View Full Version : Restart

10-17-2010, 11:51 AM
Ok I am confused...:eek: lol..Anyway I am about to start a carving project that will take sometime to do. So in case the bot decides to stop for some reason, I want to be able to restart at the last position, I was playing with the shopbot shutting it down and trying to restart at the last position. Unfortunately I am doing something wrong..When I go to restart at the last line,wrote down last line, I tried backing up a little, and I put all info in and press go to it goes somewhere else? Can't be that hard but for some reason I am missing something? I know some of you have had success in this but not me..:confused:

10-17-2010, 12:37 PM
Record the line number where you stop.
Press FG
Press the "GO TO" button after you have entered the line number of where you want to go to.
Press run from here.

Make sure you are in the air and near where you want to go as the router will move directly to that spot in all three axes. Many have cut into their material by going from a positive z to a minus z directly through material that was not supposed to be cut.

10-17-2010, 03:59 PM
OK, last time I did exactly as you stated, my computer program stopped screen went blank, so restarted everything did exactly as you say, everything went well at first then I dropped my pencil and by the time I looked up :mad: the router,went to the beginning of the file and had cut a 1/8" groove clean through a $600 project, no problem I repaired the groove but really upset me....it was in the middle of the file, line 17062 , and went to the beginning????:eek:

10-17-2010, 04:50 PM
Sounds like you may have hit "Run to" instead of "run from here"

10-18-2010, 09:39 AM
yea I was thinking I may have it my keyboard when I bent over but not for sure. Appreciate your help going to start a program up and make sure before I begin carving don't want to mess this one up..:)

10-18-2010, 06:17 PM
ok got it to work seems I did not have the latest update downloaded and all is well appreciate your help.:p