View Full Version : Computer Controlled Graphical Fountain
03-19-2011, 06:03 AM
Hi my Friends,
(Sorry not directly related to shopbot as usual:D but a appetizer)
World is full of genius persons and i amazed to see how computer made life easy and how the ideas evolve and take their shapes in real world...
Sometime ago i saw a graphical fountain on You-tube:
Hmmm.. Watching it amazed me and convinced me to make a cheap but high quality version of the same... Looking at the fountain, it seems that water droplets are controlled through 100's of solenoid valves and each of the solenoid valve is controlled through computer in a complex manner and a complex programming...
So to make a computer controlled graphical fountain, we require:
1- A complex software that generate images into binary data and send to microcontroller.
2- Electronic hardware that plays as a bridge between Computer and Solenoid valves.
3- Mechanical structure that hold overhead reservoir with solenoid valves and a drain.
All above tasks are doable..... So i started making program and electronics hardware at the same time... when i tired from electronics i started programming... so eventually both the software and hardware completed at the same time..
By electronic Hardware i mean the "Simulator", which consists of Microcontroller and LED's.. currently installed 16 LED's to mimic the Solenoid valves..
I also purchased 16 solenoid valves too to start making the structure of the fountain.... I am here posting pictures of my software and its working...
03-19-2011, 06:11 AM
The attached picture of software shows how a number of solenoid valves can be operated in a manner to make beautiful stunning water effects....
1- You have to select an image 'WMF' black and white
2- Select the number of solenoid valves you have installed on the fountain. The greater the number of valves the greater the resolution and beauty of fountain.
3-Convert this image into '1' and '0' i.e. binary data... If you check the 'Add each design to one file' will have different designs in a single file
4-Open the computer USB port at which the micro-controller is installed.
5-Press 'SEND' button and see the stunning effects..
03-19-2011, 06:14 AM
I used 16 LED's to make a simulator for this software....
03-19-2011, 08:56 AM
Howdy again- fun stuff.
Years ago I wrote a scanner where the LED's spin around on a motor, and are turned on and off by an on-board CPU to create text and graphics in "the air".
How are you getting the parallel data out of the PC? Do you have a USB adapter, or are you using a PCI board of some kind?
Looks like you are having fun as usual!
03-19-2011, 09:58 AM
Howdy again- fun stuff.
Years ago I wrote a scanner where the LED's spin around on a motor, and are turned on and off by an on-board CPU to create text and graphics in "the air".D
Very interesting.. I don't know much about your setup but is it called POV effect?... Seems very interesting project, if you have a writeup somewhere on website, must refer:)
How are you getting the parallel data out of the PC? Do you have a USB adapter, or are you using a PCI board of some kind?
Looks like you are having fun as usual!
If you see the above picture, my software work as follows for 16 Solenoid valves:
1- Convert the photograph in binary data. The Black color is '1' and the white color is '0'.
2- Considering 16 solenoid valves, will give you 16 values of '1' and '0'. these 16 values has to be considered as two bytes data.
3- my software then convert each row into hexadecimal to shorten the data.
4- this data is sent through USB serial port to the micro-controller.
5- Their is small adjustable delay between the two rows of data. this delay separate the drops of rows.
The data is too fast transfer. If you see the video on you-tube of the simulator i made. you will see that the LED's lit and off for each row. If we consider the LED's as solenoid valves , each row the solenoid valve open/closes as per the data sent.
As far as the hardware is concerned its like attached picture: I am also attaching the picture of solenoid valves i purchased.
03-31-2011, 09:47 AM
Some advancements and updates on the software and hardware:
1- The software now can support all types of popular image format. Previously it only support WMF file Format.
2- Now you can add Colored images and then convert it in Pure Black and white.
3- Multuple image effects added, like Flip, Mirror and invert.
4- Delay Timer provided.
5- Scroll Bars were added to move big pictures inside picture container.
1- The PCB for controlling 40 solenoid valves was designed and etched.
2- The simulator was tested and a short video is in following youtube link:
3- Ordered more 30 solenoid valves. The pipe fittings are being machined on lathe. Hope i will be able to post some pictures in coming days.
03-31-2011, 09:48 AM
and some picture of the pipe header:
04-02-2011, 10:19 AM
I updated my Graphical programmer software:
1- A Loop checkbox and STOP button is added. If the 'Loop Checkbox' is ticked, the graphical hexadecimal data will be send to the microcontroller in a loop. So we will able to continuously run the graphical fountain and repeat the designs.
2- Pressing the Stop button will do following:
It will check how many bytes are in shift registers. Then the software will send numbers of '0X00' to finalize the shiftout function. After shifting out the software will turnoff all the valves by sending 5-bytes '0X00' to the controller.
UPDATES ON Hardware:
Here are the 40 solenoid valves attached to the rig
04-02-2011, 12:15 PM
Khalid- love the pc board. Did you use the toner transfer method?
Have you tried to cut a PCB using the CNC router? It looks like that board is single sided so it should be easy.
