View Full Version : making jewelry gift boxes.

04-15-2011, 02:10 AM
making the box is easy. but making the parts inside to hold the rings or cufflinks or what have you I could use some advise.
I want to make a universal box for my customer and thats the easy part. but I want fast to make inserts to hold the parts. then on ideas of finishing the insides. I was thinking ultra light mdf cut out then using one of those flocking guns to cover it with velvet or whatever they call it. They need to look good on the inside and I am trying to give them the best options.
the boxes will have single and double finger rings cufflinks and tie clips and a bottle of oil with them. so having different inserts would be easier then making each box to fit that item.

04-15-2011, 04:04 AM
I agree that the flocking gun would probably be the way to go as that would eliminate a lot of sanding.

04-15-2011, 08:18 AM

I have had a hard time with flocking guns as the flock does not want to go into the corners, I’ve had better luck dropping a handful of flock in the box, closing it and shaking. I also have issues coating all surfaces evenly with glue and getting powder on before the first part I glued starts to dry. Also it’s necessary to have a base coat of paint the color of the flock… if I use spray paint I have the same issues getting the color in the corners of the small compartments. I’m interested in others experience with flock.

If you have a large number of these to make, I’ve seen some interesting inserts done with vacuum formed plastics.

Steve G.

04-15-2011, 10:15 AM
Please take a look on the show and tell page 4 for my j box. The flocking works pretty good. I spent the 4 bucks for the miniflocker tube and it was worth it. For the insert ideas see the web site Woodsmith Magazine on line extras .On the right hand side is a drop down June 2005 Issue 159 Jewerly chest. This is how I do my insides now. The ring holder really is cool. We also make a watch holder out of foam wraped with a silk like material and screwed in the top case. I dont post any pictures of the box because most of it is not done on the Bot. Hope this helps.

04-15-2011, 11:36 AM

Maybe I am doing something incorrectly. I can see a PDF which gives a materials and cut list, but there is no information on the interior of the chest. Maybe this is something reserved for members only?


04-15-2011, 03:16 PM
Ill see if I can find it attach files and send you a PM

04-15-2011, 05:10 PM
Most things I flock are hand held inside a large cardboard box while the flock is sifted through a kitchen strainer. What flock I don't use falls to the bottom and is used on the next item.

I used to flock inside a sandblasting cabinet but when the door opened, the flock swirled up and came out so I couldn't exchange parts quickly.

04-15-2011, 06:10 PM
Thanks Dan!

04-16-2011, 12:56 AM
I decided to go with solid boxes to save time. this is 3 out of several I will make. not sure if they will flock them or not. I also cut the wood for the cufflinks pictured. I do single and double finger rings and all kinds of stuff for them.