View Full Version : 12" Indexer
07-14-2010, 08:21 PM
Boy do I think I am in trouble!!! Today I took delivery of my 12" indexer that I had to wait a month to receive. They apprentely didn't have the necessary gears so they had to have them made. No problem. I must admit that it really is quite a piece of equipment. My problem is I can't for the life of me figure out how I get any diameter of any size out of it! I already have the 12' Z axis so I didn't think there was a problem. Wrong!!! From the bottom of the aluminum plate to the center of the chuck is a total of 11.5 inches. From my naked 12" axis bed to the spindle chuck is a total of 16 inches. This measurement does not include any bits installed in the spindle. Subtracting the 11.5 inch heigth from the maximum heigth of the spindle which is 16 inches gives me a total of 4.5 inches. Now deducting let's say a conservative 2 inches for a router bit,remember you have to double the bit length because you are making a cylinder, gives me a radius of 2.5 inches or a possibility of 5 inches maximum turning diameter!!!! What am I missing? I realize I must be wrong but can't seem to understand where. I have a 5 foot wide bed and if I mount this on the Y end then deducting the total length of the head and tailstock, 26 inches, I can only make a maximum length of turning of 40 inches! Is the 12" axis only to be installed on the Y axis of my machine? I bought the 10 foot bed so I could use the indexer on the X axis and the 12" Z axis so I could use the 12" indexer. I will call tomorrow but I also never received any instructions on asembly which I thought was strange. Am I supposed to receive two crates, possibily including necessary mounting brackets? The only thing I can think of is mounting the indexer sideways at 90 degrees to the table to give me any sizable diameter. If that is necessary wouldn't I expect the necessary hardware to be included? Let's face it this indexer wasn't cheap! :confused:
07-15-2010, 01:49 AM
do you have a prt or a prs? I have a prt and a normal height Z for the table but have this trough for the indexer. I have done one 12" 8' long column (if memory serves me).
I went out and measured my table and from the bottom of the carriage crossmember to the center of the tailstock is 11" and the bay is 17" wide.
07-15-2010, 02:02 AM
Jack, I have the Prs. I still don't know how to get any heigth out of it. My only opinion is the hang it off the side. Certainly not what I want to do buy I certainly will call tomorrow.
07-15-2010, 02:33 AM
From the bottom of the aluminum plate to the center of the chuck is a total of 11.5 inches.
Maybe i misunderstand, but you need to measure from the TOP surface of the aluminum plate to the center to get a idea of your max diameter you can turn.
Keep in mind that you need only HALF the diameter in height from top of aluminum plate to center of chuck to turn.
So if you want to turn a 12" diameter then you need 6" from TOP of plate to center and 6" between the bottom of carriage to center of chuck.
It won't be exactly 6" depending on how high your Z will go but i don't see why you can't get at least a 8"-9" turning diameter as it is set up.
Maybe post a couple of pics of your setup so we could get a better idea of what you have.
I have a couple tricks to increase your turnable diameter but i think you are just in the wrong frame of thinking here.
07-15-2010, 02:27 PM
If you can't think of any other way round this problem how about mounting the indexer on its side so that it's centreline is approx 8" above the machine table?
07-16-2010, 01:36 AM
John, that is exactely what I am going to do. I contacted Shopbot and they understood my delema. We both talked about it and we concluded that a side mount was the best I could do. It will give me approximately 14 inches in turning diameter. :D
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