View Full Version : New furniture concept - Look for CNC builder+reseller.
05-10-2010, 04:37 PM
My name is Pierre GRAND, french architect and wood designer, and i am a CNC User since 2 years (maybe a i will become a Buddy shopbot user this end year !). I would like to share with you my cnc furniture construction set concept, Ekoflex (Flexibility + Recycling). Have a look !;);)
Ekoflex furniture range is under Creative commons licence : Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 France
To see the complete gallery :
Pierre GRAND,
Ps : if you are interested in being an Ekoflex furniture concept cnc builder and reseller in your US area, contact me. All rights reserved. Copyrights Pierre GRAND 2009.
05-10-2010, 04:44 PM
Have a look to Ekoflex cnc furniture range ...
05-10-2010, 04:51 PM
And these ones ...
05-10-2010, 04:58 PM
Have a look to Ekoflex cnc furniture range ...
05-10-2010, 05:37 PM
it looks cool but to me it does not look like something I would want to sit on. too many large holes in the seats and the rests are way too thin. but that's just my opinion.
05-10-2010, 05:37 PM
I'm going to write each month a newsletter with new models and new way of using Ekoflex range, if you want to receive it, send me your email.
The #1 Ekoflex newsletter will be send 15 of may:cool:To answer to Steve : New world, New tool, New solutions ... New design !.
05-10-2010, 06:12 PM
I'm not sure i understand what you are selling here. There are some companies who create 3d designs that they sell (like vectorart3d) are you selling the design files, (a 2d cutting file), of the designs you have shown here? If so what price range?
I'd worry about stuff falling through the holes in the tables. Also, those chairs do not look comfortable to sit on, especially the one with the edge of the board hitting the lumbar part of the back.
But then, that Is my opinion because all I can see are the pictures you have versus being able to actually try them out.
05-10-2010, 06:28 PM
Hello Jack,
I'm selling nothing ... just sharing innovative (french) ideas to use the Shopbot and try to help you to make you more money ;) !. I just would like to share Sketchup 3D files models and plans, easily re-usable in ShopBot PartWorks Suite or Aspire to cut Ekoflex parts.
You can make models for your own use for free.
If you sell Ekoflex range products to your customers, you will have to pay me 10% royalties on the sell amount. I think it is honest. In some cons, you will receive a newsletter every month with new 3d models files to offer your clients + design support to create new models.:)... Or you will manage your own design with the EKOFLEX concept.
Ponoko web site have found the concept interesting : “ ...This is a really interesting idea that in some ways legitimises the Ikea hacks and become an incredibly open mass customization system. The user/consumer/collaborator can configure their
own design or follow instructions for one of the design iterations pre-conceived by Pierre. ...”,
Ponoko blog, august 2009.
PS : If you are interested, you will receive the detailed pdf concept booklet + the pdf contract to understand... impossible to share it here via the download section !.
05-10-2010, 06:31 PM
Nice to see some international flavor to the forum.
Do you pronounce it Shopbot or "show-BOT" over there ?? :)
05-10-2010, 06:40 PM
I think like the US , "shopbot".
05-10-2010, 07:21 PM
Contact Shop bot re the 100k garages program or maybe Bill Youngs Project Wizard-Seems like it could be a good combo.
PS: I loved tinker toys when I was a kid!!!!
05-11-2010, 09:53 AM
Hello Shopbotters,
To see the complete gallery 2009-2010 products (to cut with your cnc !), go to :
05-11-2010, 11:02 AM
This is the way i explore solutions to solve nicely holes problem in a table ....;);) With acrylic parts for exemple.
05-11-2010, 06:22 PM
if anyone makes one of these would you tell me how long you can sit without it being uncomfortable? I'm particularly interested in how long it takes before parts of your anatomy get stuck in those holes and weather anyone breaks their fingers by accident.
