View Full Version : Complex machining

05-15-2011, 01:26 AM
I am wanting to program a cutting file that looks like a baseball bat at about 18" length and about 3.5" width with a rounded face. ( See DXF).

This will be a serving tool for a friend that has a local small restaurant. They serve samples of beer in small glasses and this will hold those little glasses

I also want to cut letters into the face of the "bat", along the curve.

I am sure I have a "key" for Partworks 3D somewhere... but have never used it. I don't how to set up cuts in that... I will find the key and see if I can figure this out on my own- and if any of you can point me toward the right techniques to do this, please do so.

Thanks for your help!


05-15-2011, 03:05 AM
this needs aspire to make. then you can do everything. you could get the bat in 3d and do the holes in 2d. but really the text needs aspire unless you can have a simple text cut along with the 3d shape. buit it would not be very crisp for the most part.

05-15-2011, 08:45 AM
Hi Monty,

Interesting project so I had a go at it using Aspire.

Here is a download link for an .stl file that you can open in Partworks 3D. I opened it in Cut3D (same program) and toolpathed it. It came out pretty good as you can see in the preview below.


With the 9 degree sloped sides, the holes would need to be completed with 3D toolpaths unless you have an 18 degree v-bit. They will be a little rough, but wood can be sanded.

Have fun!


05-15-2011, 12:15 PM

Thanks you very much!

The preview looks pretty much exactly how I was going to cut the haft of the handle. I appreciate your keen eye on that!

I have found my CD and gotten the key entered for Partworks 3D. I am trying to open the file and am getting some issues. Do I need something from DropBox in order to be able to get it downloaded properly? I am senind a message to my computer wizard. I may be doing something incorrectly. But I downloaded the zipped file, tried to extract it and it sees it as a certificate file or something... not the compressed file to be extracted. I will play with it some more and see if I can see what the issue is.

Thanks again.


05-15-2011, 12:21 PM
To everyone else who may have this difficulty... I tried a couple things then I just added ".stl" to the end of the name and was able to open it in Partworks 3D!

Now I have to go mess with it!!!


05-15-2011, 03:56 PM
OK. Looks like I have a lot of learning to do.

Task 1 is to learn to draw in 3D. I have a guy at work who can show me this. I will need it for this as well as for the things I will be doing for the shop.

Task 2 is to learn how to operate the Aspire and PartWorks 3D file set up.

Tim: Can I burden you to help me with this modified DWG file? (DWG was smaller than the DXF so I used it this time) I added markers for each of the pockets and the restaurant logo. ( redrawn with the things I can machine with the bits I have on hand. There were two parts that I had to leave out because the smallest bit I have is 1/32. I think the lettering will have to be done with 1/16 and 1/32 bits or it will not cut. These are "end mills" if you can call anything that small an end mill!- but they will have to do. I really want to get their logo into the handle. I can forgo the "first" through "Home" in the main portion of the barrel of the bat- those are my additions... but I think they are cool.

I also added to the length just a bit so that the slope into the bat handle did not have to start in the fourth cup hole...

Send me a PM if you need ANYTHING. And thanks to ALL you folks. This community ROCKS!

06-01-2011, 08:11 PM
Well, Tim gave me a burr under my saddle by showing me THAT is could be done... but he didn't do it FOR me. That is difficult, but also teaches a person to LEARN something and to be motivated... I was both. As you will see in the attached photos, I have figured out how to (1) get a 3D file built and loaded, (2) how to tool path it and (3) how to cut it.

There are some issues with my version:
(1) I think the handle needs to be thicker so that it does not split or splinter
(2) That means the knob needs to be larger and the design needs to be recalculated, and all the toolpathing, etc.
(3) the letters were not done with the thought of how small a bit I could use for the finishing phase. I could not get a 1/16" x 1.5 CL round nosed bit, so I used a 1/8" rotozip bit ( I am sure someone else has already discovered that they work pretty darn good in a pinch and are WAY cheaper than the ones I have on order- that aren't here yet...! So the letters look a little fatty and incorrect
(4) The letters did not all cut properly for some reason. I will have to look into that. (As in, some parts of the letters simply were faint touches of the bit in the surface... the dimensions would allow the 1/16" bit, which I fibbed and told the machine I was using a 1/16th, but really ran a 1/8"- this also had the effect of making the letters a little tubby in appearance.)
(5) My program really does not calculate spherical shapes well. It calculates facets that mimic the arc I want- so there was some sanding to do on the pockets, the end and and haft of the bat. No problem. And I didn't have to pay $700 for RhinoCAD or $3000 for AutoCAD- so I am OK with that- HOWEVER- if were going to build a LOT of shaped parts ( I am.) I will need either Rhino ( if it does a good job of this) or AutoCAD... so they will get me for some $ sooner or later!

All in all I am liking it, and the intended recipient has the first one. A new design will probably be ready and cut this weekend. I did not take finished pictures of the first with stain and all... (that was a mistake). But I will as I do the next one- when I intend to do one "natural" color and one dark ( like the first) for him to consider... I am planning on building a number of them for him.

BTW: He has asked how much these will cost- and I told him it was "learning opportunity" for me- and that he would not be able to afford them if I had to build them AND make money. I have roughly 3 hours solely in machining. (Finishing pass was calculated as if the tool was a 1/16" and with .009 step overs... took about 3 hrs by itself) ... So, if I use you guys' $1/min. guess, the price would be maybe $200 each... IF I don't charge for all the design time and all that- which would not be fair, because he would not need to pay for Tim to learn how to do it. And considering my friend and his marketing skills- I have a feeling I will be able to sell a few projects off of this- which will make the learning worthwhile!

Thanks to ALL who helped. I appreciate you and this forum a great deal.

And for those of you interested: The drink glass on the table is their "sample size" for me to pattern after, etc. - I was not boozing it up at the work table ( though I am not terribly opposed some nights!!)


06-01-2011, 08:34 PM
share your file...:eek:

06-01-2011, 09:04 PM
Really Gene?

I'd be happy to. I just thought it was kinda a niche that would be interesting to me... I have it on my 'Bot machine. I'll copy it off and post. It is two files because one is just roughing. It is my intent to do this in "better" lumber. Possibly in poplar or Oak- because they are nearly the same price as clear pine. This is a lowly 2 x 6 YP, prem. grade.

I have a little design work to do before I head "Out to the Barn"- where I will get and post.

BTW: My other idea is to incise the logo- which I have redrawn from their website- into the slab sides of the bat, and then back fill with colored epoxy...

PS: Current file has a sliver that remains on the haft of the bat. It was part of the logo that did not cut as planned- but I forgot to take this out... I sliced it off on mine and sanded smooth...

Thanks for looking.


06-01-2011, 11:04 PM
I should have known that these files would be too big to post. Gene, one of the guys was using a dropbox... I will search for it on the web. I have to go cut some material for my shop for tomorrow, then I will try to get these posted using a dropbox and will send you the addy for it.
