View Full Version : What's working with the Ecab link?
10-19-2011, 06:37 PM
Had another lousy day of error messages. Got a call from SB and it was mentioned that the current SB control was not suited to running the link correctly. Currently running V. 3.6.38.
I believe I upgraded to this version from when I was running on an earlier version that was giving trouble with the onion skin tool path from a link file.
Aside from hooking up my cyclone and adding new ram (3 Gigs) I haven't changed anything else from the last large job to this one. Ran a registry repair first thing this morning and ran one sheet without a hitch. Got into the middle of the next sheet and it vapor locked.
SB3 software is locking up and throwing error messages left and right. Would anyone be able to recommend an earlier version of SB3 that has proven to be reliable with E cabs link?
Thanks for any advice,
Gary Campbell
10-19-2011, 08:18 PM
Not sure that it fixes your issue, but a version put out to specifically address SB Link issues has been posted online:
Look for 3.6.40
10-20-2011, 11:42 AM
Thanks Gary but I tried loading 3.6.40 and it was jacking up the settings for my spindle controller. I'll stick with the 3.6.38 for the rest of the job. I have no confidence in the latest SB version not having further issues unless I hear otherwise.
10-21-2011, 02:06 PM
Don't know why but the "Htz Scale" setting for the VFD is set at 60 with the latest version when it should be 100.
Change that and you should be good to go. To change it , click on "RPM" in the spindle control window to bring up the fill-in sheet.
I sure wish that they would incorporate the spindle window in with the "Positon" window and just make a button for settings!
10-21-2011, 04:04 PM
Thanks Scott,
It was also found by SB when I realized the software wasn't jiving with the VFD. Frank at SB figured it out pretty quick. From my perspective/experience, any time there is another update it's just another game of whack-a-mole with new problems created by newer versions. Hoping to see if there was any other cabinet shops having smooth sailing with a version of SB3 and the Link.
Gary Campbell sold me his black box computer so I hope that may solve the SB3 pooping rug every second sheet. If it doesn't then more lost time and money trying to figure out how to get this machine too run correctly.
10-21-2011, 04:41 PM
I've had minimal errors using Link ver. 1.0.18 and control software ver. 3.6.38
Gary Campbell
10-21-2011, 06:16 PM
Just to be sure, I installed a keystroke logger on Tim's new computer. This way I can confirm there is a dead short between the keyboard and the seat! :D
10-22-2011, 01:38 AM
Don't know why but the "Htz Scale" setting for the VFD is set at 60 with the latest version when it should be 100.
Change that and you should be good to go. To change it , click on "RPM" in the spindle control window to bring up the fill-in sheet.
I sure wish that they would incorporate the spindle window in with the "Positon" window and just make a button for settings!
PEB-KAC error, problem exists between keyboard and chair.:D
10-22-2011, 10:40 AM
When I see a problem between the SB3 software and the spindle speed control (yes, due to incorrect fill in settings) my first thoughts were:
A. This update hasn't been tested enuff if this wasn't caught right out of the gate.
B. What else is in this update that's waiting to spring itself on my job?
C. I'll stick with the current psycho girlfriend. At least I know when I can sleep safely.
All kidding aside, when I see someone stumble into a glass door with a door handle that is mirrored on both sides of the door I blame the designer of that door and not the person who is using it incorrectly.
The door gives no visual feed back for what you are supposed to do. Do you push or pull on the handle. Ever do that in front of a crowd of people? Makes you feel pretty stupid. I'm sure that the designer of that door feels pretty darn proud of his door though.
The latest advice I've gotten is that I may not be hitting my 'ENTER' button correctly during cutting sessions that have a prompt in them. This might be why SB3 is pooping on the floor so often.
Some designer said 'things work or don't work by design'.
I'm trying to get food on the table with this machine. I'm tired of the errors and issues.
10-22-2011, 01:32 PM
Although I have few problems with my machine (other than bad operator input from time to time), I can feel Tim's (and others) pain and do grow weary of seeing it come up so often. Don't get me wrong, I love my bot and ShopBot, but I've always felt that SB3 has never really gotten out of beta state or has always felt a bit disjointed (spindle control being one of those joints).