05-11-2010, 06:55 PM
Good evening,
I'm not going to close this evening discussion between modern and classic ... Let those who wish to continue making adirondack chairs continue in 2010 ! ... I 'm only send to those who want to experiment new things with an innovative tool... and not use a powerful tool to make old furniture!.:rolleyes: (Too many people to do it)
I have always in mind the motto of Dale Dougherty, publisher of Make Magazine, and who was one of several observers picking up on the 100k garage challenge:
" ... We're looking specifically for technologies that can be shared and replicated around the world. We're looking for projects that make a real difference and can help us create or cope with the necessary changes. Our goal is to find some of those industrious, ingenious Makers at work in garages everywhere."
PS : The only motto i would like to share with friends Shopbotters !!: New world, New tool, New solutions ... New design !.
05-11-2010, 09:26 PM
have you built any of this furniture? chairs need mockups to make sure the angles are correct.
05-12-2010, 09:41 AM
I will send to you some news and photos from "the real world" next week with a real Ekoflex plywood chair (and maybe a bench prototype) .
Good week,
05-13-2010, 07:55 AM
Just a reflection from the comments (rather negative) that I received regarding my proposal to share my concept:
- I regret I did not see on the site ShopBot partnership with schools of architecture and design: I think that these places are a mine of wealth for shopbotters who wish to develop a business. These young students will be delighted to propose new technologies or new design to exploit the resources of your Shopbott and bring great added value to your business.
- I know it is important to create a strong community around the goal machine but that can also be a limit of being too introspective in the same time and push to became less open minded. Where is the US collective pioneer spirit i dream to have in France ???. is that the united states have become an old continent like old europe accepting no new ideas ???
- 100k garage (great idea !) should be first a new (internationnal !) student ideas laboratory able to spread them over US throught Shopbotters and not only waiting for private customers ask to make shelves from time to time. (I did not receive a warm welcome from his manager ...)
If you allow me to give you some advice (because I'm not American!), propose a partnership with young architects and designers close to your garage to develop with them new products or new forms. I am sure they will be motivated by your proposal (as i will be) !. You have your hands a fantastic tools provided to feed with fresh ideas and new ... must not refuse to try!.
Why not organize local competitions in architecture schools to develop specific product for ShopBot and partner with teachers during the academic year?. They would be delighted to offer their students to work on concrete examples ready to be marketed by you.
French architect,
Normally buddy owner in couple of month ... if i have a better shipping cost ! ...
Thank you to google translation.;) Get a glance to :, again "bizarre" cnc design ideas from old Europe !!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
PS : Do not think that I am not open to criticism but I prefer when they are constructive.
05-13-2010, 03:09 PM
They are perfect for dinner chairs...especially if you eat a lot of bean dishes.
05-13-2010, 04:53 PM
They are perfect for dinner chairs...especially if you eat a lot of bean dishes.
keeps the drum effect down. or tune the holes for a musical instrument.
05-13-2010, 05:08 PM
I hope that your discussions are of better quality at annual ShopBot Jamboree :D:D:D ... Finally, I will not regret not to participate ...
05-13-2010, 05:52 PM
Whether you personally like Pierre's design or not, in my opinion his type of project and business model is exactly what's needed for CNC shops. It's certainly fine to do the same sort of work as the rest of the shops around you, counting on your ShopBot to be more efficient and cut your costs in more traditional products and projects. Products that are designed with CNC cutting in mind from the beginning, though, greatly limit the number of shops you compete with...the guy down the street just can't do what you can do any more.
And his business model makes it easy to try can cut some for your own use and if you sell something you give him a royalty. It's hard to imagine anything more fair and with less risk.
Seems to me like we need more things like this to make...what's the point in having a tool that can do all kinds of new things in new ways if you don't take advantage of it?
p.s. Pierre...I'm sorry our reply to you from 100kGarages didn't come across as enthusiastically as we meant it to...if you send another email we'll try to do better next time.
05-13-2010, 07:07 PM
Thank you Bill for your help :o:o. Keep in touch. New more interesting things to show you soon.
