View Full Version : Total novices need help on tutorials please!
Bob Eustace
09-10-2011, 08:31 PM
Here is our problem. Just got a BT48 and totally happy with build quality. Have done the Shopbot logo as per the manual but what should one try next as it moves straight on to working with G code with no cutting experience? Selected the first project in get carving quickly - Rosette. Now the doc warns you that this file is only for Alphas and reduce feed and ramp speeds but doesnt explain this for dummies in Oz! Opened the three files OK but what do you do then? Wont open in sb3 but doc says they are ready to roll? We also cant understand how the 3D and 2D marry up in practice and why there are 3 files. *Cant see where the blank size is mentioned yet on the tutorial video it is shown in the bottom left corner of the screen. Tried sticking getting started on the forum but it doesent give the right answers. Contacted support but only got a one liner saying step by step is on the dual cd.
What concerns us is safety. Feel its unwise to run a 1/8 cutter without seeing an actual video of the machine doing it. Have cut the rosette in air but it seems way toooooo fast. Can any kind soul send us more basic files to allow us to learn at a slower pace?
Many thanks
Bob & Chrissy in Australia
09-11-2011, 10:57 AM
You are wise to be cautious. Asking questions is cheap; bits and materials are not.
If you select the toolpath tab, you will see one (or more) toolpaths. Select one and click on edit toolpath (it may be the fourth row, first icon). (I am using Aspire and the number and location of the icons are different.) This brings up the dialog that was used to create the toolpath. Near the top of the dialog the is a tool select button. Select the "select" button and a tool dialog opens up. Near the bottom right is the feeds and speeds section. set new feed rate and/or bit rotation speed. Select ok, then recalculate the toolpath ("calculate" button), then close . Select the toolpaths you want and save to a new file. You are ready to use this file with the new speeds.
Use a text editor and edit the .sbp file. About 15 lines down is the MS,###,#### line. The first number is the XY speed and the second is the Z speed. You can simply change these and save the file. IF YOU CHOOSE THIS METHOD, search the file for more MS commands. There will be an MS command for each toolpath you added to the .sbp file. I usually do not use this approach because you have not corrected the original design file and you may forget that you made a change.
Paul Z
Joe Porter
09-11-2011, 02:38 PM
Bob, is this a new machine? Did you get PartWorks and PartWorks 3D with your machine? These are ShopBot's version of Vectric's V Carve Pro and Cut 3D. Open PartWorks and the load your rosette from the Get Carving Quickly disc and you should be able to change feeds and speeds, etc. These are James Booth designs and tutorials. A good place to get more help with this is on Vectric's forum. James himself will be happy to help you. He only mentioned the Alpha as a note to Standard machines that feed and speeds may be too fast. Your machine will certainly cut these designs. As far as marrying the 2D and 3D for the Get Carving Quickly disc. that is a function of the PartWorks 3D, which allows you to toolpath a previously designed 3D design. Unfortunately the designs in Get Carving Quickly are not changeable and have to be cut as they are, so you must use the stated material size in the design. You can, however, change the 2D parts, such as putting in your name instead of "ShopBot Tools", etc. I know this is confusing, but it will become clearer with time and experience, I promise. joe
09-11-2011, 09:47 PM
Go to the Vectric site and use their tutorials for either VCarve Pro 5.5 or 6.0. These are the same programs as Partworks.
Bob Eustace
09-19-2011, 08:10 PM
Thanks to everyone for their help. We are almost sorted thanks to Ken taking us under his wing - a brilliant teacher.
Many thanks
Bob & Chrissy
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