View Full Version : jamboree

01-14-2011, 09:09 AM
Has anyone heard of a schedule for the Shopbot Jamboree???? I think it is usually in the April time frame.

Thank you

01-14-2011, 02:39 PM

Although ShopBot really enjoys meeting and talking with all our customers and friends at the Jamborees, it can be a big expense for Shopbotters in both time and travel which limits the number that can attend.

So instead of having a Jamboree this year we're working toward transporting more of the Jamboree experience to ShopBotters, through camps and other events. This will include things to make the camp experience more informative with special guests like Will Sampson, the editor of CabinetMaker magazine who will be speaking at the Florida camp in a couple of weeks, and adding a day of simplified training before some of the camps.

We'll probably still hold Jamborees on occasion...we really do have a good time at them...but not this year.


01-14-2011, 08:16 PM

Thats my luck I guess. The first year that a couple of us from Barksdale AFB will be able to go and it isnt happening.. We have been talking about it since last summer and been looking forward to the spring.. :(.
Oh well I certainly appreciate the infor Martha.

01-14-2011, 08:49 PM

Keep your eyes open for a camp
It may not be Jamboree,but it is fun and you may even learn something!

01-14-2011, 09:05 PM
We've got a Camp over in Austin, TX on Feb 25/26, and that's usually the closest event to your location throughout the year-
It's always a well attended event, with lots of great Show and Tell stuff to see...

01-16-2011, 12:00 PM
Hey Bill
Can you give me any info on what we may see there? Will there be any others close to Louisiana this year that you are aware of. Since I/We work for the government/Air Force, it can take a bit of planning and approval to be able to attend. im not sure if we could make the Feb date or not. Also do you know how many days it would be??
Any info would certainly be appreciated.

have a great day

01-16-2011, 01:02 PM
As you'll see from the link above the Camp in Austin, TX will run two days, Friday Feb.25th, and Sat. Feb.26th. To date this is the closest Camp to your location that we currently have planned. Some people attend both days, others make it as a one day trip.
There are many pictures of prior Texas (and other) Camps on our Camp Flickr page so you can get some idea of what goes on at one...http://www.flickr.com/photos/campshopbot/sets/ , and here are some Camp Blogs with a little more detail of what went on-
There are a lot of Shopbotters in Texas, and some are probably close to you. If you can't work things out to attend the Camp you could see whether there is anyone within reasonable distance of the base so you can connect.
We're also trying to set up User Groups around the country and it's possible you might be within distance of an event/gathering. I will keep you posted on any updates to that format...

01-16-2011, 01:43 PM

It is interesting to see what others are doing and building with their machines, but it's not really a school. More like an informal gathering full of ideas and BS both.

If you are looking for a "school", shopbot offers training classes.

What are the main things you would like to see or learn?

01-17-2011, 12:25 PM
I know its early in the year and plans for all the camps haven't been made but do you know if there will be anything around the Atlanta or Charolette area?

01-17-2011, 04:06 PM
Thanks Everyone for the info. I guess I will do some reading on the Camp and see if our Unit will send us to one. My apologies Bill on the dates. I guess I should have paid more attention sir.. duh!! hehe.

We were fortunae to attend the class back in 2005 but havent really used our machine very much. That was due to several factors I guess. Mainly computer issues. We are up and running more now. We do alot of other stuff in our Machine/welding shop and Structural repair shops so we naturally dont get to spend the time with it that we would like to.

Honestly I think I would like to spend time in fellow users shops to see how they are actually putting them to use.
Hopefully we will see some of you at one of the camps.

By the way Bill we met you at our training class when you came to speak to us. I have tried to find your baycraft designs website to show some or your work to others but it doesnt seem to be up unless Im doing something wrong.
With that said.. that was your site correct???? LOL

Thank you all again

01-17-2011, 04:40 PM
I still have the B-52 pin you guys gave me after the class...
My web page is gone because I closed the shop about 6 years ago, when I started to spend more time on the road, than at the shop itself...I have most of the files stashed on this computer so if there was anything in particular you were looking for send me a PM with your real e-mail address and I'll forward it on to you.

01-17-2011, 06:42 PM
Awesome Bill,
I had forgotten about that. I cant believe that you remembered us. 4 of us attended and really enjoyed the class.

So you are on the road alot now....?? Are you attending alot of the shopbot events or just traveling?

Do you do much with your shopbot these days. Some other users may laugh at me because Im sure they see alot more of your posts than I do.

I have spent alot more time on here lately due to some computer issues that we were having. Thanks to some help on here we are back in business.


01-17-2011, 08:24 PM
Sent you a PM with contact info