View Full Version : My Bot started acting strangely today…

04-20-2011, 12:08 AM
My Bot started acting strangely today… or at least my computer did. Every time I try to open a file the “setup” procedure starts running. I have to go through the whole thing each time before it will let me run the file. Has anyone else had this situation and solved it?


Brady Watson
04-20-2011, 08:51 AM
Take a look at the post processor you selected. If you are running an older version of SB3 and your SBP has TS commands in it, it will call the Tools-->Setup screen to pop up.


04-20-2011, 10:15 AM
It was the “TS” command all right! I was using the tool paths generated directly by PartWorks3D (no postprocessor selected), without first importing them into PW3 for incorporation into a larger project, something I guess I’d never done before.
