View Full Version : Unsuitable Vectors

03-16-2011, 03:46 PM
I've created a file in Illustrator and exported it as a dwg file. I open the file in PartWorks V2. I get the design lined up and select all of the vectors. When I go to calculate the tool path, I get an Unsuitable Vectors Error. Since I can't attach the crv file, I've attached the dwg file.

Can anyone explain what we're doing wrong?

Brady Watson
03-16-2011, 04:25 PM
You most likely tried to v-carve using open vectors in your selection. There's nothing wrong with what you have there for machine-on/centerline engraving at a fixed depth, but you'll need to close any open vectors before you can v-carve them.


03-16-2011, 04:26 PM

It's because you have open vectors, 8 of them. I'm not sure of the intent of your design and type of toolpath (v-carve I presume), but you'll have to close the open vectors. If you question whether you may have some open vectors, you can right click and choose "Select all open vectors". Once selected, you can choose to close them with "Join open vectors" tool or you can use the scissors tool also. It's always a good habit to check for open vectors on any drawing from another program.


cross posted with Brady ;-)