View Full Version : HSD Spindle will NOT start

06-30-2011, 11:51 AM
I have just received my PRSapha Buddy32. It is equiped with HSD spindel and Yaskawa VDF. I can't get the spindle running by using command 'C6'.

It looks like the control sofware doesn't "see" the spindle1 (tool 11) at all, because 'C6' command launches "MTCon.sbp" file and this file proceeds directly to the end and assumes that I have drill4 (tool 61) installed. Output lights 4 and 8 are ON.

I can start the spindle from a part file using command 'SO,1,1', but even in this case the spindle doesn't respond to RPM commands.

Can anybudy help, what could be wrong?

Becomming ShopBotter from Finland.

Brady Watson
06-30-2011, 01:10 PM
First, try saving out a toolpath using the ShopBot_Inch post processor from the 'Save Toolpath' dialog box dropdown list.

Make sure that the key attached to the wrench (if equipped) is in the control box and turned on.

See if that works.

Goto Tools->Spindle RPM Control in SB3 and open up the speed control. Make sure the USB from the VFD is plugged in. You will have to right-click on the RPM screen to change the settings for your specific VFD.


07-01-2011, 12:18 AM
Hi Brady,

Thank You for good advice. The VFD type was incorrect and is now set to correct one V1000. All USB-cables are pluged in and I also reinstalled the control software.

It helped and I was able to run the spindle from spb-file and spindle even responded to RPM chnage request. However the RPM change took place only if the RPM window was open on top of the control software windows (command 'TR'). If RPM window is closed spindle RPM will stay constant (last used RPM) regardless the part file TR-commands.

Is this normal operation - do You need to keep the RPM window open to be able to set the desired spindle RPM for a specific work?


07-01-2011, 02:15 AM
A spindle command should open that window. Make sure you have the latest control software. They just fixed a couple of glitches like you are describing.

Brady Watson
07-01-2011, 10:37 AM
Yes - the RPM window should stay open along side SB3. You can change RPM by clicking on the numbers and entering a new value.