05-13-2010, 07:21 PM
Your basic design block and tBill's linkerlogs share a couple of traits in common and a cross design between the two could be tres magnafique.
05-14-2010, 05:20 PM
For people who sent to me positive private message thank you !!
I Will reply to you in few days ... On holidays with wife and children at the moment ... Bye, Pierre.
05-23-2010, 01:08 PM
Hello everyone,
Just one word to submit you a new element "round corner" part which allows to broaden the possibilities of the system(you will find it in Tree bench model and in Desk model). I began also to work on more complex models. Know that they are not perfect and that you should make some changes depending on your machine and your materials in stock.
1) To download, use and modify the templates yourself, go to the Google Warehouse (, then tape word "ekoflex". I started to introduce 3d models in the library that will allow you to start inventing new models by yourself.
2) To view models images only, visit the gallery( I try to update the images at the same time as the 3D models.
Finally, I will not make the Newsletter as it takes time and I prefer to concentrate for the moment on the development of the new range with very different possibilities for the coming days.
PS : You have to download the free software "Google Sketchup" to see and use Ekoflex 3d models parts from Google Warehouse. It is very simple ... it is like LEGO game.;);) :
05-23-2010, 02:39 PM
If you want to show us Ekoflex models you have created in Sketchup or real models you have cut, go to and upload your model pictures. It is very easy.
From Sketchup :
1) Make your 3d model using existing model i have posted in Google Warehouse : move, duplicate, delete parts ...
2) Sketchup File menu, Export 2D file, options : 5 inches. 200 pixels/cm, antialiasing+transparent background filled.
I will be pleased to help you to find solutions on your models or giving my design opinion !!. Everything is possible !.;);) and not only furniture !.
05-25-2010, 04:32 AM
For 10$, you have a very interesting plug in for sketchup who automatically draw 2d path on "Sketchup floor plan " from 3d parts. But you have to rotate the 3d part face (you want to project) horizontaly, correctly, with sketchup first with the 2d view (or 3d view but less easy). If not, the path will not be correct. After you have done it, export path in dxf or other format in Aspire or Part Wizard.
Page :
Bye .... Pierre.
05-30-2010, 06:59 PM
A new model in the gallery and Google warehouse : DOGHOUSE 1.0.
A trial to start the shelter Ekoflex range. ;);)
In shelter range, the big interest/idea :) is to fil the gap between the 2 boards with an insulated material (straw, wool, recycle paper ....). Finally, we are closed to SIP board concept ... but in a more mechanical way in our case ...
Of course you have to make the roof waterproof with shingle tiles ...or other way.
06-03-2010, 04:49 AM
I have posted kit plans (scale 1:5) on Ponoko web site to make small scale model kit (on 2,5mm corrugated cardboard ) so users can explore (as LEGO) the solution that best suits small scale prior to committing to full scale cost of materials, cutting time and transport. All elements are reusable/recyclable for other furniture. Ex: with 4 chair kit you can create a table, etc. The system construction is designed without the need for adhesives and therefore designed for disassembly, one screw only need at the center to hold all the parts.
Once you have the design you like worked out, you can use your Shopbot !.
Next week on Ponoko :, search "ekoflex" or "the french factory".
To see a small scale chair construction video (it was an old trial last year ...not 1:5 scale !) :
PS : Should work end of next week.
I will post images when i will receive the cardboard parts.
06-05-2010, 10:10 AM
I propose today to use wing nuts to multiply the possibilities of including Ekoflex sytem can vary the angle between the parts of an object. To illustrate my point, I suggest you download in the google warehouse Lounge Chair 1.0 : From this example, you can start your own achievements ... Warning, you must change the position of rectangular holes in the panels to fit the joint. To help block the articulation with wing nuts should be added a non-slip material washer (???) or for easier use blocking clamp lever (?).
PS: Beware, I just realize that on some models the rectangular holes are 30mm wide and 25mm other. This depends on the strength that you need ...
Be careful before cutting. Check parts.
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