, yes, there should be a wiring diagram in the control box but, I had to call Shopbot for that 'cuz they forgot to put the wiring diagram in the control box. Frank emailed the diagrams to me so I could hook up the electrical without any delay. So, if they aren't there, call tech. support so while they are working on getting you copies you can be happily - :-) assembling things.


05-06-2010, 02:22 AM
Al -

Here are several pictures of the wiring exiting the echain and how it is routed to the control box.

This picture shows how there is a big loop coming down from the gantry which allows the gantry to travel the full length of the table with plenty of slack in the wiring.

Shows the X2 motor cable routed thru the gantry column.

Shows the motor cables and router power cable coming out of the echain and notice that the router power cable is off to one side of the echain and the motor cables are on the other side.

Hopefully, the pictures will come thru OK. They are in my album and "awaiting moderator approval".

05-13-2010, 01:25 PM
One more thing...

The e-chain is barely long enough. I attached it an inch or so closer to the rear of the table than the instructions (table in the manual) specified. Move the router slowly back and forth the full length of the gantry to find that sweet spot where the e-chain should be attached.


Had to do the same thing with the E-Chain on my standard. Works fine when you shift it over a bit though.

05-13-2010, 09:29 PM
My machine is up and running and so far so good. There are definitely a few things in the assembly manual that need to be updated to properly correspond to the parts that are now being shipped with the units. The ShopBot support people were very helpful answering my questions when I did find things in the manual that just didn't seem right.
I've been using Mach III with my existing router and finding some things in the ShopBot controller software very different than what I've been use to, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. There is one thing in Mach III that I've found very useful and that is the "Inputs Signal Debouncing/Noise Reduction" setting, is there such a setting in the ShopBot software and if so where is it located.
The other question I have is after running the unit for awhile is there adjustments that need to be redone, or does the machine stay in sync fairly well.