View Full Version : Looking for suggestions

09-28-2010, 11:43 AM
I want to cut a new rudder for a sailboat and it will have a naca0014
profile (so it looks like an airplane wing)

The surface has the same profile the length of the X axis
so y and z make the surface and the profile for x=0 or x=26 is exactly
the same.

I hand coded the sbp language from an excel spread sheet.

I plan to use a ball cutter (1") because the rudder is 12x26" and use a step in the X direction of 1/8" to start... I can increase or decrease as necessary

SO my question is that when you get to the leading edge of the profile
(front of a plane wing profile), the tip of the ball cutter is not where contact will be made. Contact will be higher on the ball cutter (will be made at the contact point normal to the ball cutter and the surface).

The simple question is there a way in Aspire or Partswork 3d to put in the surface and have the application construct the toolpath.

Another way to do this is to be able to enter the profile (x=0, y=?, z=?) and be able to construct the profile, have the application calculate the N/C toolpath and then I can hand code that new x/y/z coordinates into my SBP file.

I have Cut3d, Cut2d and Aspire. Would be nice to enter POINTS to create a surface...

Thoughts? Many thanks up front

Bob Condon

09-28-2010, 12:10 PM
Hey Bob,

If I'm understanding what you're trying to do, one simple option could be the Extruder Virtual Tool..I think it might do just what you want.

Basically you would import or create your NACA profile in PartWorks and then do an Outside toolpath with a 1" diameter endmill to create the bit offset. Then run the Extruder and it flips the toolpath file on edge so that the offset of the 1" endmill becomes the ball of the 1" ballnose.

It's easier than it sounds, and there's an instruction pdf on using it in your "C:\program files\shopbot\virtual tools\extruder" folder.


09-28-2010, 01:17 PM
To make the Naca profile? X will be contant.

By getting the Naca profile in accurately, I can let the toolpath software
cut the path.

The problem with the extrude function is the bit offset is constant. When you cut with the tool on a ball cutter, at the topof the profile, the tool touches at the tip but as you cut the leading edge, the contact point on the tool moves up the backside of the ball cutter until it reaches the horizontal center of the back of the tool (which is why I would like to let the software handle it)


Bob Condon