View Full Version : FabLab Tulsa, new ShopBot

06-18-2011, 01:44 PM
The Tulsa FabLab (http://www.fablabtulsa.com) is coming together now, construction on the building is done and now its time to start assembling tools. I was asked for assistance, and thought I would post a few pictures of the progress.

Facilities are really looking nice, this place is conceived as a meeting place to facilitate innovation. Bringing creative people together from different backgrounds and perspectives should make lively discussions and rapid design evolution. On their website they list the tools that will be in place when they open to the public.

The bot is a PRSalpha 48x96 3 axis with a 4hp spindle.

As of yesterday evening, all of the preliminary assembly is done. Next step is to get the electrician in to bring in the circuits necessary to power it. Then we can start preliminary setup and squaring. I intend to do squaring on a couple sheets of Lowes blue foam (LBF), with one sheet acting as a spoilboard, and the other as the working material. Initial hold-down will be double sided tape!

Once the basic XY squaring is finished we will use the bot to make its own initial baseboard and spoilboard. Again using the LBF as a temporary expendable base.

The excitement from the staff is wonderful. As I can I will post more photos, and update the progress. For information about the lab and when it will be open to the public, keep an eye on their web site.

Note, I am an interested observer, so I can only answer the most basic questions.

Stay tuned- D

06-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Its nice seeing the vision of digital fabrication outside of industry become reality. While its a concept we are all aware of most people just aren't aware of how "casual" it can be.

06-18-2011, 03:51 PM

If you need assistance send me a private message. I would be interested in helping. My hours are limited, but I can usually find some time each week.


06-18-2011, 04:57 PM
I hope they appreciate having their own in house expert:D
I know you must enjoy this project.

07-16-2011, 08:22 PM

Finally got electricity run to the bot, so now with power on we have squared the table (Dial indicator photo), built the three layers of the spoilboard, glued the spoilboard layers together, and surfaced the spoilboard.

Hold down is using bolts to the C rails, or a 6"x6" grid of holes with embedded 1/4x20 TNuts. That should provide mounting for most projects. The top two layers are designed to be easily replaced, they bolt on from underneath.

Its been an interesting build, and some of the issues others have experienced and posted to the forum have happened. Comm issues, backlash problems, prox switch issues, etc. I thank everybody for their contributions, they have helped a lot in getting this machine online.

When the lab opens and projects start getting built I plan to post some photos of what is getting built on it.

07-16-2011, 10:37 PM
needs dust

07-17-2011, 03:49 PM
Rick- that is its "Dustiny".

Actually it got a lot of dust cutting the spoilboard. The Kent CNC dust foot works very well until it reaches the edge of the work when part of the bristles go beyond the edge. Dust escapes in quantity, so we had to follow up with a hose to get the residual off the floor. Trying to keep it nice and clean, tho it is hard to do sometimes.


07-17-2011, 04:28 PM
A shop without dust, is not a shop....it's a storage closet....:rolleyes: