View Full Version : Free Laser Scanning Services to shopbot forum members

09-23-2010, 02:53 AM
Hi guys,
I have learnt a lot from this forum and now i want to return a little back to this forum... I want to offer FREE 3D Laser scanning services to the this helpful community..


BUT,I need your help:

1- Preparing some Rules and Regulations for such scanning work.
2- Obtaining a server where i can post the 3D Models

I need your help in the first part for now. For example,
1- i can't buy the object to scan it for you, you have to provide the object.
2- You have to bear shipment charges if you want to send me or getting it back.
3- I am not liable to any damage to the part.
4- if the part is available in my locality, i will just ask for Fair price to purchase and scan free for you.
5- If it is household item i will scan free for you (if it is in my house) and send you mesh model.
6- I will send you MESH model in STL or OBJ format only.
7- The part to be scan should not be from Atomic power plant, Weapons etc
8- If the object is Transparent, translucent, shiny and dark.. I have to apply fine powder on it.. The cost of powder and consumables will be beared by the member...
9- I have the right to display the scanned pictures on my blogsites
10- The scanned Model will be my property But I will never share/distribute the model to anyone without the permission of real owner of the model

I will be grateful if you can add further or rephrase the above so that we have some legal obligations at both sides. As i am giving you laser scanning services free of charge....

Currently, i have some scans done and you can see the quality:
www.free3Dscans.blogspot.com (http://www.free3dscans.blogspot.com/)
www.my-woodcarving.blogspot.com (http://www.my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/)

I love this forum, so I added shopbot forum links on my-woodcarving blogspot.
Your help is highly appreciated.

09-23-2010, 10:58 AM
I have a few custom carvings I'd like scanned but I think that you'll have a hard time convincing customers that you insist on ownership of the resultant scanning.

As a matter of fact, I've probed some proprietary parts in the past for customers that insisted (in writing) that I shall never use the scans and that I distroy all of the copies that were generated.

I think that you are doing a great job but I'd rethink the ownership thing. IMHO.


09-23-2010, 01:38 PM
Yes Tom.. I was also thinking about that last point.. No body will agree with that point..
I think Point No. 10 should be like as following:
The scanned Model will be my property But I will never share/distribute the model to anyone without the permission of real owner of the model i.e the person who gave me the object for scanning
But I want to show only the pictures of final scanning to my viewers!!!I think nobody will mind it!!!!

09-23-2010, 03:14 PM
If someone just wants a scan job and they PAY you for the service, then the ownership should be theirs.

As long as it is free, I don't think anyone could expect you to not share it.

09-23-2010, 04:28 PM
you may want to go look at vector art3d policy and adapt those terms?

09-25-2010, 02:33 AM
Now you people will think that why i am doing that much efforts for free.. Frankly speaking following are the reasons:

1- 3D laser scanning is my hobby and i give a lot of time to it.
2- Scanning model for free and then watching it cuts on CNC is my passion.

What I will get in return:
1- I will display the Scanned Pictures alongwith the customer name and website on my blogs for free.
2- This will increase the traffic on my blogs from where i will get a small amount of money if you click on Advertisement (0.02 Cent for clicking one advertisement).... This money (US $1 or $2 daily, based on blog traffic) will be enough for me to keep my hobbies running...

Jack, I think the above terms and conditions are much better..I do not want to complicate the things... Sure, I will destroy the scans if the end-user tell me to do so... All i need the scanning pictures so that i keep updating my blog on daily basis.

Getting payment from the end-users is not the purpose except if i use some consumables during the scan (i will first discuss and charge the price).
I think my above terms and conditions will cover me... But should I add:
1- Laser scanning of patents or copyright materials is good or not?.... someone can through a light on it?

09-25-2010, 03:01 AM

I thank you for your very generous offer - I might take you up on it shortly - mostly to see how the scan compares to the probe, Obviously the probe is way slower, but it would be an interesting experiment! Of course, the probe would have a hard time doing full 3D! :rolleyes:

09-25-2010, 05:00 AM
No problem RON.. You are always Welcome....

09-26-2010, 01:25 PM
About 6 months ago i scanned a grape leaf and sent it to Guy Mathew , Who has a great experience in both CNC machining and Laser scanning... He made a good relief of it and he has wonderful techniques in the relief making jobs out of scan..
Today i pluck one of the Leaf from my Grape vine and tried another scan to see how my current improved setup work for it...

The results needs improvement as i am not satisfied with this scan... The details are not that good as compared to previous one i have posted in this forum...:(

09-26-2010, 02:01 PM
I think some of your previous scans looked better as images.

