View Full Version : Trying to turn a blank to a profile, problems

08-06-2009, 10:04 PM
I have a profile that I created in Aspire


and using the routine in the Indexer utility to turn to a profile I entered this data


and this is the .sbp file generated by the Indexer utility

.sbp file

2848 (21.9 k)

The problem is that the program raises the Z to it's limit. If I read the program data right I can see that it's raising the Z as opposed to lowering it as it cuts; to over 9 inches in some of the instructions.

Does anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong. This is new to me so it's easily possible the problem is with me but any input would be appreciated.

08-06-2009, 10:24 PM
Is your indexer mounted in Y or X?

What axis view is this profile we see here?
I'm a bit confused about what shape you are trying to ultimately get..

08-06-2009, 10:28 PM
The indexer is parallel to the Y Axis. The shape is pretty much as you see in the profile. The axis in the profile is a slice along the Y axis.

08-07-2009, 08:49 AM
Tom can you post the file you made in Aspire?

08-07-2009, 09:44 AM
The Aspire file is greater than 50K so I can't upload it.

08-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Check the Z settings on the material setup tab in Aspire.


08-07-2009, 12:49 PM
An interesting point, my Z is zeroed at the top of the piece but zeroing at the base seems more logical. Of course I'd have to be careful about the gaps and home position but I understnd that.

Having said that, I still have a problem with the resultant program. I've included the first pass data and if I read it right the Z seems to go to over 9 inches while the Y only moves a bit. It seems as if the Y and Z are reversed.

' file cuts in 7 passes
MZ, 2.685
MY, 4.438
M5,,, 2.9175,, 360
MB, 720
M5,, 4.438, 2.918,,0
M5,, 4.288, 2.918,,360
M5,, 4.203, 2.922,,720
M5,, 4.125, 2.934,,1080
M5,, 4.05, 2.955,,1440
M5,, 3.976, 2.983,,1800
M5,, 3.906, 3.018,,2160
M5,, 3.841, 3.061,,2520
M5,, 3.78, 3.11,,2880
M5,, 3.724, 3.166,,3240
M5,, 3.675, 3.227,,3600
M5,, 3.632, 3.293,,3960
M5,, 3.596, 3.363,,4320
M5,, 3.568, 3.436,,4680
M5,, 3.548, 3.512,,5040
M5,, 3.536, 3.589,,5400
M5,, 3.531, 3.674,,5760
M5,, 3.531, 3.922,,6120
M5,, 3.531, 4.17,,6480
M5,, 3.531, 4.418,,6840
M5,, 3.163, 4.418,,7200
M5,, 3.143, 4.419,,7560
M5,, 3.13, 4.421,,7920
M5,, 3.118, 4.424,,8280
M5,, 3.106, 4.429,,8640
M5,, 3.094, 4.435,,9000
M5,, 3.083, 4.442,,9360
M5,, 3.073, 4.45,,9720
M5,, 3.064, 4.459,,10080
M5,, 3.055, 4.469,,10440
M5,, 3.048, 4.48,,10800
M5,, 3.042, 4.492,,11160
M5,, 3.038, 4.504,,11520
M5,, 3.034, 4.517,,11880
M5,, 3.032, 4.529,,12240
M5,, 3.031, 4.549,,12600
M5,, 3.031, 4.819,,12960
M5,, 3.031, 5.089,,13320
M5,, 3.031, 5.358,,13680
M5,, 3.031, 5.628,,14040
M5,, 3.031, 5.898,,14400
M5,, 3.031, 6.168,,14760
M5,, 3.031, 6.437,,15120
M5,, 3.031, 6.707,,15480
M5,, 3.031, 6.977,,15840
M5,, 3.031, 7.246,,16200
M5,, 3.031, 7.516,,16560
M5,, 3.031, 7.786,,16920
M5,, 3.032, 7.806,,17280
M5,, 3.034, 7.818,,17640
M5,, 3.038, 7.831,,18000
M5,, 3.042, 7.843,,18360
M5,, 3.048, 7.855,,18720
M5,, 3.055, 7.866,,19080
M5,, 3.064, 7.876,,19440
M5,, 3.073, 7.885,,19800
M5,, 3.083, 7.893,,20160
M5,, 3.094, 7.9,,20520
M5,, 3.106, 7.906,,20880
M5,, 3.118, 7.911,,21240
M5,, 3.13, 7.914,,21600
M5,, 3.143, 7.916,,21960
M5,, 3.163, 7.918,,22320
M5,, 3.531, 7.918,,22680
M5,, 3.531, 8.165,,23040
M5,, 3.531, 8.413,,23400
M5,, 3.531, 8.661,,23760
M5,, 3.535, 8.741,,24120
M5,, 3.546, 8.814,,24480
M5,, 3.564, 8.885,,24840
M5,, 3.589, 8.954,,25200
M5,, 3.62, 9.021,,25560
M5,, 3.658, 9.084,,25920
M5,, 3.702, 9.143,,26280
M5,, 3.751, 9.198,,26640
M5,, 3.806, 9.247,,27000
M5,, 3.865, 9.291,,27360
M5,, 3.928, 9.329,,27720
M5,, 3.994, 9.36,,28080
M5,, 4.064, 9.385,,28440
M5,, 4.135, 9.403,,28800
M5,, 4.208, 9.414,,29160
M5,, 4.287, 9.418,,29520
M5,, 4.438, 9.418,,29880
MZ, 2.685

