View Full Version : Mirrored assembly - swapping X motors?

09-05-2011, 07:29 PM
I just finished assembly of my new/used Shopbot PRS Standard (MY 2007). All of the steppers are mounted per the assembly manual, along with the plexiglass wiring hoop.

Based on where the Shopbot is located in the shop, I'd like to switch the X1 and X2 motors so I can mount the control box and spindle VFD on the FRONT side of the Shopbot (based on the assembly manual designation of FRONT vs. BACK). Is this a simple matter of switching the X steppers, running the X2 wire through the gantry in the other direction, and switching the X1 and X2 connections at the control box?

It also looks like the wiring hoop can be mounted on the other side of the YZ car, and the L-shaped plate can obviously be moved to the other side of the gantry.

Any issues with the above? Sorry if this borderlines on a dumb question...

Thanks in advance!

Gary Campbell
09-05-2011, 08:24 PM
Are the wires not long enough to relocate the box?

And then, why do you feel you need to relocate the control box?

If you swap the motors, the machine will run the opposite direction in X, which can be corrected by making the unit values negative.

Should you run into problems and require tech support, they will request the machine be assembled as per the instuction manual so that their troubleshooting methods will have predictable results.

09-05-2011, 08:51 PM
Hi Gary,

I don't think the main spindle wire is long enough between the VFD and the spindle itself. Based on where I have wall space and the 220V circuit for the spindle, I'd prefer that the hoop and associated wiring land on the Shopbot-designated FRONT of the machine (which for me, is the right hand side of the machine, when standing perpendicular to and facing the spindle side of the gantry).

If I swap the X1 and X2 motor positions, can I simply plug the X1 motor into the X2 port on the control box (and vise versa for the other motor)? Does the controller know which is which, or does it simply send signal/power to whatever motor is plugged in?

I could easily be missing something here, as the general assembly and layout of this machine is only starting to become clear (having now gone through the assembly process).

How's the weather in Marquette? (I grew up in Grand Rapids...)

Thanks for your help!

Gary Campbell
09-05-2011, 09:06 PM
I have seen very few, if any, normal conditions where the spindle wire wasn't long enough to accomodate. Run a longer SO/SJ cord before the VFD. On my machine, which is not near a wall, I ran conduit out under the machine.

The common terminology calls the front of the machine the side of the machine where you would be when looking at the table in design view. Virtually all CadCam apps have this same view with X left to right and Y away. You, of course, can do anything you wish, but you will lose your ability to communicate seamlessly with the community.

I do not believe it matters in which port you plug the x motors. The cable wiring determines the direction.

I agree, you may be missing something. These are only robotic tools. made for you to change as needed. I would however rethink making the mechanics different than instructed until you have an experience level that would allow you to do this with little or no assistance.

Weather here is typical for Sept., 50 at nite and high 60's in the day.

09-06-2011, 12:53 AM
Why not just rotate the whole gantry. Unless i'm confused (quite possible) wouldn't rotating the gantry suffice?

09-06-2011, 11:26 PM
The common terminology calls the front of the machine the side of the machine where you would be when looking at the table in design view. Virtually all CadCam apps have this same view with X left to right and Y away. You, of course, can do anything you wish, but you will lose your ability to communicate seamlessly with the community.

This is great advice, thank you for your thoughts.

09-06-2011, 11:28 PM
Why not just rotate the whole gantry. Unless i'm confused (quite possible) wouldn't rotating the gantry suffice?

This would solve the 'issue', but for some reason it seems backward to me in my shop. It really shouldn't matter, but it just feels 'natural' to have the spindle facing the open end of my shop (the bot is only a few feet back from the main door opening...).

I'm going to confirm Gary's suspicion that the spindle wires may be long enough, otherwise I'll just rewire the cord between VFD and the wall receptacle.

Thanks much.