View Full Version : PRT Post processors (Help)

04-14-2011, 04:30 PM
Hello all
I purchased a used but extremely well kept 4X8 PRT router machine from a guy on this forum a few months ago to compliment our PRS Alpha ,spindle machine.
I have 2 questions.
I've just gotten around to actually getting it going. I have the machine moving around etc.
First -, I am running Aspire V2.5 and there are no post processors for a PRT machine. I hope Aspire programs are compatable ! If so would someone please e mail me a post processor that I can drop in?

Second -I know this machine is a pretty big step below our alpha , but it ,makes quite a bit more noise when it moves. I geuss someone who has both can really answer this best, but is the machine noise I'm hearing normal? The newer machine makes practically no noise .
Thanks in advance for your assistance!

04-14-2011, 05:10 PM
That would be the PRT resonance. Download Bill Youngs keyboard music player and you can make it play songs!! Sometimes the groans sound like a soundtrack for a B horror movie.
The postprocessor is the same. Best choicce for your 1 head PRT is Shobpbot (arcs)(inch).spb The difference may come in the SB control software. If you have a 4g board you can use the latest and greatest but if it is the old control board you have to use an older SB version that is in the SB software archive.

04-15-2011, 05:16 PM
Thanks Dave !
Problem solved ....well other than the groaning and and moaning .:rolleyes:

This machine was a special deal. It has a 24" z axis .
This thing will take a little getting used to . I'm used to the PRS Alpha and the spindle . But it's just a thing !:D

By the way the keyboard music thing was pretty funny ! :D