08-07-2009, 01:16 PM
Hey Tom,

That's a Y-parallel specific problem that I thought I had fixed. Are you using the new Indexer executable with the UAC fix from the other day? If so then it looks like my fix wasn't really a fix after all!


08-07-2009, 04:44 PM

I'm sorry to say that it was the program with the fix. The Text Wrap worked fine after the fix so I decided to get familiar with the other routines and came up with this problem.

BTW, so far it works with Windows 7 just fine; except for this problem. Just thought you might want to know some good news.

08-07-2009, 05:52 PM
Maybe I am reading the problem incorrectly here and don't understand but in Randalls example (and Toms) above it looks like the part is being made in Aspire and it looks like you are Zzeroing to the table and when you are setting a part up in the indexer the Zzero is in the center. Could your problems be caused by a issue between the different Zzero points? Or am i just incorrect in my reading of the situation?

08-07-2009, 06:25 PM

The zeroing may be causing problems of it's own but the big problem that I see from the program code is that the Z axis is being driven way past it's limit. If I read that last M5 command correctly it's trying to get the Z axis to 9.418", which is way past my limit.

Gary Campbell
08-07-2009, 07:10 PM
Looking at the file, it appears that the Z axis coordinates are what was intended for the Y, and visa versa. Sounds like Bill is working on it.

08-10-2009, 12:08 PM
Hey Tom (and anyone else interested),

I think this version has all the fixes (that I know about at least), along with a partial update of the pdf instructions. You can download it at http://www.shopbottools.com/LabFiles/sb_labs_files/Indexer_Virtual_Tool_08_08_09.zip

Just rename your "C:\program files\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\Indexer" folder to something like "Indexer_old"...just in case...then unzip the downloaded file and plunk the new "Indexer" folder into your "Virtual Tools" folder. You should be good to go.


08-10-2009, 12:25 PM
Hi Bill,
You mentioned earlier that you were working on an update for the indexer and I wondered if this was that update? Or was this just a Y axis fix for those "Y" guys? Is this anything i should bother to download and install because i'm an X man....(no not Wolverine!)

08-10-2009, 03:19 PM
This version has both X and Y fixes for the way stepdown is calculated and modifications to make it Vista-complient. There are some other minor fixes, but those are the ones you would most likely notice.

I would have told you that this version is final and will be included with the next Control Software, but then again I thought the same about the version that Tom was using. So probably the best reason to download this is to help find any last-minute bugs. It's hard to find them alll


08-10-2009, 10:23 PM

That fix seems to have taken care of the problem. I ran the same profile with the new Indexer routine and it came out exactly as drawn. Imagine that.

Thanks for the quick help.


08-11-2009, 08:09 AM
That's great to hear...thanks.