View Full Version : Dows and Shopbots?

Zackrey Little
08-04-2010, 07:49 PM
Has anyone or does anyone use there Shopbot to machine holes to use dows in ther cabinet assmbly? Any Suggestions

08-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Isn't a dow a stock exchange index value?
If you mean dowels this is possible but the problem is the end dowels. For that you would need to have a holding jig at the end of the table that is perfectly indexed for positition. You would also have an issue in being restricted to cabinet parts that would be no higher than your table. The best solution for all cnc machining of cabinet parts is to use a blind mortise system in which the parts are single side machined while flat. This is the purpose of the "marriage" between Shop-bot and e-cabinets using the e-cabinets link. If you are stuck on dowel construction than the best answer is a dedicated boring machine or one of the combo parts machiners like Gannomat or HP JR.

Gary Campbell
08-04-2010, 09:14 PM
I agree with Dave. Even tho very possible on a flat bed machine, the end boring operation is not the easiest to accomplsh. I have tested this numerous times prior to switching to blind dado (mortise and tenon) joinery for our cases.

Should you care to research further, here is a link to a video of the setup required for end boring for the dowels: http://www.youtube.com/user/Islaww1#p/u/3/4yX-ZrDt2sM

Boring for dowels in the side panels is a no brainer, but the combination, along with the extra handling and setup for the end boring doubles machine time over blind dado sheet times.

It is rumored that future versions of eCabinets and the SB Link will support a new "Barbed Dado" cabinet joint. This will allow press/glue fit joinery that should require little or no clamping, much like many dowel systems. The joint appears to be both stronger than dowel contruction with much shorter machine times. Special tooling is required, and when available, I hope to be testing it on our PRSalpha ATC machine.

08-05-2010, 01:30 PM
I can't see an advantage to using dowels over blind dados.
All cuts are done while the sheet is on the table and no extra handling.
It's a strong simple joint especially on the Bot.

Zackrey Little
08-08-2010, 12:19 AM
What if I have a boring machine for the end bores? thanks for the suggetions guys keep them coming.

Gary Campbell
08-08-2010, 08:14 PM
No reason that wouldnt work.