View Full Version : 2011 SoCal Camp Shopbot !!!

01-06-2011, 03:59 PM
We've finally(re)set a date for this one- Saturday April 9, 2011, and once again it's going to be held at Gabe Pari's shop;

So-Cal Teardrops
8458 Loma Place
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 982-1199
Gabe's got some ideas for this year's event, and as always we'd welcome any feedback regarding what you'd like us to cover during the day. You can contact Gabe, or myself - campshopbot "at" gmail.com to RSVP....

01-12-2011, 02:29 PM
So, we're looking forward to another exciting year here at So-Cal Teardrops. While the contract work on the CNC has dipped a little, the trailer builds are staying strong. We are doing more and more custom builds and the Bot has proved invaluable in achieving production quality on one-off builds.

I'm excited about opening our shop for the Camp and having all the local Botters and wanna-be-botters gather again for a day of sharing and idea swapping. To make this years gathering a little more interesting, in addition to a few guest speakers and the obligatory show-n-tell, we will be holding a contest. This contest will be open to anyone, with or without a ShopBot. I don't expect everyone to get completely carried away and spend inordinate amounts of time on this, though I'm sure some will (Chubb? Magic?), so I'm trying to keep it simple, yet keep the design criteria to a minimum to encourage free thinking.


This years contest will be to build a bridge from a single sheet of 5'x5'x3mm (1/8") Baltic Birch. At about $6 a sheet, you should be able to test a few designs without breaking the bank. The sheet can be cut entirely on the bot, or using any other method. You must submit a drawing of your toolpath or cut strategy. The bridge will be brought to the Camp un-assembled and laid out to match the drawing to ensure that Magic, or anyone else, does not cheat.

The only material allowed is the single sheet of 5'x5'x3mm Baltic Birch. NO adhesives, fasteners, glue, tape, spit, gum, nails, string... NOTHING!! The bridge will be assembled on site, in front of everyone. I'm sure "someone" will try some slight of hand, so we'll be watching...

The bridge must span a distance of 1 meter. It cannot be attached or clamped to the mounting surface in anyway. It must be completely freestanding. There are no restrictions for overall height, or depth below roadway. The only restriction on width is that it must have a clear and "smooth" roadway capable of transporting a hot wheels car from one side of the bridge to the other. The height of the "lip" at the entrance and exit must not exceed 3mm, otherwise my 5 year old won't be able to drive his toy car across the bridge.

Now for the hard part. You must be able to stand on your bridge while it is spanning the 1 meter gap. I understand that some of us are "Gravity" challenged, you'll just have to make your bridge stronger.

Successful participants will win a prize. Once all the bridges have been "tested" by their builders, they will then be subject to destructive testing by the more Gravitational Superior people in the room. The bridge to support the most weight will be crowned the winner and awarded the grand prize.

Post up questions about the contest here so that all may see.

See y'all in April.

Gabe Pari
www.socalteardrops.com (http://www.socalteardrops.com)

01-12-2011, 02:56 PM
This sounds interesting.....!
Maybe we can "handicap" the final scores by using the BMI ( Body Mass Index)- http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
of the contestants. Got a good scale in the shop?

01-12-2011, 03:43 PM
Bill, I expect you to show up with a bridge :) Or at least a cut file, in case the TSA won't let you board the flying machine with a birch carry on... :D


01-12-2011, 03:45 PM
I may have to take you up on that!
At the least I'm probably already in first place based on the BMI...

01-14-2011, 03:45 PM
Hopefully no one has purchased their airfare yet, the date is a changing :rolleyes:

I was just notified that there is a trade show that we must attend on the original weekend, so the new date will be April 9th.

Sorry for the confusion. Bill should be updating his original post soon with the new date.

Once again...

So-Cal Camp
April 9th
Upland, California



BTW - Bridge builders start posting up, so I can get an idea of how many to expect.

01-14-2011, 03:48 PM
Great, I'll NEED the extra week for my bridge design.

02-26-2011, 01:30 PM
I will not be building a bridge but will consider jumping off of one.

02-26-2011, 07:43 PM
I will now consider a taller design.....

03-09-2011, 04:01 PM
Can you make a tall ladder too?

03-11-2011, 02:51 PM
Gabe has informed me that he's got a forklift that will raise up to 30 feet, so bring your bungee jumping gear !
To all of you in the area who recently got the e-mail from Shopbot reminding you about the Camp please note that we will start around 8:30 AM with coffee, etc., and it will run until approximately 4 PM with a pizza type lunch in the middle of the day.
Also even if you are not entering the "bridge building/bungee jumping" competition please try to bring something that you have made with your Shopbot for the "Show and Tell" sessions. We ALL learn from seeing what others are doing...

03-19-2011, 12:37 PM
The recent e-mailing from Shopbot has bumped up the numbers of those planning to attend. I have 25 names here, and Gabe has another group on his computer as well. Again it would help us to plan for the daily supplies, etc. if we know you'll be coming that day, so please drop me a note at -campshopbot at gmail dot com to confirm with us. Thanks !
PS- Gabe I have a bridge ready ( non conforming specs of course,but Shopbot cut anyway.....) !

