View Full Version : Toolpaths into one file

09-01-2011, 08:02 PM
Hello all,
Does anyone know how to get Aspire to save all of my toolpaths into one file?

I have a PRS Standard, PC router.

It keeps telling me that I am using different tools (true) and that my machine does not have an automatic tool changer (also true).

However in Partworks a line of code was automatically placed in the .SBP file that stopped the file to allow for a tool change. Is this not a part of Aspire?

Do I need to generate on my own a small batch of code to add to every toolpath file I generate from now on?

I am a newbie, but a former programmer, so I understand coding and the language, but I must be missing something. A program this comprehensive must have a way to do this...

I am using the Shopbot (arcs)(inch) post processor. I have also tried the Shopbot (inch) PP and it does not work. To the extent of my PP knowledge, there is not another post processor I can use.
I have also tried to give all the tools the same tool number. No Luck.

Thanks for the help!

09-01-2011, 08:42 PM
If you have manual tool change set up (C9 is called to do your manual tool change), you can use the tool change PP:


You will likley need to modify this for your needs. Do a search for MTC or manual tool change.
Once you have MTC Post Processor set up you can save all toolpaths into one file in aspire.

Also see Gary's columns: http://www.shopbotblog.com/index.php/2009/06/the-shopbot-%e2%80%9cvirtual%e2%80%9d-toolchanger-part-2/



Ryan P
09-01-2011, 08:50 PM
You will need the tool change post processor. The post from PartWorks and Aspire are interchangeable. The post you need is ShopBot_TC_inch.pp, you can copy the post from PartWorks to Aspire. You can find the location of the post folder by going to File then Open Application Data Folder. Go to the PostP folder and copy the ShopBot_TC_inch.pp file then go to Aspires Application Data Folder and paste it to Aspires PostP folder. Start Aspire and you will see a new post in the list named ShopBot TC (inch). This post will allow you to save all the tools to one folder. All the different tools have to have a different tool number. Hope this helps.

09-02-2011, 04:22 PM
THanks both Ryan and Ken. Ryan, I copied the post you mentioned to the Open Application Data Folder for Aspire and it worked great. One more question. I was told that the post Shopbot(arcs)(Inches) provided a better way to handle arcs. Will this new PP make a negative difference in that respect?

Thanks again to both of you for the replies.
Mark Brinson

Ryan P
09-02-2011, 06:06 PM
The post you copied handles the arcs the same way, it just adds the commands for manual tool changing.