Another thing I've noticed with the latest version is that there is now a lag between the time a rpm change is passed in the code with a "TR" and when the change occurs. If you have several rpm changes in your files, beware that a cut may begin before the rpm has been applied and your cutter could be placed under greater stress until things catch up.
Tim, don't you know that the proper way to hit the enter button is to do so whilst doing a one handed hand stand! ? ;)
Gary Campbell
10-22-2011, 10:34 PM
It seems that you have one of those computers that gives the 401 error. Try using the mouse to select OK and see if thats any better
10-24-2011, 01:08 PM
I have reported an increasing number of errors involving a prox switch event during XY calibrating or the first plunge during the Z zeroing routine. Always on the first go. I don't know if it's related and I'm thinking that there is something wrong in the software or the control box. Dust collection is not even running during these operations.
I'm suspicious that it might have something to do with the SB3 code pooping out during a cutting session.
I swapped back the ram to bring the computer back to the same config. before running this latest mangled job file. Problem has occurred still.
It would seem like a good idea for ShopBot to build a vetted control computer in the event that anyone would want to run their machine with dependability in mind.
10-24-2011, 04:10 PM
You are not the first to suggest that with current sophistication of software SB should at least offer a dedicated control computer. Even if they sold it for cost they would be way ahead on reduced user frustration and requests for customer service.
10-24-2011, 05:00 PM
Personally I think they'd be better served by rewriting the software from the ground up in a language more suited to real time control.
Putting that new software onto a small embedded PC running a barebones Linux distro would solve a lot of problems.
10-24-2011, 06:10 PM
A good concept Adrian but I would hate to be the user of the first few versions of a completely new operating software!!
10-25-2011, 09:40 AM
It seems odd to me that SB would build and redesign a machine that is so dependent on a component, let the customer supply that component, and then offer technical support for any issues and errors that may or may not be coming from that component.
So far I have swapped computers out, bought pci/usb card, powered usb hub, swapped out factory supplied usb hubs, bought and added ram (3 Gigs), bought and tried powered USB cables, grounded machine as prescribed by G.C., Stripped down my O.S., grounded my ducting.
Machine SB3 still performs erratically.
Should be receiving G.C's black box computer today. Hopefully, this will end the ongoing issues. I will now have a control computer that is known to be working with at least another SB machine. If the problems go away, it would seem to bolster the argument of SB needing to offer a control computer for those that want to get up and running dependably.
It will be an interesting day after the UPS man arrives. I have postponed needed cutting of some flip ops and .5" material in order to run the same file on the same machine with different control computer.
10-25-2011, 12:01 PM
My system is reliable. I rarely have issues with the software failing or with error message. I do run a simple system though, all router/spindle/dust collector/vacuum hold down devices are manually turned on and off.
Also I run a stripped down version of windows XP. I don't do updates, and I don't add other software other than the link.
I have had a few problems with extra/missing dattos cuts. But I don't think that is a link issue. If I go back to look at the designed cabinet with ecabinets and nest them there and check I can see the missing/extra dattos.
Interesting you should mention missing dado's. I did a large wall unit, designed in eCabs, a while back and when I cut the parts, I did have dado's missing. When I audited the nesting, the dado's were there. When I cut the parts a second time, the dado's were cut. It was just the first time I cut, the dado's were missing. I found that very odd. Couldn't reproduce it even though I tried. But I did take pictures to document it.
10-25-2011, 08:02 PM
Hopefully the attached j-pegs will make sense. In the E cab nest there are stretchers with little tenons on either end and a green outline of a dado that is a flip operation located in the nest. They can be seen in the top sheets and just the top portion of the bottom edge of the screen (to save on file size I cropped the image as tight as I could). These are the only type of part with this shape in the cabinet job.
In the link nest, the same parts do not have the flip operation included on the parts except for one. It's label also had a bar code for the flip whereas the other same parts did not.
These are stretcher parts that are located in the cabinet in an up/down orientation. Why the link is not nesting the parts with the correct flip op is any ones guess.
Sent Thermwood a TWD file, link settings and an Hsf. file. Haven't heard anything yet.
