View Full Version : stumbling while jogging

09-27-2011, 04:20 AM
i am having trouble with my prs 120 while executing a cut file. I think that i have narrowed it down to when the gantry is jogging from point to point it will sometimes stumble as if it has run into something but then continue without prompting an error message and of course everything is out sync after this. This mostly happens moving in the X plain. I have released the motors and gantry moves fine. If i manualy jog the gantry around i can sometimes cause the problem to occur but only in jog not move. Is this a ram problem? any other suggestions? i am using parts wizard and shopbot 3. It is an older machine which i am new to. Any help greatly appreciated.


09-27-2011, 06:58 AM
what do you have as your jog speed.

Gary Campbell
09-27-2011, 08:03 AM
Please post your machine year/model (std or alpha) jog speed, comm rate, and computer spec with RAM.

Also, list connections and lengths between computer and control box

Brady Watson
09-27-2011, 08:54 AM
I bet your communication speeds is not up to par. Run the SpeedTest.exe in ProgramFiles\ShopBot\Diagnostics with SB3 closed. Report back what your efficiency is. I bet it is in the 56% range.

You'll get an instant improvement and fix the stumbling problem with a regular old USB 2.0 hub, available just about anywhere. Plug it into the computer & plug the ShopBot USB into that.

If that doesn't fix it, you have a program on your computer that is sapping resources. Most likely, something going out & looking for the internet or to update itself. Remove any non-essential program from the machine.


09-27-2011, 11:00 PM
i ran the speed test and you were spot on, 56%. I will pick up a usb 2.0 hub and see what difference that makes. Would a high speed 2.0 card be better than a hub? thanks for your help guys

09-28-2011, 07:42 AM
You need the hob to force the connection to use the enhanced 2.0 The shopbot won't do this on it's own.

09-28-2011, 08:03 AM
If that doesn't fix it, you have a program on your computer that is sapping resources.
Most likely, something going out & looking for the internet or to update itself.
Remove any non-essential program from the machine.Is he using a dedicated computer to run his Shopbot, or is he using his general-usage computer
loaded with Adobe, Google Earth, kids games, Skype, email programs checking for mail, etc.??


Gary Campbell
09-28-2011, 08:23 AM
The USB Hub is required. A PCI card is required if there are no native USB 2.0 ports available and may help many computers with a weak bus architecture.

Run the same comm test after installation of the hub, if over 70%, you're good to go, if not, add the card.

09-28-2011, 08:39 AM
A PCI card is required if there are no native USB 2.0 ports available ===> That was ours!
and may help many computers with a weak bus architecture. ===> That's ours.

Run the same comm test after installation of the hub, if over 70%, you're good to go, if not, add the card.Having recently replaced our old USB-1 card (at huge cost lol $16...) with a USB-2 card
and given what you've said above
I plan to give SpeedTest a whirl as soon as I go in, this morning.

Bradley says to run the exe with the SB3 software not-running.
Should I run it both ways? with SB3 both on and off? -any harm done?


Gary Campbell
09-28-2011, 09:05 AM
SpeedTest will not run with SB3 running. When someone as knowledgeable as BRADY instructs me, I dont question the method untill I know it doesnt work.

09-28-2011, 10:19 AM
SpeedTest will not run with SB3 running.
When someone as knowledgeable as BRADY instructs me, I dont question the method untill I know it doesnt work.
OK -thanks for that

I'm now at work, where our version of the SB Control Software is as I read it..

I went to Program Files/Shopbot/Diagnostics, but that folder is full of LoopTestPRT files and not a SpeedTest.exe in sight!
Perhaps this version of control software doesn't include a speed test?


09-28-2011, 01:12 PM
There should be a speed test exe. file in diagnostic tools. Under Utilities while SB is open click on diagnostic tools. When the folder opens close SB3 amd click on speed test. Or go to shopbot in program files and find the diagnostics folder. Or use windows search for Speed test. If it's not there then somehow it didn't install with SB3 or it's not available in the old 3.4 series. Upgrade to latest-Smoother running and more robust than 3.4 anyway.

09-29-2011, 02:21 PM
so i plugged in a powered 2.0 hub and ran the speed test. Came back at 78%. Ran a couple of cut files without problem and then the problem returned. The computer is dedicated to the cnc with non essential programs deleted. It is a pentium 4 running xp with 500mb ram. Thinking that i my as well upgrade the ram. any thoughts? jog speed is 10.


09-29-2011, 03:02 PM
Is this a standard or alpha. If it is a standard 10 IPS is to fast.

Gary Campbell
09-29-2011, 03:17 PM
Jerry is right, 10 ips may be too fast for the Standard. Especially when only running 500 mb RAM. Try kicking the RAM up to 1 or 2 GB, then increase your jog speed until it stumbles, then back down 10-15%

09-29-2011, 05:28 PM
yes it a standard. i dropped the jog speed down to 6. i will see how that goes. i will drop in some extra ram as well. thanks for the help

09-29-2011, 07:34 PM
I have 2 gigs of ram and my standard will only run 9 over the entire table I can get it to 10 but only in one axis so if I try jog home at 10 it will stumble.

Gary Campbell
09-29-2011, 07:44 PM
That makes sense. On a single axis jog, steps are sent to 1 axis only. On a 2 axis move, signals are sent to 2. Even tho the speed on the hypotenuse (diagonal leg) will not be higher than the set jog speed, the controller will be sending out more steps.

My guess is that 8ips is a reasonable starting spot for a standard.

09-29-2011, 08:05 PM
With everything well adjusted on a PRS standard 9ips is about maximum jog.