Were they higher resolution than the scans you are now doing?
Maybe the colors displayed in the new scans makes them appear less detailed on screen but in fact they are more detailed?

If you have the same item you scanned from your first scans, and you now scan it with the new set up, are the cut files greatly different?

09-26-2010, 02:11 PM
I think some of your previous scans looked better as images.

Were they higher resolution than the scans you are now doing?
Maybe the colors displayed in the new scans makes them appear less detailed on screen but in fact they are more detailed?

If you have the same item you scanned from your first scans, and you now scan it with the new set up, are the cut files greatly different?

Their is some Advanced Settings in new release (Version) of the software and i am still making scans and optimizing the parameters... As i am passing through the learning curves, I am feeling comfortable as the time passes..

I think my Laser width (thickness) is too much to get the details... Tomorrow i will check with my RED 5mW focusable laser and i will pluck another grape leaf to rule-out the Laser from the whole setup.. If i get the details with my red focusable laser then it means i have to upgrade to some high wattage Green focusable laser..
Currently, my green laser pointer is modified to get the Line from the pointer and the unit is non-focusable...

09-30-2010, 09:25 AM
My new blog address:
http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ (http://3dscan4free.blogspot.com/)

10-01-2010, 10:28 AM
With utmost respect and admiration for your posts and endeavors.....I offer my opinion.

Whenever I hear or see the word "Free" my antenna go up and I protect my wallet.
Nothing is free.
Or..."free" is worth exactly what you pay for it.
The word "Free" can be synonymous with scam.

Your service and skills have value.
If you get a 100 so-called 'customers' who expect free scans....they will be the most miserable customers you have ever had.

No good deed will go unpunished!
Arms length transactions only!

You need to put your services in front of people who can utilize the service to increase their profits.
(Which is us! )
It would be insulting to me if my customers expected me to work for free. It is semi-insulting that you would offer a free service.
(Insulting in a debate format. I'm not insulted ;-)

The marketplace is a wonderful thing. It truly decides what services are worth. You are telling the marketplace laser scanning is worth-less.
Frankly, I don't think the public knows how to take advantage of what you are doing. You should show them! ....for free. ;-)

2- Scanning model for free and then watching it cuts on CNC is my passion.

Where you find passion, talent and service ... prosperity is right around the corner.
Won't you serve your customers better by 'prospering' , all the while satisfying your passion?


Here is an idea for you!:

Remember the coin photo booths where young lovers, people on vacation and passport seekers pay money to get black and white photos of themselves?

Design a pay 3D photo carving booth or system.
Offer free laser scanning in exchange for parts for the booth!
You e-mail a one part file, they machine it and send you the part, you send them the free scan.

The only problem with this idea ... the Customs folk don't have a sense of humor when you whip out a 3D passport photo at the border.

10-02-2010, 01:56 PM
With utmost respect and admiration for your posts and endeavors.....I offer my opinion.

Whenever I hear or see the word "Free" my antenna go up and I protect my wallet.
Nothing is free.
Or..."free" is worth exactly what you pay for it.
The word "Free" can be synonymous with scam.

Hi navigator7, Welcome and thanks for the precious advices... Thanks for the detailed writeup and the time and knowledgeable post....

I am a hobbyist but off-course i need some money to run my hobbies... You are absolutely right that nothing is free in this world... In my case all of my time and resources has some expenses... I have contacted only three persons so far who willing to 3D scanning out of which two have sent me the Actual models...

Life is the other name of experience.. I am learning from experience... Suppose if i had a 20000dollar scanner and i offered a low cost laser scanning service and i received only two or three services in one month then it would be horrible...

I just got a good experience in only 32 years of my age..
1- Nobody cares for free service
2- Peoples think something is hidden behind the free proposals
3- It seems a big scam

Another side , if i offered Laser scanning service with a tagged price then
1- Keeping my scanning hardware in their view, nobody gives me laser scanning offer
2- Everybody think its another scam

I am learning and learning...

Your service and skills have value.
If you get a 100 so-called 'customers' who expect free scans....they will be the most miserable customers you have ever had.

No good deed will go unpunished!
Arms length transactions only!

Partially Agreed....

