View Full Version : Adding indexer to slot A

01-08-2011, 05:37 PM
Hi every one I finally started my indexer on new years week end and have made some progress ( Have wood lathe stripped and fitted with one of the small stepper motors) that have been discussed here , Have decided that I will mount it across the y end of the table. I have a spare gecko drive that is the same as my other (XYZ) drives that I plan on using in the A slot , Now here are my questions. Can I wire this to the (A) Port and if so How do I move that axis? What Keys do I hit +/- to move? Do I need to set the Gecko drive any differently? Where can I get the flat 4 wire plugs like the ones that plug in the (XYZ) stepper motors? Thanks for any help and thanks for putting this forum together! Don, Hunterland Wood Works.

01-08-2011, 05:39 PM
Sorry I forgot that I,m running a prs standard 48x 96 x6 Using aspire software . Thanks Don

01-09-2011, 12:06 AM
first go to VU unit values
under unit values in the A column i think its 1273.2395
B values 13.8889 it says these are default values, i don't know if they are different for your gekko

to make the indexer turn you have to think in terms of degrees now not in inches. Since one revolution is 360 degrees and if you are connected to the A then you input

MA 360 it will make one revolution
MA 3600 it will make 10 revolutions
MA 36000 it will make 100 revolutions
MA 180 half revolution...ect

Also go to VD display values
under "Display Units A Axis" that has to be set to "degrees"
under "Number of Axes" set that to 4

this is what you should see when done

01-09-2011, 04:43 PM
Thanks jack for that info I did get the numbers changed and it came up as you showed. I,m trying to find the connectors that will fit the (A) slot so its not a cobbled connection, Thanks again Don

01-09-2011, 05:10 PM
Don, Shopbot has those wago connectors and they are cheap.

01-09-2011, 06:17 PM
Thanks I.ll give them a call. Don