View Full Version : Software Advice.

02-08-2011, 04:27 PM
Looking for some simple instructions on Corell X3. I have spent a considerable amount of time looking in Corell help but have not found the awnswer. Probally because I'm not really computer literate.

The problem:

I download a lot of DXF drawings from the internet. I then open them in Corell and send them as a vector thumbnail to a seperate folder so I can see what they are without opening them again. 95% of the time they show up as a nice black line drawing. Every now and then one will be in a light red or green line which you can not see, the same if you open it in Partworks. If you reopen it with Corell you can see what it is.

What I am trying to find a way to darken the lines of these drawings in Corell before I export them so I can see them as a thunbnail or trace them in V Carve.

I hope someone can understand my rambling and provide me with some step by step advice.

Thanks in advance,


02-08-2011, 05:41 PM
Sounds like they have multiple layers. Most software shows layers other than the default in different colours.

I'm not familiar with Corel but I expect there's an option somewhere to change the default colours of the other layers to black.

02-08-2011, 06:22 PM
Thanks Adrian,

I will see if I can find some more information regarding layers.

Just thought that I would seek some advice here as there are so many with so much knowledge.

Thanks again,


02-08-2011, 11:29 PM
I don't use corel but I have seen what you are talking about. It would seem to me that their should be some way to hilite the vectors by selecting them and then pulling up a color pallette and changing the colors of the lines that way?

Or possibly there is something in your default settings that save things at certain colors, ect?

02-08-2011, 11:53 PM

As stated, they may be in layers and different colors for each layer. You should be able to select all with Ctrl-A or drag a selection box around them, go to the "Outline Tool" and click on it to pop out the tool flyout. Click on the first one "Outline Pen Dialog". There you can change the color of all selected entities along with line size etc.

There are a number of other ways, but that's the quickest that I've used.

02-08-2011, 11:59 PM
Hi Jack,

thanks for your reply.

Ihave been looking at Adrian's suggestion regarding layers. No joy so far.There will be a simple way to highlight the drawing, it's just that I can not seem to find it, or have seen the answer and just have not realised it, as I have said I am not a computer nerd.

However, thanks for your reply, at least you knew what I was on about. Hope one of the experts will see this and problem solved.



02-09-2011, 12:53 AM
While I'm not versed in Corel. Layers work basically the same in most design programs. I did find a quick CorelX3 layer overview here:


In Adobe Illustrator, we use their powerful combine & merge layer features to move artwork between layers. I'm certain CorelX3 has a similar feature. Or you could simply drag one layers contents to a common layer until you've combined all the layer data. It's the selection of the objects on different layers that is the trick.
Once learned, you may find it's as simple as "merge layers" and simply export.

Another helpful trick is in VCP FAQ section if you haven't seen it. It shows how to export from Corel draw so VCP can work easily with the files.

02-09-2011, 04:36 AM

thank you both for your time and effort to help me. It is appreciated.
Its Getting pretty late here now so I will follow up with your suggestions in the morning and let you know how we go. Thanks again to all,



Dusty Knobel
02-09-2011, 04:15 PM
With Coreldraw x4 , Vector 14, and Rhino4 I haven't found anything that I can't do - Send me the file and let's see what's going on. Dusty (furnituremaker at live dot com)

02-09-2011, 09:06 PM
Hi Dusty,

Still having problems. The problem is not opening the file, I can do that ok in Corell X3. When it opens the image/drawing is very pale,light almost invisable. What I want to do is darken the drawing.

I have tried to attach a picture of what I mean. Dought if you will see it.

Thanks for your offer.



02-09-2011, 09:40 PM
Your best solution would be to post the DXF file for some folks to download and look at. Preferred one that your having particular difficulty with.