View Full Version : Cutting/Pocketting Solid 1" PVC Plastic
09-19-2011, 10:11 PM
I need to help my Dad work with some PVC plastic he intends to use to replace some old ornate window frames in his Victorian style farmhouse.
I did some forum searching and it looks like I probably need an o-flute cutter.
I'm looking online at Centurion's option, also Amana, and a two-flute upcut from Onsrud.
Can anyone that has machined this material give me advice on what cutter will work best, also spindle speeds and feedrates?
I have a PRS Alpha machine with spindle.
09-19-2011, 10:24 PM
Onsrud super o (62-xxx) cuts just about everything and well' speed depends on feed and bit size. 1/4" 14k and 2 ips .25 pass is a good start
09-19-2011, 11:18 PM
I have a print out of a tool database (spreadsheet) that stan gave me, I think it came from here but I can never seem to find it, maybe someone can post a link. It had suggestion for all kinds of materials and rpms.
Brady Watson
09-19-2011, 11:36 PM
Go with the Onsrud - either 2 flute or 3 flute. The more flutes...the better the finish will be & the faster you can cut. I like to run in the 13-15000 RPM range and 1.5-4 IPS depending on how curly the design is. You have to think about the design when you consider speeds & RPM.
09-19-2011, 11:58 PM
2f straight bits will actually pocket out plastic with a cleaner bottom then the o flutes do.
09-20-2011, 01:44 AM
Is this solid PVC or expanded high density PVC foam?
09-20-2011, 11:54 AM
The material is SOLID PVC. Very heavy and dense. Does this stuff even machine ok? :confused:
I'm a bit out of my depth with machining plastic. I've cut some of the expanded type before that's a lot less dense material.
09-20-2011, 12:56 PM
I've never run the material through a router but i have cut and shaped it. Go with the suggestions for bits above and watch your speed.
Brady Watson
09-20-2011, 05:37 PM
56, 62 or 75 series Onsrud o-flute is the right tool for the job. Contact your Onsrud distributor or search online for Onsrud bits made for cutting hard plastic. The tool on seems to be down at the moment.
I've cut hard/solid PVC in the field (PVC vac plenum) with a regular 2-flute carbide end mill. Your going to max out at around 2 IPS with a 7.2:1 Alpha system. LESS if you have a non-Alpha or 1:1 Alpha.
Do your research and homework. It will pay off & you'll find the right tool & speeds.
09-20-2011, 06:22 PM
Brady has covered it well (except for the possible typo, there's no 75 series)
Although I like the O flutes for this I also like the 60-200 series, 3 flute low helix finisher, the only problem with it is its only available in 1/4" and up.
It does given one heck of a smooth cut
09-22-2011, 11:38 PM
Thanks to all for your good input. Brady your knowledge is appreciated on this forum.
Gary I sent you a PM inquiring about cutters.
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