04-03-2011, 12:40 AM
Hi Dana,
Yes the board is quite simple and i used toner transfer method. I never tried the routing of pcb on my router and i think the toner transfer method is quite simple , accurate and less-time-consuming-process.I designed the board on eagle Pcb software and it is single sided. You can seethe picture of completed board as below:
04-03-2011, 03:37 AM
Here is another video in sequence with the graphical waterfall LED simulator toward the actual controlling of single solenoid valve... You can hear the ON/OFF sound from the solenoid valve.
In the last few frames the solenoid stopped working and i just stumped what happen?..and after a little investigation found the +ve wire of solenoid i connected it temporirly with squash tape..smiley-wink
The positive thing of this test was:
1- My Connections of IRF540 good.
2- Solenoid response time is also good.
3- During the testing my circuit didn't get back emf from the solenoid as i have connected IN4007 across the solenoid. Thus my circuit is safe.
4- Testing one solenoid valve successfully gave me confidence that all the remaining 39 valves will work great.
5- I thought the LED of the tested solenoid valve will not be bright or will be off but it also work as usual.
6- The 74HC595 and microcontroller IC are as cold as in ice room.
Here is the link of video:
04-18-2011, 06:59 AM
I have just installed the IN4007 across the solenoid and with no resistor/capacitor. the whole setup is running with 24VDC supply.
In the next video i will try to install the resistor/capacitor as suggested by Roman at CNCZONE.
Enjoy the following video:
04-18-2011, 12:39 PM
Do the people in your family think you are as "Nutty" as we do?:)
Our new name for you is the "Nutty Professor":D
Kind of along the same lines i am trying to build a shower stall with water massage for my horrible arthritis. I took a whirlpool tub that I bought for 20 bucks and took the hoses and nozzles out of the tub which had a hole in it and am locating the nozzles on a wall.
Now normally the pump sucks in water from the bottom of the tub and spits it out on the sides at a steady paces and i wonder if with a setup kind of like yours you could select different spray patterns for a different type of water massage.
The difference i see is the pressure that the water would be going thru the valves and whether you could stop/start the flow easily. Yours seems to be gravity fed with no pressure but i'm sure heavy duty valves are out there ( think of the fountains in Las Vegas). Interesting project.:cool:
05-06-2011, 10:00 AM
Hi Jack,
Whatever you think is good you name me...I am building this project in very low-budgeted amount, can't think of using heavy duty valve:)
Some more progress:
1- i completed the wiring of Solenoids and made an RC circuit to inject high current for short duration to increase the response time of solenoid. The resistance is 47RJ 5Watt and the capacitors i used are 50V 100mFarad.
and actual circuit:
and the wiring and tubing of solenoid bunch:
05-06-2011, 10:02 AM
and the installation of header:
05-13-2011, 11:27 AM
Wiring of all solenoid with microcontroller completed...
05-13-2011, 04:03 PM
Don't you think a better placement for your "waterfall" is in the bathroom and not in the living room!!??:eek:
good luck and make sure you show pics of the floor after your first tests!:rolleyes:
05-14-2011, 08:31 AM
Don't you think a better placement for your "waterfall" is in the bathroom and not in the living room!!??:eek:
good luck and make sure you show pics of the floor after your first tests!:rolleyes:
Yes most of the time i spent in living room. :D:D
This is first test of graphical waterfall consist 40 solenoid valves. All the things working fine but the graphics are hardly visible due to:
1- I have long tubing downstream the solenoids...If small metallic nozzles directly connected to the solenoid i would have got good results.
2- The Height of the solenoid. The solenoid are installed at about 8feet height, i think to see the graphical effect it must be 20 feet or above.
Any comments to improve will be highly appreciated:
05-14-2011, 01:36 PM
I'm very impressed by your ability to take on difficult projects like this and make them work. I've been following your posts about this and your laser scanner for some time now and have learned a lot. Thank you.
Something you may want to look into is "laminar flow".
If seen designs to make a laminar flow chamber out of straws and a few plates you could make on your cnc. Here's one design
This is how some of the giant fountains in Las Vegas and other places get the water to stick together like a solid rod. I noticed a lot of turbulence as the water left the tubes. Maybe just some sort of tip on the tubes would be enough?
05-14-2011, 09:12 PM
This may not be relative at all but do you remember the old "dot matrix" printers?
As i recall sometime you could make pictures on a page with a series of dots, dashes, lines, ect I wonder if you can program your spurts with that?
11-10-2013, 08:44 AM
This time i am making proper hardware and hope it will be success. I just completed 16valves electronics controller for solenoids. These modules will be added as solenoid valve increases.
11-11-2013, 09:25 AM
As always, I am amazed by your work! Thanks for sharing!
11-11-2013, 11:00 AM
khalid - that is cool looking!
This weekend I was working on an arduino project with bipolar drives for running a stepper motor. The magical blue smoke got out.. the trouble was I did not design the drives using a darlington pair so the NPN ran in the linear mode and dissipated too much heat.
It did make a satisfying crackling sound tho.
What I re-learned, is use darlingtons for drivers. Then the drive current from the CPU should be adequate for your fountain valves. What results is a design that is almost immune to HFE or Beta variations in the transistors.
Redesign time for me. The coils I expected to pull 100ma actually pulled 500ma.
11-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Thanks :)
Interesting but question is why you are designing bipolar stepper drive. You know a good stepper drive cost you 14US with free shipping.
I always afraid of Blue smoke so taking very care in electronics design. I wish you a good transistor's no-smoke day.
11-16-2013, 05:21 AM
I found the blue smoke in above circuit. A lot of etching, drilling and soldering and end result blue smoke :D Investigated the failure and found that the MOSFET legs were wrongly wired in the PCB. That what happens to me always:rolleyes:
Left that circuit, more simplified circuit evolved from the mistake. Hope this time i will not see the blue smoking stuff.:eek:
11-16-2013, 07:02 PM
One would suppose that with all this modern technology, we could purchase electronics with different color smoke in them. So conceptually not only would we have to select the case color, and specific buggy features, but the color it emits in its final moments!
Something like: I would like to order the new model gizmo that doesn't quite work, is loaded with things I dont want and cant get rid of, in the gray case with the green smoke option..
11-23-2013, 12:05 AM
Here is a brief update:
1- Handshake protocol is one of the difficult thing as the Picture converted into every type of EXTENDED CHARACTERS. So making protocol was a bit difficult task however the software is now working great:
Protocol is like:
> XYZ%
> = Start of byte
XYZ = three bytes i.e. 8x3= Solenoid valves
% = end of byte and send to shift register
We have all sort of ASCII characters incoming in serial port from VisualBasic to Arduino. We have to make a protocol so that we know that the bytes that are coming having START OF LINE > and END OF LINE% character as per protocol defined above. We have to precisely pick the two bytes between > and %. for example
Lets see a simple protocol:
Now there is a chance we get the data like:
>>%% or
or any combination.
but we have to pick the two middle values.. and we know its a serial data, some time computer through garbage values especially when the device is connecting or very fast data..and the data is coming like >>>%>aa%>we%%%%.......
However, the above job was done proffessionally lot of coffee and few nights..
2- Prepared the electronics and tested with the software and its performing brilliantly.
3- One of my friend sent me the waterfall pre-fabricated and now its in washroom for test purpose. it has 8 valves only will be very less resolution but i hope this time we will succeed.
11-23-2013, 12:48 PM
Here is the video. Unfortunately, the mobile camera was laying horizontal throughout the video. This video has small clips in which i am manupulating and optimizing my software for better results. The first clip showing arrow fall. In the subsequent videos various testing to optimize setting.
Unfortunately 8 valves gives bad resolution. i sent the video to fountain guy and he was amazed to see the results. He started fabricating 40 valves watefall. Morever i told him to add strong LED lighting just at each valve so that visibility come clear.
Few improvements he will do , i am sharing so that anybody interested can get it right for the first time.
1- Waterfall must have atleast 24 solenoid valves
2- Waterfall height must be 8ft or bigger
3- LED lights on each valve will make the falling water vsible and beautify the look of falls.
4- Add black curtain behind.
5- I am doing no more testing as my software and hardware prooved themselves. I am going to empty my washroom ;)
02-10-2014, 12:09 AM
We have tested 64 solenoid valves waterfall all day long in our FunFair community show for charity fund raising. Lightning and background still needs improvement however technically we have a very good response from the computer-electronics-hardware communication.
Here is the video. The header is at atmospheric pressure and outlet of solenoid valve is 6mm.
02-10-2014, 12:53 AM
Very cool Khalid!:eek: That must represent a TON of work.....good for you!:D
02-11-2014, 01:21 AM
Thanks Jack :)
02-12-2014, 11:16 AM
This thread also prove that How the ideas comes into reality with consistent efforts and dedication despite all failures.
God gives us what we struggle for, and that's true.
02-12-2014, 04:52 PM
Khalid, I did not really understand what you were doing until I saw the video. This is very cool. I think the project is inspired.
Also, "Nutty Professor" does not translate the intent. I would say "Abstract Genius" might translate closer. My hinglish is not that good so I wont even try. :)
Keep up the interesting projects. Thanks for sharing with us.
02-12-2014, 06:08 PM
Khalid, I see what you mean from the video how important the background and lighting are. Like that you stuck to it, me I would have either electrocuted myself and/or flooded the house. Good work!
02-13-2014, 12:26 AM
I am thankful to Talkshopbot and forum Administrator and moderators for giving me space to talk to the geniuses and artists in this forum.
@Joe Johnston:
Thanks for watching the video and motivational remarks:) I struggled a lot to get it working and the first failure gave me a set-back and i was hesitant to invest and continue the work. However, the motivation came from a fountain guy who want it working. He helped me with the valves and i wrote down the complete software from scratches... This programming was a bit difficult and challenging, However, the peoples who were live watching this in-front of their eyes, their lips become round with wow... That was enough for me.
I am thankful to you for your time and good comments about me.
@Scott Plaisted:
Thanks and you are right about the lighting and background. I could make it better but their was no time .. The troubleshooting took a lot of time till the night of D day, the FunFair Day. Alas, i had a time to improve the lighting/background for the peoples who come at Funfair.
The system is 24VDC so i hope if you start working you will at-least not electrocuted :)
Thanks for commenst.
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