View Full Version : Stopping Z lifting when hitting the space bar

02-24-2011, 04:27 AM
I wonder if anyone can help me with this one.

I need the Z not to lift if I need to stop in the middle of a job (as some lines actually go under the material). and if it pulls up it will cut through the material been cut. can I modify the Z safe file somehow ??

02-24-2011, 01:49 PM
Don't hit the spacebar, enter, or S. Sorry, had to say it.

Are you having to use the spacebar for some reason during the cut?

Does your tool need to backtrack along the cut before it can be pulled up out? Like a keyhole bit. You can create the toolpath to do that.

02-24-2011, 04:35 PM
You may need to check your start points or change them in the node edit mode...

Select a point on the polyline and right clic (in node edit) and select "change to start point"

The bit will drop into, and exit the material at the start point on a closed polyline.

If you set up a toolpath with the home position say 0,0,0 and the bit simply did a profile at a zero depth, I would suppose you could stop the file anywhere and it would not pull up vertically. Try an air run first...

03-14-2011, 10:01 AM
Sorry for the Delay.
Yes Scott as I wrote it |was waiting for that .ha ha.
I am using a 7" wide cutter with a double side abrasive cut .so it physically goes 3" under the job to give me a smooth clean radius from the top of my job . the problem comes if I have a clamp or something in the way, and need just to pause the job to move it ,or something like that. the cutter pulls through the job. the rest of the file cuts fine and homes OK .
Its just that small issue.

03-14-2011, 12:26 PM
even enter will do it but it does it when the toolpath changes direction or a little slower.
I think you just need to plan better with your cutting so you don't have to stop.

03-14-2011, 01:36 PM
Is there not a file I can modify to stop this , as planning always happens after the disaster .:mad:

03-14-2011, 02:23 PM
Have you tried setting safe z to zero in VC?
But beware, as it will stay at zero for JH etc.

03-14-2011, 02:29 PM
I was just going to post that. Slow typer ;).

If you go to the fill-in sheet and delete/leave blank the value for Safe Z pull up, it won't pull up with spacebar, enter, S. As stated though, use with caution as it will head for home without pulling up also. Make sure your path is clear! Remember to reset it when done.

If there was a way to blank that parameter by using VC,,,,, at the beginning of your file and then reset it at the end with VC,,,,1 it would be nice, but I don't see a way to blank that value. Anyone else?

That's one large cutter, any pause is going to make it burn the material if you don't back away from the profile a little. You could add a PAUSE in the file at the right point in the code and then resume when you're ready. It doesn't raise then.

03-15-2011, 03:00 AM
Hi My Z homing is at 0 ( i have a starting point quite high off the job so everything is a minus from there .

I hope this pic uploads . you can see the board has been turned and the side cuts where done from the other side .