View Full Version : Harford Vineyard and Winery

05-09-2010, 10:04 PM
These are a pair of signs I finished for a local Vineyard.

The First is a two sided sign that sets out at the roadway. It features gold leafed raised lettering, each setting in an inlayed pocket. I was given a jpeg of the owners tasting barn, I used Aspire to model it in 3-d and inlayed it in a pocket as well.

The second sign is to be mounted over his tasting room door. These letters are also gold leafed and inlayed. I modeled the grape cluster in Aspire using James Booths' grape leaf manipulated to size, and I created the stem and grape cluster to interact with the text and border below.

I used Acylic paints to finish both.


05-10-2010, 06:48 PM
Looks fantastic++++
I don't care for the inner shape on the cabin sign, but overall its a wonderful job. The smaller sign is perfect.

05-10-2010, 09:36 PM
Thanks John,
The design work for the Barn sign was done by others,,, it matches the owners wine bottle lables. I modeled it in 3-d with Aspire and built the sign.

I designed the one with the grape cluster,,, sorry for the poor picture. I'll post another when it is mounted on the tasting barn with lighting applied.

05-11-2010, 08:01 AM
I think the sign has a rich look. I started making signs in the late 60's and looking at the photo of your sign thinking how far we have come in our sign making abilities. I think you have used technology like a paint brush to do a very good job for your customer. I am sure he is extremely happy.
I have found looking back at all the signs i have made that i could improve them in some way if i was to make them today. so i am interested to know what you would change if anything if you had to redo these?. Those type questions always helped me get better and drive me crazy.

05-11-2010, 02:23 PM
Thank you Dick,,, and you are right. There are a ton of differant ways a sign can be designed to make its' statement. This is a young vineyard and these reflect the buget we had to work with.

The design of the "Barn sign" came about before I entered the picture. The Vineyards Web site, wine bottle labels and the entrance sign at the road were born at the same time to acheive brand identification.
The owner desired that clients recognize his brand when they viewed or passed by his entrance sign; his label is brown with his tasting barn in gold, silver or other color, depending on what type of wine is in the bottle. That is why we used brown behind the barn instead of a blue sky,,, recognizable brand.

I would like to do them both again with greater depth,,, maybe 6 or 8 inches of depth per sign. This would allow more attention to sutle aspects of his brand. I would redo the grape cluster 6 inches deep ( it is 2 inches now ) with the grapes and leaves folding and flowing right off the bottom of the sign.

05-12-2010, 08:35 AM
Excellent work.

My only suggestion is to have a large top to the signs. Both of these panes are begging for a decorative, powerful, caps. Up there you could use a logo or cluster of grapes. A monogram would be very classy. There's no end to possible shapes. I'd consider using some vines.