03-19-2011, 03:25 PM

I've noticed that prospective buyers sit through a lot of technical talk before they see the show and tell so they leave early. Have you thought of doing the slide show and maybe some of the show and tell then turning the meeting over to us for a bit - while you take the prospects aside and answer questions they are concerned with.

Just seems that people who don't own a machine have no interest in weather the first models had cables.

Anyway if sales improve, tell Ted and maybe I can get a hat... or a spindle or a sticker.

P.S. If anyone is building a cantilever bridge, I'll bring the lever.

Coleman Becker
03-20-2011, 12:15 AM
I think that is a brilliant idea. If I was a Potential buyer would like to know what the machines are capable of and what other people are doing first. So i can think of what i can do with the machine and how it will help my business, learning how the machine works and how to program comes second. As I say, "First comes and idea, how to take that idea and make it happen takes a mind of its own."

03-20-2011, 09:57 AM
Generally speaking we've always tried to avoid using Camps as sales events, but obviously there ARE people who are coming to see a machine for the first time so they will have plenty of questions. Usually we try to cover many of these during the sessions, or let others share their own experience during breaks, etc. but I'll be glad to try something like this once we all get there and I can identify how many people we're speaking about.
In reality the best solution for anyone interested in learning about a Shopbot would be to arrange to have your own personal "demo" with someone you meet at a Camp, or through contacting Shopbot directly. While we tend to cover more general topics in the condensed time frame of a Camp a demo is where you can ask specific questions regarding your own needs without running the risk of putting others into a catatonic state while we explain some of the nuances of everything from software, to dust collection. This is one reason we ask people to identify their use of the machine early in the day. Then others with similar interests know who to target during breaks, etc.
I have no way of telling which of the people on the current list own a machine or not, so let's see what we find out the morning of the Camp...

03-25-2011, 06:51 PM
I have a question on the bridge. How are the bridges going to be supported under the ends? Are there 2 stands 1 meter apart and the bridge rises or drops from there?
I'm "gravitationally challenged" and my design holds me so all you lightweights might as well give up. (Yes this is a challenge to those who thought they might not build a bridge)http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/images/icons/icon10.gif


03-29-2011, 03:39 PM
Gabe said he and his dad would hold the ends on their shoulders and whoever gets on the bridge could be carried around, while Bill feeds them grapes and i fan them with a big wood palm leaf.

03-30-2011, 12:00 PM
I have a question on the bridge. How are the bridges going to be supported under the ends? Are there 2 stands 1 meter apart and the bridge rises or drops from there?
I'm "gravitationally challenged" and my design holds me so all you lightweights might as well give up. (Yes this is a challenge to those who thought they might not build a bridge)http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/images/icons/icon10.gif


Couple of tables, spaced 1 meter apart.

Can't wait to see some creative engineering.


Coleman Becker
03-30-2011, 09:06 PM
how are we going to test the weight and see how much it can hold?

03-31-2011, 01:29 PM
how are we going to test the weight and see how much it can hold?
How about if I stand on your bridge first and if it holds me then I'll stand on mine?

Coleman Becker
04-01-2011, 03:10 AM
are you gravity friendly or challenged

i am gravity challenged

04-01-2011, 09:40 AM
Sounds like we may need to order some diet donuts for this Camp...

Coleman Becker
04-02-2011, 02:14 PM
Maybe just lots of coffee

04-05-2011, 04:17 PM
Speaking of which; LAST CALL ! If you plan to be at the Camp but have not yet contacted Gabe or myself please do so ASAP ! We'd like to know how many people to plan for.
Again, we'll try to start the day around 8:30 AM , and I'm hoping we'll get to see some interesting Show and Tell, (and a bunch of bridges) ....

04-07-2011, 01:09 PM
Gravity used to be my friend but 11 years of retirement have not been kind to me in the gravity department.
Now days I only eat donuts with or without chocolate frosting.

04-10-2011, 01:23 AM
As it turned out both Coleman AND Doug were able to stand on Doug's bridge ( a rough total of 575 pounds.....) which was made from 1/8" Baltic birch !!! It was a good Camp, and I've posted a blog, and some pix at;

04-10-2011, 10:42 AM
Thank you Bill & Gabe for yesterday's Camp Shopbot! We had a great time, got some new ideas and learned about a couple of new materials to experiment with. Interesting people, lots of good information and great pizza - what more could we ask for?

04-12-2011, 07:20 PM
I knew that I had a good design idea:rolleyes: but I didn't think it would hold both of us.
Thanks for a great time and I look forward to the Maker's Fair. See you there


Coleman Becker
04-13-2011, 01:53 AM
Your design was on the mark i was a little scared when i jumped up there but after i got up there i felt as safe as on the floor.

Mine probably could have held us both if my bridge was wider and more stable.

Great Job :D

04-13-2011, 12:20 PM
Good camp. I'm going back next week.