You need to put your services in front of people who can utilize the service to increase their profits.
(Which is us! )
It would be insulting to me if my customers expected me to work for free. It is semi-insulting that you would offer a free service.
(Insulting in a debate format. I'm not insulted ;-)

I am not giving you service for free... I am enriching my own experience that will give me a good payback in the long run... If i scan something to you free of cost, you will judge the quality of my scan..if its not upto your mark, you will leave it..but if you like it, you will come again to me... So offering free of cost service will give me experience what quality my customer like.. I will then upgrade my Hardware to reach at that Mark...
This will increase my customers... Hmmm..I don't want to earn money in a single day without full-filling commitments... I am thinking for the next 5 or 10 years... My vision is a big laser scanning company with multiple branches that can full-fill the need s of 95% of consumers (low cost game developers, reverse engineer, CNC hobbiest etc)...

May be someone here whos already involve in laser scanning business insulted.. but many peoples who contacted me offerd support services that i sometime regretted sometime accepted.. Sometime i personally call them for help...For example, The laser i have in my hands are the courtesy of Richard Bouchard and Neville Stewart...

The marketplace is a wonderful thing. It truly decides what services are worth. You are telling the marketplace laser scanning is worth-less.
Frankly, I don't think the public knows how to take advantage of what you are doing. You should show them! ....for free. ;-)

Hmmm... Absolutely right... I am looking for my 95% consumers whereas the high cost laser companies looks for only 5% of their consumers...

Where you find passion, talent and service ... prosperity is right around the corner.
Won't you serve your customers better by 'prospering' , all the while satisfying your passion?


I agree :) but not possible in my region and especially in my country.. :)

Here is an idea for you!:

Remember the coin photo booths where young lovers, people on vacation and passport seekers pay money to get black and white photos of themselves?

Design a pay 3D photo carving booth or system.
Offer free laser scanning in exchange for parts for the booth!
You e-mail a one part file, they machine it and send you the part, you send them the free scan.

The only problem with this idea ... the Customs folk don't have a sense of humor when you whip out a 3D passport photo at the border.

Do you know what my salary is!!!!! I am incharge of Big Machine shop with 12 Lathes, 3Milling Machines, 2-balancing Machines, 3Radial Drill Machines, 1 shaper, Crankshaft and tool grinding machines, 1 Boring machines, 3-Lapping Machines...

Now, the problem is i am a salaried person and spent my 8-Hours straight in my Company ... After that CNC,Laser scanning and embroidery is my hobby...
May be someday i will own a big company...:D

10-02-2010, 02:37 PM
kahlid, i know who you are and how valuable you are to many in cnc

keep up the good work


10-12-2010, 04:07 AM
yesterday I did duck scan for one of my friend.. Here are the results:
The Original duck:


1- Color depth image.
2- Opening all the scan...
3- Scan arranged to get them assembled

10-12-2010, 04:08 AM
4- Scans Aligned and merged after clean up the base.
5- Fusion results of all 08 Scan

10-12-2010, 06:00 AM
how much time went into cleaning up and stitching the scans to get it to the final model? Looks great so far....

10-12-2010, 08:50 AM
Hi Jack:)
1- Each scan took 5 minutes i.e. 40minutes all 8 scans
2- Cleanup of all scans took: 15minutes
3- Alignment of All scans took: 40 minutes
4- Fusion of All scans took 5 minutes

10-15-2010, 09:04 AM
A couple of days ago i received a Dragon Head for Laser scanning from Mr. Pardo Mayo, USA... He want to make a Mail box out of it on his CNC.. He wrote me about his idea of How he will machine it:

"For the machining technique, I was thinking of cutting the head as a left side and a right side.Each side will need to be cut in several slices which I will glue together.Then I would glue the left and right sides together to complete the head. This is going to be a challenging project for me! And then to paint it to look like the model is another challenge"

It was a difficult scan because of intricate details and undercuts.. Moreover, the size of Dragon head was very small.. I did about 17 scans from all the angles to collect maximum details out of it.. the final 3D model is about High resolution 58Mb file... The scaling of the Dragon Head will not loose resolution...

10-15-2010, 10:59 AM
I gotta say, Khalid, I am totally impressed by your creative use of resources to accomplish these scans.

10-16-2010, 01:04 AM
I gotta say, Khalid, I am totally impressed by your creative use of resources to accomplish these scans.

Hi Donn,
Thanks for your Kind remarks... :)

10-16-2010, 12:31 PM
Today I have scanned the Gas Turbine Blade... The scanning went good and i have done total 14 scans of it in Horizontal position.. Tomorrow I will scan it in vertical direction to get the missing details...

10-21-2010, 01:49 AM
I have seen lot of Banana's scan on the internet so i also tried one to take the credit . This banana is special as i didn't added any powder or spray on it.. You can see the dark areas are not scanned.. However i am in process of combining the scans and let the Poisson fusion works on it..