10-25-2011, 08:13 PM
Also should mention I took delivery of Gary's computer today and got it hooked up to the machine. Seems to be working fine air cutting some SB3 files. Haven't hammered it with a link file yet. No more soft easy living in Gary's shop.
Only thing I noticed fooling around with the cabling was that the speed test diagnostic program had trouble finding the SB port on several attempts to find the usb port. At the same time the usb viewer would display the port that the sb control box was on. This would also happen with my previous computers. Gary mentioned to jiggle the wires some and give the side of the case a hard slap or two like an old TV but I found that unplugging the VFD controller cable and plugging it back in got the speed test diagnostics to find the SB control box port. No troubles after a few more reboots, c3's and c2's. Found the control box port every time. I will make a note to check the com port this way before running any files to be sure.
11-04-2011, 09:17 AM
Gary's computer hasn't resolved the issues I've been having. I've installed a 12g. ground wire thru the inside of the dust hose as Brady mentioned in another post. Wire pokes thru the hose at the metal ducting connection. Protruding wire is spliced to stranded 12 guage and home run to the dust collectors grounding terminal screw in D.C. motors' electrical connection box. Grounding from box to wall power cable on D.C. has been checked for continuity.
Pox switch errors and failed c-2/ c-3, SB3 routines and SB3 hang-ups were present yesterday afternoon and I was only able to get 1 sheet out. Still have two more sheets to complete the job.
Hopefully, running a bare copper cable thru the duct hose, instead of the hose's wound reinforcement wire, will work and all these constant errors will go away.
11-04-2011, 07:05 PM
Have you tried running a file with the dust collector off? That should help narrow down if it's static from the dust collector.
11-04-2011, 08:07 PM
Thanks Bill,
I've air cut a few SB3 files with the new computer before I tried running money thru the machine. Air cut the files fine.
I've also had the dropped com and SB3 lock ups on start up without the D.C. on. I don't know what to make of it.
Got one sheet with manual tool changing done today just fine. Second sheet dropped com 3 (shopbot) about 5 minutes into it. Locked up SB#, spindle sitting and spinning in material heating bit up, E-stop no help. Had to shut it off at control box.
Latest idea from SB is to tap into the control box's power and run the control computer off of that. The idea was there might be a difference in grounding between box and computer. Tying the computer into the box would eliminate that possibility. That will be happening this weekend.
At least it can't be blamed on the control computer any longer. I'm thinking of renaming it the StopBot.
12-22-2011, 08:14 PM
Is this resolved yet? I had some similar intermittent problems with z zero, xy zero, and programs freezing. I found a loose wire connection at a crimp connector, ( Actually it was a lucky accident that I found it ) , which when replaced resolved all issues.
12-28-2011, 11:01 AM
Hi Bob,
Swapped out the control card in the control box and it now SEEMS to be a new machine.
I Have to qualify the "seems" a bit since the stability of the machine has gone from O.K. to poor, back to O.K,. back to poor in it's history.
Finished running a small kitchen a week or so ago and am gearing up for a whole house worth of case work now. Will be cutting in another week or so as client and I get the last details tied down. Small kitchen was about 9 sheets of prefinished ply. No hiccup except for a 401 run time error between offloading the third sheet's parts and loading the 4 sheet. Hit the 'Locate sheet 4' prompt to start cutting again and got the message. Otherwise the difference between this small kitchen and a previous larger one was like night and day. The upcoming will be about a 1/2 unit of PB melamine sheet stock and longer cutting sessions. Temperatures have fallen below 32F and the air is a lot drier. Should be a good test.
I'm very much hoping that the control card was the hat trick that solved the problems.
By the way, out of curiosity, what was the crimp connector that you found faulty? I'll have a look at mine again just in case.
12-28-2011, 08:39 PM
Those "Error 401 Modal/non modal" dialogs are being worked on. Have you tried using the mouse to select OK to the sheet dialog box? Non scientific, but has helped some users.
01-04-2012, 11:11 AM
Glad you have it fixed Tim. The loose crimp on my machine was from the previous owner. When he crimped an extension to the wire for the Y axis prox switch it didn't connect very good. Must have come loose during the move and became intermittent connection (the worst kind as we all know).
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