View Full Version : Question about the ZZero script

09-22-2011, 06:34 PM
I've been studying the ZZero.sbp script that's called when the user issues a C2 command. The script relies heavily on statements similar to

ON INP(&my_ZzeroInput,1) GOTO CONTACT1 'this is where we'll go on contact with plate

I can't find anywhere in the script where &my_ZzeroInput is initialized to a starting value. Can anybody explain how this works?


Gary Campbell
09-22-2011, 08:06 PM
That variable should be initialized (and stored) in the my_variables file. (C:\SbParts\Custom\my_variables ) Early in the zzero file there is a callup of the file ... usually CN,90 or C#,90. That loads the user variables, and about 80 uneeded ones :confused:

09-22-2011, 08:17 PM
Thanks Gary, now it makes sense.