View Full Version : The machine dont move
I star my machine today prsalfa, I have this message:
the remote stop button connected to imput #4 appears to be ON and need to be checked.
also the spindle dont work
I cheked the blue reset button, the 2 stop red button, and still the same
message anybody please help me.
Gary Campbell
01-05-2011, 10:34 PM
is the machine in Move/Cut mode?
Hi gary yes is in move/cut mode
01-06-2011, 07:39 AM
Check that setting VN Switch 4 stop is set to 'NRM Closed' and hasn't somehow changed.
If you hit the stop button, reset it, then press reset does the relay 'clack'? I've heard of people having trouble with stuck relay once in a while.
The other possibility is a break in your stop switch wiring. It's a normally closed circuit so any break in the wiring is just like the stop switch being triggered.
Hi Ken
I checked VN switch 4 is set to "NRM CLOSED"
The relay "clack" O.K.
The wiring O.K.
01-06-2011, 09:08 AM
There were two contactors in mine that both had to (clack). It is possible that only one of them are (clacking)
You have to look inside with the power on and then hit the blue button. If there are two of them between the incomming power and the Drivers, they both have to pull in when that button it pushed.
If your e-stops were bad, I don't think you would hear anything when you pushed the blue button.
Hi Kenneth
I don't see the contactors but pushing the blue button I hear 2 (clacks) and the drivers z and x left side goes on (GREEN LIGHT) the other 2 are off, I don't know if works that way
01-06-2011, 11:05 AM
All of the drivers should have the green lights on.
The gay who wiring the machine just tell me he put the 2 black wires to 220 and he turn on the machine make sounds like (popcorn) later he change to 110 do you think this action damage the drives and the main board
01-06-2011, 12:04 PM
He either blew the fuses in the control box, or burned something up. On mine one fuse goes to all four drives. Check all fuses first.
The main cable on mine takes 220 volts, but they are not all the same. Some are wired for 3 phase as well.
You may need to send the control box back to shopbot for repair.
I think you need a new electrician too.
You right this afternoon I going to do with a other electrician
I will send you the updates
01-06-2011, 02:17 PM
Shopbot has a free 800 phone number, but I'm not sure if it works free from your country. They are very helpfull and do not charge for advice.
You can also post some pictures along with your findings, and we may be able to help that way.
01-06-2011, 04:03 PM
I pulled the cover off of one of my extra vexta alpha drivers and there is a fuse just inside of where the 110 volt power go in.
They are not all 110, with some of them being 220 volt, but anyway, if you take the two small black screws on the side of the driver off, you can see the ceramic fuse in it.
For the drivers that don't light up, this may be the problem.
Hi guys
I try that Kenneth the fuse is O.K. the electrician said probably the 2 drivers burnt out
any body know how much cost the drivers
01-06-2011, 07:13 PM
I bought one last year and the driver and motor came together for about $1100 us
I don't think they sell them seperatly.
I would contact oriental that made them and see if they have a repair dept.
You should be able to disconnect the two that are not lighting up completly from the control box and if the rest of it is ok, the other two should come on and allow you to move those two motors.
That will give you an idea about anything else that may be burnt.
I going to try that tomorrow
oriental is the name of the company
one drive x is burnt. I can move with one motor the x axes?
01-06-2011, 09:17 PM
If you pull the x motor that is not hooked up to a wire the good x motor should move it around. It would not be good to cut anything, but you could see if the rest of the machine was working or not.
Here is the company that makes the driver. Keep in mind that they still may have to go to shopbot for a programming.
Hi Kenneth
I pull the motors and I have this message
01-08-2011, 12:52 PM
The ribbon cable going into the drive should be unhooked also if you are going to run it without that drive.
I have run mine without one of the drivers hooked up and it worked. It has to be disconnected completely from the system though.
I have not run mine with two of them unhooked, but I think it would work the same.
If you want to call me, I sent you my phone number in an email.
If anything is unhooked at one spot, it should be unhooked at every spot so as to not make a fault code.
01-09-2011, 10:20 AM
Does your electrician have insurance If he made a mistake he is responsible for it.
01-12-2011, 08:07 AM
Agreed that the electrician should be held responsible. I certainly hope that you can recover some money from the guy.
I am not an electrician and beyond very basic electrical work I know I would almost certainly make mistakes with the potential for disaster. However I am pretty confident I would have avoided the mistake this electrician made.
I will gladly pay an electrician very well to do the job right the first time. If I were going to pay a hack, I might as well do the work myself since I would at least know when to stop.
At least in my area if a reputable contractor made such a mistake, they would pay for the damage right away and make things right.
I would advise finding an electrician that has previous experience with industrial equipment. Make sure you have the correct wiring diagrams for your machine as well.
02-13-2011, 09:27 AM
I just wanted to post a follow up for anyone that was following this thread. He ended up having two blown Alpha drivers and I fixed him up with some used ones pretty cheap.
He is up and running.
02-13-2011, 10:16 AM
Ken,Glad you could help him.
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