View Full Version : My Home made Laser Scanner - Scan I produced
09-21-2010, 02:32 AM
Laser Scanning of hand carved wooden Corbel (
I have purchased some carved furniture during the latest visit to Chiniot (city of Pakistan). Chiniot peoples are highly skilled wood carver and i was amazed to see the amazing wood carving through out the visit... As i have no laser scanner with me at that time, so i brought some of wooden carved pieces to test my new laser scanner setup..
Due to Dark polish on the corbel, laser scanning was not possible.. so i sprayed removable Die-Developer (usually used for DPT for crack detection)...I didn't show the sprayed white Corbel to my wife, this is just because i don't want my wife to throw away the laser scanning stuff ... i did some quick scanning of the corbel and stitched them together.. Attached are the scan results just out from David Laser scanner.. All scans were carried out with plane-less technique...
09-21-2010, 08:49 PM
Nice work-
How large is the piece you scanned? And what resolution are you getting on it? I have written some software for a structured light approach that gets approximately 1/1024 of the width of the piece. I am working on getting better results, and when I do I will post them here. So far I am encouraged with what I am getting and glad to see what the options are.
09-21-2010, 09:05 PM
Your scanning has vastly improved over those first trials you had done. Good job
09-22-2010, 12:56 AM
Nice work-
How large is the piece you scanned? And what resolution are you getting on it? I have written some software for a structured light approach that gets approximately 1/1024 of the width of the piece. I am working on getting better results, and when I do I will post them here. So far I am encouraged with what I am getting and glad to see what the options are.
This corbel is about 300mm in height and 150mm in width… However, I can scan a full human in one go from top to bottom (5.5 feet) with sufficient resolution…
Happy to see that you are advance than me using SL technique and especially I am happy you have made your own software…I am really interested in your results and if you have a website where you show your work then kindly PM me… II have improved my setup and scans with the time… My previous work has nothing worth and I am thankful to the forum members who guided me by their comments and motivation.
09-22-2010, 12:57 AM
Your scanning has vastly improved over those first trials you had done. Good job
Thanks Jack:)
09-22-2010, 01:05 PM
Currently doing a difficult scanning of a Souvenir that i brought from ROME last year. It has dark at some floral locations and in centre ... I didn't sprayed anything on it and just took three scan of it.
As currently i have no server available to upload these scanned files, so this can be provided Free on request by email to the shopbot Forum users:).
09-22-2010, 01:20 PM
Khalid- this is a peek into my current level of development. It has the advantage of being very inexpensive to do. There is data on structured light on the web, I just thought I would create my own program so I could process all the way to SBP files myself.
Here is a white light photo of a test subject:
White light (Small).JPG (
That shows the subject is a tough case in that it is glossy, has black poor reflection areas, color areas, texture, etc. I like to use this model for testing.
Mid bit data (Small).JPG (
This shows the projected bit data for a middle bit. The image is compared to the white light image to determine where the gray area strikes the subject.
Higher bit data (Small).JPG (
This shows the projected bit data for a higher resolution bit. The image is compared to the white light image to determine where the gray area strikes the subject.
Angle data (Small).jpg (
When a series of 10-12 projected images have been processed the angle to each point on the subject can be computed. From there computing Z is a matter of trigonometry. The image shows a repeating pattern of stripes, which is some of the mid-range resolution bits plotted as an image. The actual data is and array of 16 bit integers showing which stripe in the binary projected data intersects which pixel in the image series.
Accuracy depends on target size, setup and geometry.
Thought you might find this interesting.
09-22-2010, 01:30 PM
Hi Dana,
Superb scan... I am interested in structured Light scanning as it is quick and can be done in daylight.. Other advantage is that we can use SL for dark shiny objects..
I am really impressed your knowledge on SL.. I know little programming, if you visit my blogsite , you will see that i created a embroidery Gcode generator.. This software is created in Visual Basic ...
I want to know what programming language you are using?.. I have studied the SL technique and the relations of sine and cosine waves embedded in those vertical lights... Its really interesting that less than 50 years the HUMAN covered a distance of billion of years...
09-22-2010, 02:59 PM
I have some good experience with shiny and translucent objects... Attached scan is one of the example... The laser spread in the body of these birds but some parametric controls let me scan these... No powder and nothing else applied...
09-22-2010, 11:22 PM
Khalid - I program in C or C++ when I need raw speed, and C# when I need minimum labor.
In this case I wrote the test program in C#, which is a poor language for image processing, but it works well enough. It lets me experiment with the algorithms and figure out the path to the solution. I can write the same algorithm over in C++ when I am ready for a quick turn 3D scan system.
What I like about the last image I posted is it shows the original colors and shades of gray are "mostly" removed and the program now knows the angles to the subject. The actual resolution is several times higher than what is shown in that image. When the angle lines get too close together the photo just looks like noise, so I showed the version you can see.
For the time being the project is on hold until I get some more income producing things cut! Then its play time again..
09-24-2010, 10:09 PM
Hi dana do you have website or blog?... Your work is interesting and it must be displayed somewhere... I will PM you shortly...
Here is the quick scan of Computer fan. It is dark in color so i tried to get the feelings what comes out of this scan.. The results are pretty promising.
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