View Full Version : Trouble with the Tool Data with new bits

05-03-2011, 03:56 AM
I am adding new bits and engraving cutters to he tool data in Aspire(I think work the same in ParkWork) all the time, I put the info correctlly and it calculate fine, but when I bring it to the BotShop3 and start the file to be cut, the loading green bar at the bottom of the screen stop and I get the an error message "parameter valve below range for vs. setting to lower limit (.05)" if I click OK start the spindler but real slow. To solve the problenm I go back to the Aspire and put any tool similar, but that came with the program. Go back to the BotShop 3 and it works fine, but this is very annoying.
Is anybody there that similar problem in the past?, I will appreciate any info
rolando@gti.net :confused:

Gary Campbell
05-03-2011, 08:43 AM
This usually is a result of adding slow speeds for inches per second, but leaving the INCHES PER MINUTE drop box selected. Double check the speed units box for the tools that you have added

05-07-2011, 03:41 AM
Yes you were right, as also Chris from ShopBot staff.
Today I had some time to fool around with the tools data and I found the way to avoid that problem.
I copied similar tool proven to work and just change the setting and it worked fine
Thank you again, Rolando:)