View Full Version : 2011 Austin, TX Camp Shopbot !

12-13-2010, 01:28 PM
The date(s) for this year's Texas Camp are Feb. 25/26th. As in the past few years we'll be holding the Camp at Wayne Locke's shop in Southwest Austin just off of Hwy 290 at:
9000 Feather Hill Rd.
Austin, TX 78737.

Wayne has found the following hotels to be the closest to his location if you are coming in from out of town;

Extended Stay America Austin - Southwest
5100 US Hwy. 290 W.
Austin, TX 78735
Telephone: (512) 892-4272
Fax: (512) 892-4303

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Hotel Front Desk: 1-512-8919500

The Heart of Texas Motel
5303 US 290 West
Austin, Texas 78735
512-892-0644 telephone
(The Heart of Texas is an older motel which seems clean and campy.)

Even though we will be holding this as a two day event, feel free to stop by anytime during the weekend as your schedule allows.We'd ask again that you contact either Wayne, or myself if you plan to attend so we can make appropriate plans for food, etc.
I'm really hoping to avoid another "weather related detour" such as last year when I spent the entire Camp weekend stranded, and snow bound at an airport
in Newark.....
As I've posted elsewhere on today's Forum we’re in the process of working on some ideas for the 2011 Camp season, and once we work out a few details we’ll be in touch with other hosts to lock in the Winter/Spring schedule…..

01-18-2011, 04:00 PM
Are the Camp Shopbot events open to possible future buyers, or do you have to already own a shopbot?

01-18-2011, 05:57 PM
Everyone is welcome at a Camp, and we always get some people who are seeing a Shopbot for the first time. It's the right place to meet people who already own a machine, and ask them plenty of questions.....

01-18-2011, 06:18 PM
....Are the Camp Shopbot events open to possible future buyers, or do you have to already own a shopbot? :confused:

Sales would get a bit thin if no one was allowed to look at a bot before a purchase ...

Only Bill gets to wear the "Wizard Hat" however... which is simply all a part of being cool... :cool:

01-18-2011, 06:28 PM
Anyone is welcome at the camps and while you are there ask some of the guys where they are located and maybe someone is close to you and would be willing to give you a guided tour. I think you will find that most of us are like big kids who like to show off their toys.

01-18-2011, 07:18 PM
I thought the wizard hats were required of all attendees!:)

01-18-2011, 08:11 PM
Thanks Bill. I was going to post the email I sent out today. The preferred head gear for the camp will be beanies with propellers.

I will be posting more as we get closer.


01-21-2011, 10:53 AM
"beanies with propellers." Does anybody know the speed and feed rate for these!. :) Russ

01-24-2011, 12:35 PM
To All:

The Austin Shopbot Camp is coming up at the end of February.

Here are the currently scheduled presentations.David Lempke will do a presentation on a boat he completed last year. Brett Dickinson, a high school teacher in Brownsville, will do a presentation of recent student work on the Shopbot. Michael Colca, michaelcolca.com, a very fine furniture craftsman, will do a presentation on a chair he produces which utilizes a number of elaborate and interesting vacuum jigs and I will do a presentation on the indexer.

If anyone has an interest in doing a presentation or would like to see a presentation on a specific topic, please let me know.

As always please bring Show and Tell items because these are always a highlight.

Please contact me if you plan to attend so that I can have ahead count for planning.

Wayne Locke

02-07-2011, 12:30 AM
I sure would like to come down for Saturday only.
If anyone from Dallas area is thinking of attending we ca do ride sharing.

Where do I sign up?

02-07-2011, 08:47 AM
You just have....See you on that Saturday !

02-21-2011, 11:13 AM
Just a reminder about the schedule. We'll start the Friday sessions around 10AM, and then Saturday will begin approximately 9...
Please drop me a note if you haven't already contacted us about your intentions to be there, on either day. Thanks !

02-22-2011, 02:39 PM
To All:

The Shopbot Camp is coming up this weekend at 10 AM Friday and 9 AM Saturday.

If you haven't already signaled me your intention to show up, please do so. You are welcome to just show up.

The address is 9000 Feather Hill Rd., Austin, TX 78737. It is easy to get to and you can google directions.

So that my wife continues to like me, please park on the street and not in the driveway. Walk around the side of the garage and you will see my shop to the left.

02-26-2011, 11:30 PM
I would like to be the first to thank Wayne and Bill P. for another great camp. I was glad to see a lot of new faces as well as some old familiar ones. The food was good and so was the fellowship. As usuall we had a great program and was glad to see some new things as well. Great job guys!

02-27-2011, 05:52 PM
Austin Camp was amazing! It’s a years worth of inspiring ideas.
Here are some images I promised several people I’d post.
The first is the sample board I made of Sculpt nouveau products.
Second, the details of the super simple Indexer I made to cut bracelets.


02-27-2011, 06:07 PM
Thanks Wayne
As always very good time in your shop
A++ to Wayne and Bill P. for another great camp
I hope to see you guys soon

02-27-2011, 06:44 PM
Major credit for this year's Texas Camp goes to Wayne, who did much of the pre-Camp preparation.
We had a great turnout over the two day period, and the presentations,and Show and Tell were exceptional !
I just got home, and as soon as I can download and edit all of the pix I took I will post a notice here as to their location.
Thanks to everyone who attended, and contributed to the Camp !!!

02-27-2011, 08:14 PM
Thanks Wayne and Bill for another great camp. I always look forward to this camp and seeing and visiting with old and new friends.

02-27-2011, 09:27 PM
Hopefully the link will work this time

ron brown
03-05-2011, 12:42 AM
The Austin forum was as always, fun. It was great to see all of the 'standards' as well as the newer folks who have only owned ShopBots for 10 years or less....

Thanks all for a great time.

Ron Brown