View Full Version : More on Relief Maps

06-15-2006, 01:24 PM
After spending a couple of days with the Forum thread/links and the government mapping web sites, I am still not with dxf or any closer to cutting some relief maps. Things have changed or I am missing something big time!
Can anyone give me some pointers on getting the DEM files to become useful? Wilber doesn't work now and a conversion from spacial data to dem didn't work.
Thanks in advance-

06-15-2006, 02:11 PM
Though I haven't tried it, I considered using my Manifold GIS (www.manifold.net (http://www.manifold.net)) to import the DEMs, output a point cloud via ascii XYZ and then import that into TurboCad for export to 3DS. Then use MillWizard for carving.

I need one of those "round tuit" things, before I can give that a try. :-)

06-15-2006, 02:34 PM
Earl, I used 'Global Mapper' and artcam to do a couple relief maps. I'll attach the notes I wrote for myself. Been a while back and not sure if the notes would mean anything to me either - but for what it's worth to you:

Global Mapper/Artcam notes
global mapper inst.txt (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/2/global_mapper_inst-13699.txt) (2.8 k)