View Full Version : Error with ShopBot Preview

07-28-2010, 02:32 AM
I'm a new user of the ShopBot Control Software, mainly for CNC simulations (I don't have any machine connected with my computer)
When I start the program, it prompts two message:
"Failed to parse table size and base offset"
and then
"Failed to process header from preview data file C:\sbparts\sbcoord.txt"
"Error occured while processing preview data"

It happens both on Vista and XP
Can someone give me some indications to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance


PS ShopBot seems a great piece of software, I hope to be able make it works!

Brady Watson
07-28-2010, 08:26 AM
What are you doing in the software when this error happens? Are you trying to run native ShopBot SBP code - or rather are you trying to run G-code? What is the file extension (EG - .txt, .nc, .sbp) of the file you are using when the error happens?


07-30-2010, 02:29 AM
Hi Brady
I'm sorry for the delay of my answer.
The error happens when the program start, the preview window is blank, and yes, it happens every time i try to load files (txt, sbp whatever, also your training files).
Inside the folder C:\SbParts i didn't find the file sbcoord.txt
See the attached, I maked some photos of the screen during the program starting phase



Brady Watson
07-30-2010, 08:56 AM
It seems to me that you are missing some files that either were deleted by mistake or didn't make their way over when SB3 control software was installed. Go here & download & install the newest version: http://www.shopbottools.com/controlsoftware.htm

Hopefully this will restore all of those lost files you need to view the previewer. Also, you should do a Windows Update to make sure that your DirectX is up to date, and other core MS components.


07-30-2010, 11:12 AM
Hi Brad
I'm downloading the latest version right now and I will try to install on computer with Vista, surely updated.
But I have a question for you, the error message refers to a problem to parse the file sbcoord.txt, can send me an example of how this file should to be?
Only to check during the next installation...


07-30-2010, 12:21 PM
The sbcoord.txt file is a file that is created to pass data between the control software and the previewer program. As it gets created each time a file is run it won't necessarily exist on a new installation.

08-02-2010, 02:26 AM
Thanks Adrian
I will take a couple of days to study the ShopBot's manual.
In the meantime, the attached file is my sbcoord.txt, it seems that there is some problem during the parsing of the header.
Do you notice something wrong?

It has been generate from sample_DishDome.sbp.


08-02-2010, 05:04 AM
I may be wrong here but I wonder if it's something to do with international settings in Windows.

The file has commas where I would expect to see decimal points. Commas are normal for most of Europe but not in the UK or USA where the software was developed.

If possible try setting the Region in Windows to UK or USA (or just the decimal symbol from , to . ) and see if it works then. If it does then you've found a bug!

08-02-2010, 12:28 PM
Ok Adrian, just done.
you're right, I've changed the decimal symbol from , to . and now ShopBot works perfectly.
What a lucky guy am I? I'm a real bugs's finder, so now, how can I inform Shopbot developers? Is there any forum where I can link this discussion?

Thanks again for your time and attention.

08-02-2010, 12:48 PM
They usually read the forums but to make sure they know you can email support (at) shopbottools.com

08-03-2010, 09:24 AM


04-21-2011, 12:13 PM
I loaded SB3 onto someone's laptop which has Vista Home Premium on it. The previewer will not open at all. I get a message that Windows cannot open it. Frank suggested removing the media file from SB3. That didn't work. He also suggested turning User Accounts Control off. That didn't work either. The purpose of SB3 on this computer is to use the previewer!! Computer is Toshiba with AMD 64 x2 2 gig and has 3gb ram. Display adapter is ATI Radeon XL250.

Any ideas?

04-21-2011, 02:45 PM

That sounds like a pretty old video card. If you can get them, try updating the drivers for it. I don't see a Vista driver on AMD's site (ATI was bought out by AMD). I believe that the previewer uses OpenGL and you may not have that installed as part of the video driver.


04-21-2011, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the hint Scott:
After looking over AMD video cards I think I might have read a 1 as an l and it could be an X1250. That does support Open GL but that doesn't mean it's enabled or has a more up to dfate driver, particularly since the guy who owns the computer just reformatted with the original disc.

04-21-2011, 07:00 PM
I'll bet it's just using the generic windows driver then and that may not work for the previewer.