View Full Version : Castle Bed

12-18-2010, 07:39 PM
This is a project that i have been working off and on for 3 months. I know between the modeling, reworking, stock prep, carving, ect. I have at least 100 hours in this project.

But what makes it stand out is the beautiful paint job. This was done by a volunteer art student from Uva named Rachel L. She put in at least three 12 hour days doing the detail painting and adding her artistic touches to it. It would not have turned out as nice without her for sure.

The payoff for all the hard work is at the end when you see the little girl excited jumping for joy. That makes all the hours worth the effort.:)

I want to thank the guys who sent me some toolpaths and some dxfs, that definitely helped!http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif

12-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Way to go Jack!!!

Looks like you have a VERY satisfied customer there. :D

12-18-2010, 10:05 PM

That smile says it all!
Great work

12-18-2010, 10:54 PM
Came out great! And what a great moment! Thanks for sharing.

12-19-2010, 05:33 AM
That bed looks great

Sounds like you learn new techinques which is fun when it comes together

12-19-2010, 12:11 PM
How cool is that! Bet mom didn't have to tell her twice that it's time to go to bed. ;)

12-19-2010, 02:30 PM
Terrific Jack. Glad it came out well!

12-19-2010, 03:26 PM
That's a HAPPY girl! Looks excellent Jack!

12-24-2010, 11:28 AM
Just an update. The reason i agreed to make the bed (basically for free)was that the little girl had some significant medical issues and didn't want to sleep in the bedroom but this is her first night in her own bed, so it was a success!

12-24-2010, 12:21 PM
Don't ya just luv it when a plan comes together! :) Makes all the other projects just projects when you get results like that. Very cool! Russ