View Full Version : Thanks to Tim Merrill

Gary Campbell
07-19-2010, 06:01 PM
This is a Garden Bench we made some months back from 8/4 Sapele. It was placed near a centuries old Oriental garden gate that the "cloud" and "clover" elements were copied from.

I took a few pics of the gate and sent them to Tim. He performed his wizardry and provided us with basically ready to cut files for the 2 back boards using Aspire. We did the glueups and cut the balance of the components with VCPro.

I recently visited the Owner and took a few pics. Now that they have "aged" they are starting to look like they belong next to the gate. A big thanks to Tim from my Son and I, along with the proud new Owners. His quality and ability using textures makes this piece look much better than my cell phone pics can show.

07-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Very nicely done.

What were the carve times for the back pieces and what bits did you use.


Gary Campbell
07-19-2010, 06:31 PM
If I remember correctly there was about 14 hours of machining on the whole bench. That puts about 12 hours into the 3D stuff and the 2D profiling on the clover board. 1/4" ballnose @4.5 in x,y,z for the 3D and a 1/4 compression for the clover profiles. We used a small stepover and the parts were not sanded after cutting.

Mortises for seat and back boards, along with the half lap mortises for the sides were done with a 3/8 compression.

07-19-2010, 07:56 PM
looking good to me!!

07-19-2010, 08:28 PM
Hey James,
Congrads on the article on you in the Cabinetmakers june issue. It looks like you have that aspire figgered out preety good. Way to go!:)