View Full Version : sign camp coming 2012

06-15-2011, 10:31 AM
hi. my name is rob and i've been on the forum for a couple of years.
i have held 5 aspire camps here in bridgeton indiana and a couple of those were sign camps. many of the guys at the camps use shopbots, as do i. in fact, don kearchner - aka routnabout - teaches at all my camps and he is a shopbot expert, at least in my eyes.

i just wanted to post that i will be holding a sign camp next june with aspire master sign builder/ movie prop maker jamie oxenham, teaching a 3 day sign camp.

i think if you look at jamies blog and his website you may agree that he will be showing us things at this camp that will elevate us to new heights. check him out here: http://fromaspiretobeyond.blogspot.com/ (http://fromaspiretobeyond.blogspot.com/) and his website at http://www.oxenhamdesign.com/ (http://www.oxenhamdesign.com/).

concrete armatures, 3d design methods, things most have never thought possible with a cnc. these are all normal for him. he will show ways to use your shopbot outside the box.
3 days of crazy training, lunch and dinner each day, a 2'x2' sign for each student made of hdu, and we will entirely finish it at the camp with jamie showing his methods. all here in beautiful bridgeton indiana. all for only 300.00 per person, class limited to 20. june of 2012.

i know this is early, and i promise not to beat this thread to death, but i just got jamie's commitment to come here next year and i am excited about it because i know how cool the camp is going to be. camps like this one cost over 1500.00 at some places. i'm not exaggerating.

ok, email me if you want more info - robert2280@att.net

06-15-2011, 06:21 PM
Good for you boys.

I like your idea's and equipment. The Techno is an ideal CNC. Let me know if I can give you any long distance help from Indian Territory. We all need more help.

Joe Crumley
www.normansignco.com (http://www.normansignco.com)

06-15-2011, 07:30 PM
most of us at the camp are shopbot people. but regardless if jamie is or not, the better a person is able to use their cnc, they more likely they are to use it. i figure the people on this forum who own shopbots, like myself, will benefit and eventually want to up-grade their bot.

joe, i really wish you could make it.

i know the guys, and gals, would love an oppurtunity to meet you.
i have a 2 story home and only use one, you are welcome to the 2nd floor.

06-17-2011, 12:22 AM
just a link to comments about my last camp, june 11 and 12, 2011